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Obsessed with Sci-Fi! Chronically ill, dynamically disabled, holding on by a thread. I use Sci-Fi to keep me grounded and centered. It almost always works.
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SeaQuest s2ep15 "Alone." Absolute cheese-fest, and I love it. But! Until this episode, I didn't know about the Japanese internment in the US. I didn't see it when it aired but a few years later. This episode is good for many reasons. Give it a watch! #seaquest #scifi #psychics

S1ep9 #warehouse13 Regrets is very acutely about regret and the suicidality that results from it. BUT it's also about facing the distortions in your thinking and resolving whatever false narrative you've built. It's a rough episode if you're dealing with this kind of thing. #scifi #mentalhealth

The Pilot of #warehouse13 has a scene where a man sets himself on fire at a gas station, as he is under the influence of an artifact. It's at approx 50 minutes. If you're sensitive, best get up to pee. When he arrives at the gas station, you'll know to leave or forward it. #scifi #mentalhealth

Episode "Death Wish" of #voyager is underrated, exceptionally and sensitively made, and more relevant today than ever. I wish Quinn had decided to live a mortal life, but that decision was only his to make. Made better by Q's assistance and empathy. Janeway at her finest, imo. #scifi

I've started watching #warehouse13 again. Some episodes should have suicide/self-injury warnings. If you're sensitive to these themes, be mindful. It's an amazing show, and I fully recommend sci-fi fans to see it! Just be mindful. #scifi

We were so, so hopeful when Cain showed up.....*le sigh* Hubs and I were discussing how silent we'll need to be when we show Galactica to our daughter this summer. She's 17. Feelings like Cain showing up and Kobel are what make this show great. #scifi #bsg #galactica

No, Roslin maybe shouldntna asked Starbuck to go to Caprica, but Adama definitely should not have don't the coup thing. Like a whole military coup because he was butt-hurt? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ #scifi #bsg #galactica

"Sometimes, you have to roll the hard six."

The way Starbuck hated Leoben at the start of torture and then showed compassion before he died, is the best of what makes us human. Praying for his soul was not something she needed to do. We can learn and change. We can grow. We should have compassion for our enemies. #bsg #scifi #humanity

"I swore an oath to defend the articles. The articles say there's an election in 7 months. If you're telling me we're throwing out the law, then I am not a captain, you're not a commander, and you are not the president. And I don't owe either of you a damned explanation for anything." #bsg #scifi

"....Now, if we are even going to survive as a species, we need to get the hell out of here, and we need to start having babies." Roslin *scene change* "They'd better start having babies." Adama "Is that an order?" Tigh "Maybe before too long." Adama #bsg #galactica #scifi

Taking a break from ST to rewatch Galactica. I know the world is bleak, but for some reason, ST isn't helping. It's...too hopeful? Right this second, for me, it feels almost toxic in its positivity, even DS9. BSG is great because it's realistic. It's finding hope in the mundane, in the daily grind.

Sometimes NSSI is a one and done response to trauma. More often it's ongoing for months or years. 27 yrs on and NSSI is a tool I use as a last resort. I'm not ashamed; it works. Don't start plz and ask for help if you do. Shrinks are good for tools and support! #mentalhealth #nssi #startrek

Chakotay started asking real questions, good ones, about suicide. She explains that she's trying to make sure she's alive. She dissociated and didn't know how to cope. He assured her she wasn't alone and that opened her just enough to feel hope again. Allowing her to help. #startrek #mentalhealth

They're reaction was typical. Invasive, judgemental, and ultimately unhelpful. They were all scared and unsure of what to do. So they invaded her privacy. Chakotay turned on the massacre and made her watch and explain. He could have asked about it without dragging her in. #startrek #voyager #nssi

It bothered me that B'Elanna was clearly suffering from depression and Neelix was the only one that noticed it in his gut. Tom gave her shit for not being excited enough for him. Seven was confused by her. Chekotay was scared and didn't understand. Janeway took her off duty. #nssi #voyager #scifi

B'Elanna was destroyed by the loss of the Maquis. She didn't have any framework for dealing with that kind of trauma, esp with the Klingon half. Pain would have made sense as an outlet. She'd have felt better for a short time. But like all addictions, the fixes need to get bigger. #nssi #startrek

Voyager did a lot wrong but also a lot right. Mental health hit on topics other shows didn't. "Extreme Risk" does a really good job of explaining NSSI in terms everyone can understand. B'Elanna uses pain to help her cope with trauma. She never wants to die; she used the tool available. #voyager

I had to ask my Shrink the icky question of how he voted. He did answer in a way I was hoping, so our relationship continues. I don't want politics in the room as a discussion, but I couldn't handle politics as an unspoken fear. Next, I'll ask if he watches Star Trek. #therapy #startrek #politics

I didn't understand that I suffered from chronic suicidality until I started watching Star Trek. Specifically, DS9 because it discusses depression, suicide, and trauma a lot, but from the perspective of healing and asking for help. I stuck with therapy because of "Hard Time." #ds9 #startrek #scifi

'93-'99. I was 9-16. I started watching DS9 in earnest, around age 13. It shaped most of my belief systems and outlooks on life. Every character had specific impacts on me. There are stories that gut me the 21st time like it's the 1st time. Ds9 is hope when I have none, and I'm okay with that. #ds9

DS9 has saved my life several times. It helped me figure out who I wanted to be when I grew up. Kira is my hero. I aspire to her healing and confidence. Watching her capacity for reflection, forgiveness, change, love, loyalty, and service grow is always amazing. #ds9 #startrek #scifi #hope