Absolutely. If you upload everything to the cloud and the cloud breaks or dies, or worse yet, gets discontinued, all your files could be gone when you need them the most. Which reminds me, I need to archive some pictures to optical disk, although floppies are much more relaible.
I have a usb floppy dd, but many of my old hd disks are no longer readable. I did manage to use a few to install OPENSTEP (NeXT OS) on an old Pentium, it runs great. It just doesn't talk to any other computer on the network. Probably just needs some old Unix server to talk to.
Cloud? what Cloud?!?
Floppy disks are hard to get nowadays and the capacity is a problem, but nothing is stopping you from using recordable optical discs and drawing on the labels if you crave physical media.
Get one of those little USB external drives. You can label them, take them out of the computer, and carry them everywhere. They'er a bit bigger than a floppy disk, but kind of close. 😂
You know that back in the day when computers were nothing more than glorified typewriters those floppys were GOLD. That's when WYSIWYG was a new thing. You could store quite a bit as there were no formatting capcities to waste space. Dear God, I am old.
No, back in the day having a HDD was GOLD. You could install Windows on it, and it would *boot* from there, and much faster than from these crappy floppies.
Cloud? what Cloud?!?
Hey babe check out this video (proceeds to load 5326 floppies)
(But btw I hate “the cloud” too)
Print one of these, and hide a usb stick inside it.
i bought a 2.5 gigabit switch for a reason man
That reminds me, I need to get a new SSD…