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Britain must choose between an unstable alliance with Trump or aligning with a resilient, unified Europe

"The term DEI, frequently invoked by the Trump administration, functions as a smoke screen" read on the real goals of the 'anti-DEI' rhetoric

paris proves it: when we stop designing cities for cars and start designing them for people, the air clears, the streets come alive, and life gets better. less smog, more green. less noise, more joy. fewer fumes, more kids playing safely. this isn't some hippy dream, it's a choice.

In every single interview I’ve done with international media since Trump took power I’ve been asked: Why are there no mass protests? There are many reasons, of course, but the utter refusal of the self-proclaimed “fourth estate” to communicate clearly what is happening has to be high on the list.

Humans have three life support systems — our bodies, our infrastructure, and our environment — and Trump and his enablers are attacking all three. They are going to kill us all.

WYOMING: “Thank you, Madam chairman.” “I prefer ‘Mister’ chairman.” “Well you all voted preferred pronouns cannot be compelled speech.”

“If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” A classic quote from Malcolm X, who was assassinated 60 years ago today.

During his speech in the European Parliament, Kyiv Mayor Vitaliy Klychko said that "Ukrainians are now defending peace across Europe." "The reason for this senseless war is that we Ukrainians want to be part of the European family. And the Russian Federation cannot accept this.

"Refleksīvā anti-trauksmes siena, kas konsekventi tiek rādīta kā nobriedušāka, saprātīgāka pozīcija" ir tieši tas, ko šobrīd piedzīvojam. (Rekomendēju arī Tomasa Zimmera vēstkopu - tā veltīta demokrātijai un tās apdraudējumu skaidrojumiem trāpīgā un kontekstam lagi fermulētā veidā.)

"War is when,one afternoon, you're shopping for the evening's birthday party,the same day,at dinner,you're preparing a funeral instead. Every time,I tell myself it can't get any worse.But,since 2022, life has shown me that there's always worse than the worst," Ihor shares His story is heartbreaking

Hello All, Just put out this piece about the false hopes people are placing in the idea of a "transactional" foreign policy. Basing your security not on strong alliances but on bilateral deal-making and power wielding is normally a failure.

I understand this sentiment among military personnel (you’ll hear the same from Finland too) who have exercised fighting together intensively over the past 3 years and beyond. But unfortunately politics can end up breaking the cameraderie.

Izskatās, ka Kanāda tagad raud gauzām līdzīgas asaras tām, ko mēs, kopā ar Irbi, himnai skanot, raudājām tālajos deviņdesmitajos!

Lielisks, nesaudzīgs un labēji-patriahālo uztveri atmaskojošs raksts. Vēl papildus pieminētu arī uzbrukumus 15 minūšu pilsētām un tās mūsdienīgi prioritizētai infrastruktūrai, jo laikietilpīga pārvietošanās un būšana ieslēgtam ne tikai birojos, 4 sienās, bet arī uz 4 riteņiem, apgrūtina vecākošanu.

Kļūstam par izvairīgās valodiņas meistariem visos līmeņos - sākot no valdībām un beidzot ar medijiem. Tas vērojams gan tēmas par pandēmiju, kur vesels minimizējošo vārdu komplekts jau soc.zin. labi apskatīts, gan runājot par norisēm Tuvajos Austrumos, gan tagad - par reakcionāro labējo pavērsienu.

In future generations, when your children and grandchildren look back on this moment, they are not going to ask about the price of eggs. They are going to ask you what you did. Not what you felt. Not what you paid. But what you did. And I want to be able to say I did everything I possibly could.

President Trump's mug shot is one of the first things visitors will see when approaching the Oval Office.

The Trump administration is now bringing the postwar era to an end. No one should be surprised: this is what they said they would do. America's European and Asian allies need to adjust, quickly.

If I had known that my both-siding and obsessive focus on “cancel culture” would lead to the massacre of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian civilians, I might’ve done things differently. No, who am I kidding, I would’ve done things exactly the same.

Savukārt es, ļoooti sliktos laikapstākļos atveru logu un aicinu kaķi lūkoties ārā. Tad mēs abi stāvam, raugāmies vētrā, un es viņam stāstu, cik sūri sokas citiem kaķiem, kam nav savu māju un labu, pakalpīgu dzīvesbiedru. Katrā ziņā māksla un laikapstākļi ir labas tēmas dziļdomīgām sarunām ar kaķiem.

What’s happening with the US government reminds me of this story (great book btw): Libertarians took over a town in NH in 2004 and gutted its services, cut taxes, etc. Less than 8 yrs later things had gotten so bad that black bears were breaking into homes and killing people for the first time ever.

Bittersweet anniversary New Italian edition coming soon.

Bold ethnic cleansing, you mean.

People often assume the emotions associated with cruelty are hatred and anger, but it’s actually pleasure and joy. Fascists relish their cruelty. They roll it around on their tongue like a mouthful of full-bodied wine. They laugh as they harm.

Mulsina LV politiķu pašsaprotamība izteikumos, ka lielajos forumos, kur tiek spriests par Eiropas drošibu un nākotni, publiski tiek runāts viens, bet kuluāros un pat tādu ierindas deputātu kā, piem., R.Kols divpusējās sarunās, spriests kas cits. Tas grauj uzticēšanos politiskajiem procesiem.

E.Rinkevičs: "Ja jūs man jautājāt, vai karš ir beidzies, vai karā kāds ir uzvarējis vai zaudējis, es tomēr piesardzīgi teikšu, lai kādi labi nodomi izbeigt karu [Ukrainā] būtu, teiksim ASV, Krievijai tā ir tikai pauze." /LTV1, "Šodienas jautājums",19.02./ Labi nodomi...

Eiropas līderi un ekslīderi rādās būt biškīt apjukuši. Kaut nevajadzētu. Nebija tieši nevienas pazīmes, kas ļautu pieņemt pretējo. Mazliet stingrāks mugurkauls un rāma atturēšana jau būtu lieliska politisko norišu izpratnes demonstrācija un cieņa pret savām tautām un cilvēkiem Eiropā.

Social democracy is not a viable alternative to capitalism. It is a tempting prospect, but ultimately suffers from violent contradictions that cannot be sustained. 🧵

Lai gan augsta LV valsts amatpersona, ar mūža specializēšanos ārlietās, iesmaida par paniku un lēš, ka Trampa administrācija vēl tikai formulējas savās nostājās, manuprāt, tā jau gana labi noformulējusies. Mums kā sabiedrībai ir jārada spiediens politiķiem, kādu rīcību (un komunikāciju) sagaidām.

Warning over privacy of encrypted messages as Russia targets Signal Messenger

Zelensky's popularity in Ukraine far exceeds Trump's popularity in the United States

A dictatorship hosting another dictatorship to negotiate with an aspiring dictatorship about the future of a democracy that’s not represented.

a government full of sexual abusers taking the position that you can't say no

Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth’s overseas trip started with heckling from military families. That turned out to be one the best moments of his excursion.

Took the kids this summer to see some of our most fiercely protected conservation areas. Was magical.

1. A few years ago, people like me were widely attacked in the media for “declinism”. How could we fail to see that we were heading into a capitalist utopia, in which everything would keep getting better? This is a thread about what we could see that our critics could not. 🧵

Historians Politely Remind Nation To Check What's Happened In Past Before Making Any Big Decisions

I think what I find so repellent about the far-right is the sheer nihilism at its core. For all the talk of culture and identity, they are just flimsy masks strapped over, in Arendt's words "the intoxication of destruction as an actual experience, dreaming the stupid dream of producing the void.”

Marco Rubio's collaboration with Russia's Sergei Lavrov and Putin is one of the most disgusting acts of betrayal to democracy and our nation. Rubio has secured his place in history of infamy.

RFK Jr. thinks that a clinical trial should be done for the entire childhood vaccine schedule. Here’s why that will never happen. 1. You can’t do a randomized trial of something that we already know is safe and effective. There would have to be a placebo group that didn’t get vaxxed. Unethical.

Oh, look what normal countries do when a former president leads a far right coup attempt.

Bet "ASV administrācija vēl formulē savu nostāju pret Ukrainu", vai ne? 🤡

Guy Pearce Gets Choked Up Recalling Troubling Encounters With Kevin Spacey While Filming ‘L.A. Confidential’: “He Targeted Me, No Question”

"Bet kāpēc viņi neizvēlas likumīgus ceļus, lai iebrauktu kādā valstī un tā vietā nelegāli laužas pāri robežām?"