Do you work in tech and want to rebel against this administration?
Integrate accessibility into your product work, no matter the laws and the bullshit this administration says, no matter what your execs say.
Treat it as a given, don't ask for permission.
Integrate accessibility into your product work, no matter the laws and the bullshit this administration says, no matter what your execs say.
Treat it as a given, don't ask for permission.
This administration may try to remove legal protections related to accessibility (we will see how that goes), but it will be impossible to make accessibility illegal.
You wanna do something small with a low risk? Here it is.
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No use making tech accessible if it shouldn’t exist in the first place.
It's a weird space to navigate because if someone's job requires them to use a morally horrifying technology, and they have a disability, they could lose their job not being able to use it
So it's really a tricky balancing act, to determine if the technology is causing more harm than good if it is accessible.
Idk if I am making sense, I've though a lot about this for the past two years