And there it is.
Accommodation and acquiescence. Learned helplessness and preemptive surrender. Retreat and complicity.
In the midst of an unprecedented assault on the constitutional order, the nominal opposition party fails to use the one key tool in its arsenal to push back. What a disaster.
Accommodation and acquiescence. Learned helplessness and preemptive surrender. Retreat and complicity.
In the midst of an unprecedented assault on the constitutional order, the nominal opposition party fails to use the one key tool in its arsenal to push back. What a disaster.
Reposted from
Matt Novak
The final tally to advance the CR is 62-38.
The Democrats who voted for cloture, giving Donald Trump everything he wants:
Cortez Masto (NV)
Durbin (IL)
Fetterman (PA)
Gillibrand (NY)
Hassan (NH)
Peters (MI)
Schatz (HI)
Schumer (NY)
Shaheen (NH)
The Democrats who voted for cloture, giving Donald Trump everything he wants:
Cortez Masto (NV)
Durbin (IL)
Fetterman (PA)
Gillibrand (NY)
Hassan (NH)
Peters (MI)
Schatz (HI)
Schumer (NY)
Shaheen (NH)
But if the opposition party simply won't act to defend the constitution, none of that matters.
- Franz von Papen
This was it, our one chance.
We are completely on our own.
But those people are affected anyway. Does he think DOGE won’t fire them for some reason? 🙄
And yet, Mazie Hirono voted no.
Fine getting rid of Gillibrand & Schumer too. It’s past time.
Disappointed in Brian Schatz. Thought much more of him.