It's quite great to try to find and love the beauty in the moon’s glow. People are captivated by its phases and mystery, dreaming under its light, embracing its serenity, and seeking solace and inspiration from its celestial presence.
This feels surreal.
I’m not sure how this convicted felon, who was being charged with stealing US intelligence, is allowed to go back for unfettered access to more of the same, that he will ultimately hand over gleefully, to his puppet master, Putin.
Can someone please explain how?
“She’s lost under the spell of the Moon again and doesn’t want to be Found”
Daniel Mercury
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Atari ST or Amiga version?
Where is...?
I’m not sure how this convicted felon, who was being charged with stealing US intelligence, is allowed to go back for unfettered access to more of the same, that he will ultimately hand over gleefully, to his puppet master, Putin.
Can someone please explain how?