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Head of Noether Group "Varieties of Egalitarianism" @Uni Konstanz | Interim prof @HU Berlin for Comparative Analysis of Political Systems | inequality, parties, policy change, welfare state, ideology, political text |
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Prolific Poster

🚨🚨🚨 Publication alert! Out now at "Political Representation as Communicative Practice" together with Fabio Wolkenstein. We ask: What is political representation & how should we study it? ⬇️ Download for free for 13 days! 🧵On what you can expect👇

Nicht immer Kartenfan, aber bei schon!👇 (kummulierte) changes statt levels wären noch spannend vor Hintergrund von Diskussionen um Veränderungserschöpfung

Interested in austerity politics and public opinion? I greatly enjoyed this conversation with and, drawing on my work with and other ongoing research. Check it out and listen to the other fantastic episodes of the podcast, too🎙️

How do citizens experience contact with the #WelfareState - and how does this affect wellbeing, labor market behavior & political attitudes? Join our stream #WelfareExperiences at #ESPAnet2025! #CfP deadline: April 24 & Triin Lauri

131 Politikwissenschaftler haben im Open Expert Survey 2025 die Positionen der Parteien zu wichtigen Themen eingeschätzt. Im Vergleich zum OES21 ist vor allem die Wichtigkeit von Migrationspolitik gestiegen. Einen ausfßhrlicheren Blick & die Pre-Release-Daten gibt es hier:

So happy to see #ParlLawSpeech out there after years of scraping, cleaning, validating... have a look at our website and keep us posted if you use the data (free access via here:

This is an amazing opportunity to work with excellent collaborators on absolutely crucial work!

Wir haben's wieder getan. Trotz vorgezogener Neuwahlen, trotz der extrem späten Publikation der Wahlprogramme. #ManifestoMonday

‼️ New paper out in EJPR! With, we use a new survey item that we fielded in surveys in five countries to examine who accepts party policy change. Check out the 🧵 by Maurits below for an overview of our findings!

Extremely happy that my first single-authored paper is now published (open access) at @EJPRjournal: “Asymmetric backlash against structural economic change: the electoral consequences of the coal phase-out in Germany” Here's a summary thread... 1/n

Aktuell liegen 3 Parteien in den Umfragen an der 5%-HĂźrde. Doch was bedeutet das fĂźr ihre Wahlchancen? Neue Studie mit! Wir zeigen, dass Parteien, die auch nur knapp unter der Sperrklausel liegen, eine signifikant geringere Chance haben, ins Parlament einzuziehen. 1/7

Job Alert: PhD position (3.5 years) in my research project "Contested Representation of Inequalities in International Cooperation" , University of Zurich. Join our international, friendly department with excellent working conditions! #PhD #AcademicJobs #PoliticalScience

#OpenAccess from our new issue - Which Information Do Politicians Pay Attention To? Evidence from a Field Experiment and Interviews - - &

One of my favourite papers on group appeals in the last years!

🚨 Job Alert! 🚨 I’m looking for a postdoc to join my Emmy Noether project on the New Climate Divide! 🌍 🔍 It is a 3-year position with a likely extension for another 3 years & no teaching obligations 📄 Check out the job call: Thanks for sharing! 🤝

#PolSci people, I need your help: Do you know of papers that investigate citizens‘ preference or perception of „where“ policy-making takes place? With „where“ I mean on which level (local, regional, national..). What is the most important level for citizens? Any hint is appreciated. #followerpower

Also sharing this starter pack of class analysts again for the folks who are new here:

Fascinating recent work highlighting that "...the larger the share of national income and wealth going to the top one percent and top 10% of the population, the more likely the democracy is to erode."

A quick reminder: we are hiring! The deadline for the application is 20 January. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions about the position.

I posted this as I was starting _The Ten Year War_ by Now that I’m finishing this extraordinarily good book, I must post this again. I cannot recommend this book strongly enough. Remarkable balance of focus on both politics and policy.

Before you start into the well-deserved holiday break, may I submit a possible entry for your New Year's resolution: Come and work with us in Munich as a postdoctoral researcher. Applications are due January 15th.

Sehr cool! In der neuesten Ausgabe des Katapult-Magazins wurde unser Beitrag zur "Macht der blauen Karten" von Daniel Kuhlen, Leon Siefken, und mir aufgegriffen.

If you do research on Historical Political Economy and are based in Europe, please consider participating in our survey.

Definitely worth a read.

A superb paper.

Is rising inequality unstoppable? No! we analyze decades of inconclusive research and show that government partisanship matters, but only under certain conditions. Party effects are 7x likelier with specific study designs—and predictably so🎯 Open Access

kudos to editors who send out paper acceptance mails amidst the pre-christmas frenzy. Helps me to make it to the finish line

Today, feeling close to cosmopolitans or feminists separates voters of the left from right voters who identify with people who are down to earth and hard working. Yet, these identities do have structural roots, just like class identities did. Our short CUP book on cleavage formation is out in OA.

Silja Häusermann, Michael Pinggera (, & I have a new paper out in European Sociological Review! We study under what conditions citizens support future-oriented welfare reforms. We particularly point at second-dimension positions (GAL-TAN). (Thread)

My pre-accounced piece in is out today. I returned to regular op-Ed writing for "Super Election Year 2024" and this is the Grand Finale. I am very proud of this piece, and hope it is read, but will return to (much) lower profile next year. A quick thread on the key points. 🧵

Podcast alert 🧵🚨 In the seventh episode of our podcast, and I talk to about the normalization of the radical right and the role of social norms.

Some papers are a long time in the making. This one, written with the excellent, took long and I am incredibly grad to see it published. 1/8

Interested in inequality research? Here is a starter pack containing research centers / institutes / organizations dedicated to the study of socioeconomic inequality. Time seemed ripe as, finally, organizations are moving to Bluesky. Let me know if others should be added.

A source of inspiration indeed! During three weeks at Sofi 10 years ago as PhD student I had the good fortune of having my office next to this “protagonist“.

Podcast Alert! 🚨In the sixth episode of our podcast and I talk to Silja Häusermann about the crisis of the social democratic parties, its origins and what strategies these parties might adopt to get out of it. 🧵👇

Why did Trump win? How well did we predict the MAGA landslide? What to expect from President Trump 2.0? Join us for this virtual roundtable with Herbert Kitschelt, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Mary Stegmaier, & Nils Steiner!

Interessante Karte, die viel ßber die spezifische Form von Stadt-Land-Unterschieden in Deutschland, als auch ßber Ost-West-Gegensätze verrät. Quelle:

Now also available open access at the :

Warum Wagenknecht mit #BSW so erfolgreich ist. Mein Versuch einer Einordnung:

Papers submitted for APSA - in time! Irritating, but I blame this on & (also, thanks to for help and very usefull feedback).

Pre-/post-conference mood #AcademicWriting #AcademicChatter

After a tough R&R, we published a paper that won the Best article prize at Socio-Economic Review. Awesome! In a way it fits the way publication processes go that they tag the wrong Alex. There is a Prof that gets my citations, this guy gets the prizes, I write the papers 🤝😆

Warum gibt es in manchen Regionen mehr Zuspruch für Populisten & Rechtsaußen? Diese Studie von & Theresa Bernemann weist auf die Rolle des Gefühls von „abgehängt sein“ hin („Place Resentment“), neben auch sozio-ökonomischen Faktoren. 1/

Online first: "Partisan politics and economic intervention: evidence from an aggregating approach" by Fabian Engler, Jan Jathe & Reimut ZohlnhĂśfer #polisky

New article by Michal KozĂĄk, Peter Starke and me in! Are workers less willing to join unions when there is a statutory minimum wage? ...or at least low-wage workers? 1/6

Frank Bandau and I analyze whether governments experience electoral consequences after PIT and VAT tax reforms in a new Electoral Studies publication.   Below is a thread summarizing our findings.   Open access:

Mit Neuauflage des „Handbuch[s] Policy-Forschung“ ist es G. Wenzelburger und R. Zohlnhöfer gelungen, einen guten Überblick über das Profil des Forschungsfeldes zu geben, resümiert Thomas Mirbach. Hier geht es zur Rezension: