Interesting, I haven't seen that listed as a significant factor that influences the reverse storm surge. Let me know if you can recommend a link that talks more about this connection.
My layman's understanding is in some geographically constrained basins, there's a displacement, and corresponding reverse elsewhere, when an intense low is offshore. This was cited as a contributing factor when designing the Thames containment.
"The phenomenon, reminiscent of what occurred during Hurricanes Ian in 2022 and Irma in 2017, will probably last only a few hours — and could suddenly reverse, with damaging results."
Are you calling him a "Zio" because he's Jewish? There are plenty of Jewish anti-Zionists, many of which are on here. Also if you're actually serious about Palestinian liberation, don't use "zio". It was coined by David Duke, a prominent grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.
This happened on Andros Island in the Bahamas in Hurricane Matthew in 2016. The bay was emptied out, but as the stormed passed by the direction of the wind shifted, and all the water came back at once. It slammed like a tsunami into the village of Lowe Sound and destroyed a lot of homes.
Get out of there. Stuff like that is only temporary. The water will come back, often more than there was before. It's like seeing the water retreating before a tsunami hits. It's your sign to get to higher ground.
Storm surge is on a slower timescale than a tsunami, hours rather than minutes, but still a lot of care and a rapid line of retreat needed. Not a time to muck about.
A normal tide actually would return over hours. However depending on what happens when the wind direction shifts. It can come in as quickly as it went out. Which did not happen over hours. This water is being pushed around by 120 140 mph winds.
It's not instant. It's basically being sucked toward the storm and as the storm comes it's pushed back out as it makes land fall. It's not a Tsunami level "rush for cover" situation (partially because anyone that DID stay has had ample time to know the storm is/was coming). Generally 1-2 hours b4.
I get the chills when I see scenes like this because I was in Phuket to help with the UK Govt response to the 2004 tsunami so saw the aftermath. Hopefully this won't be anything like that, but personally I wouldn't hang around.
And probably with a vengeance!
Be safe people
What are the odds?
I posted it 4 hours ago
what a dork
When the water goes out like that, move inland.