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Getting Started

I am appalled by the ASM's decision to remove DEI content from their website. Here is my email to the American Society for Microbiology, asking them to put everything back as it was. If you are an ASM member, please consider writing them.

[Fedi meta, new fedis, reminder to be kind ♥] Please be gentle with any new fedis. Give them time to learn. Before replying with advice please go to the original post and check the replies to make sure you're not dogpiling them, or better yet give them a chance to look around and get a sense […]

7 steps to junk science that can achieve worldly success It's baffling to me how the replication crisis is older than a decade, and the scientific community in ecology still pretends it doesn't exist. Few other fields have as many of […]

I would like to propose we start using the term "pro-craft" to describe our movement, rather than anti-AI. craft as a verb: to make or manufacture (an object or product) with skill and careful attention to detail craft as a descriptive noun: an art, trade, or occupation requiring special […]

AI ought to stand for “Attribution Imperative” because the increased importance of attribution is the most immediate need I see in response to AI. There was a time when studying a macrophoto of an insect didn’t require you to know if it was real or not. If a diagram of the water cycle looked […]

Mastodon isn't perfect. But the fact a social network exists that is completely free to use, has no venture capital investors, has no shareholders to answer to, has no growth targets, with a web interface with zero cookies, and mobile apps with zero trackers at all with ten thousand […]