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The asteroid is too small to do much damage. It would devastate a city but isn’t anywhere near the same weight class as the one responsible for the KPg extinction.
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This. It’s one thing if they are two equal penalties, but if one is serious enough, it should never be offset.
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I always accept it. It doesn’t seem fair to edit it. The most I’ve ever done is add skin details to the lid for reasons.
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Oh, X is more and more becoming the echo chamber of the far right. I left because I was sick of funding it. I doubt I could combat it if I stayed as the owner is promoting the change into a cesspit for crazies.
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Get out of there. Stuff like that is only temporary. The water will come back, often more than there was before. It's like seeing the water retreating before a tsunami hits. It's your sign to get to higher ground.
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Yeah, you can tell this person hasn't paid attention to musicals these days. Sweeny Todd, Hamilton, Chicago, etc. are not light and happy. Instead, the music heightens the emotional responses and highlights what the characters are going through emotionally.