Historians Politely Remind Nation To Check What's Happened In Past Before Making Any Big Decisions
The US celebrates it's 250th birthday soon.
Obviously, there is no correlation.
I can do that!
Perhaps this one time we can consider an alternative approach unless you can read quickly.
Those who remember history are forced to watch in horror because those who forget history refused to listen to them.
- Gordon Sumner aka Sting
JEFFERSON DAVIS and Robert Lee and the Confederacy
Like those
Shut up
Stab them with forks.
Where's the satire? Can't find it.
Those that do have millions are as amoral as ally cats to people or nations and could care less
The Garlic
I did wonder how many would get the Tiananmen Square inference on the recent cartoon. That was only 1989.
It does feel like history is disappearing from public consumption and at a time when it has never been more important.
Two teachers said that you need knowledge in general. They both gave solid explanations. The kids listened better.
Covfeve bigly