That spineless shitshow last night should have been all you needed to see to know that nobody is coming to help. maaaybe Al Green, but certainly none of the rest.
Judging by the weak ass leadership on dem side of the aisle we are on our own. We need to stop looking up for answers and form them on our own. Call your reps and senators tomorrow and tell them they are out, we need strength immediately.
Be ready to take to the streets, or be in support of the people who are. We need logistics trains for all the people who are wanting to protest, are protesting, etc!
I’d like to know too. Something tangible if possible. I know money helps but just sending money off and not knowing how it’s being used feels very 2024.
Inform, educate, organize, multiply, act. The faster we get to 3.5% the better. Create local groups and educate the community. is a good place to start, is another one.
I hope they're dedicated because their arms are gonna be very tired by the end of this lol I had to change the channel. I can't stand listening to this anymore.
Walmart saw a 6.5% decrease, Target had a 1% decrease, and Costco saw an 8% Increase.
It was definitely just a blip, but it's also just our first message. We are all continuing not to spend on anything other than necessities this year. By next year, they will feel the impact.
100%. The news is going far right so it's going to be up to people like us to share updates on Social Media and talk to friends and family. My FB page has become space for news updates from Independent Journalists. We are going to have to keep getting our hands dirty. This is not a fair fight.
The biggest issue I see right now is one of coordination. Conservatives have spent the last 50 years building a media infrastructure that we're woefully unprepared to fight against.
Never mind that the left is almost impossibly fractured and we can't stop infighting.
I agree. Democrats are too split. We need to Re-Brand with boots on the ground. We need to use what Conservatives dislike and amplify it. They are pissed at cuts to Vet care. We need commercials showing the damage Elon caused. We need commercials on FOX showing increased deficit.
That Girl, Following so, I can help spread the news as you share it. Please FB, as I need to feel i am doing Something. 🌊 66 yr old Denverite, who WAS going to retire later this year @ my full SS age. Not now, it seems. 😡 Until they go after people w/disabilities, I still have a job. 🥵 #NotOkHere 🤬🌊
Agree & adding to this. It’s got to be speak to facts on impact to state/local communities or it’s “liberal tears” Ex. if OR needs to cut Medicaid x amount 600 elderly or disabled adults in residential care, 400 in AFH. lose their housing = homeless & trickle to economy-provided,EMS./ER/IPH log jams
I don’t think anyone in congress has substantial ideas. I have found @adamkinzinger
all have simple and effective ideas. And @resistlist has some inspiration as well. Find them at their Bluesky handles
Run for local office, if you can. Change begins at the grass roots level.
Show up at protests & marches. Organize some. Bring friends.
Call your Reps & Senators. Show up at their offices. Press them to answer. Remind them who they work for.
Show up at town halls.
Practice conscientious consumption.
This! And we need to get together *outside of outage cycles* that means building groups where you are, that are welcoming. Hold fun events not just protests. Protests are important but they don't sustain a movement. Organization and community sustain it.
Occupy Wall Street, ect ect
People need to *join* and *collaborate* groups and *meet regularly*. Align on the big talking points and try to expand your group to others by focusing on corporate power wealth inequality and corrupt crony capitalism.
I think we to hear much more on how Dems are fighting #votersuppression in all its forms since it won't matter who is running we won't be able to win if they cheat to "win", which I believe they did in last election & remember rump said, get me elected this time and you'll never have to vote again.
I am running a legal smear campaign against my GOP Congressman. He is 71 years old and won't retire. He's a Trump loyalist. I will personally volunteer my time and resources to help any DEM who campaigns against him! Michigan District 1.
Be ready to participate in a General Strike.
Call and write your congressperson
Don't wait till too late to rise up.
Get ready.
Donating doesn’t work.
That spineless shitshow last night should have been all you needed to see to know that nobody is coming to help. maaaybe Al Green, but certainly none of the rest.
I am trying to stay positive
6 entities own the us media outright.
The oligarch news networks.
Hashtag the guardian in England, bbc world news.
Be the media we’d like to see.
That's partly why matching colors.
I think I would have like all to attend, then one row at a time, leave at each lie.
It'd be empty right quick.
1. Economic blackout. Don’t support the Trump economy.
2. Care for those in your immediate community. Hope is local.
We need to escalate because, clearly, no one is listening.
It was definitely just a blip, but it's also just our first message. We are all continuing not to spend on anything other than necessities this year. By next year, they will feel the impact.
Never mind that the left is almost impossibly fractured and we can't stop infighting.
Much of the world is boycotting, extending it domestically is imperative.
Boycott, protest, take down Tesla.
This is an important moment in history.
I would prefer they provide company or industry ideas to pressure, like I did with my bank.
Few needed a CUNA bailout and none needed fdic.
Much lower failure rate than commercial banks.
Oust the oligarchs.
all have simple and effective ideas. And @resistlist has some inspiration as well. Find them at their Bluesky handles
Show up at protests & marches. Organize some. Bring friends.
Call your Reps & Senators. Show up at their offices. Press them to answer. Remind them who they work for.
Show up at town halls.
Practice conscientious consumption.
People need to *join* and *collaborate* groups and *meet regularly*. Align on the big talking points and try to expand your group to others by focusing on corporate power wealth inequality and corrupt crony capitalism.
Y'all follow for ideas
If you’re not running pick a candidate or issue that suits you and donate, volunteer and or amplify.
Lather, rinse, repeat till GOP is gone. 🫧🧼