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Pandemic aware progressive. I like anthropology, stability, writing, making art, laughing, living in the present while caring about the future, and lemon custard ice cream. I like safe spaces. I like "like" lists. Thanks for reading!
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Trump trying to demonize Canada for all he's worth. And today it evolved into classic abusive talk. Basically: Submit! Let me beat you down into my 51st appendage. Then we will have a glorious, loving relationship. It's a sickening - and insane - message from an abuser to their targeted victim.

If I am not mistaken, TSLA is rapidly approaching a support level in the aftermarket. If it breaks through...what then?

Did Trump honestly say today not to watch the stock market? So, like, the stock market is Fake News then?

I don't think TSLA and DJT are having a very nice day.

The more I read and learn about the companies ending or reframing their DEI programs, the more it hurts me to my soul. The need for DEI is not over. It's increasing. "Trickle down economics" is almost gone. So many forget - or never realized - the vulnerable ARE the economy. They make it run.

The Target boycott is hard. I get essentials from there. But I'm gonna give it my best.

It's absolutely insane, racist, and hypocritical to censure Al Green for breach of conduct. So Trump and Musk and MAGAts can be rude to anyone at any point for any reason? They can heckle, harass, hurt, and horrify? And it's all just fine? Orwell said it: "Some people are more equal than others."

Trump-supporting MAGAts whine that DEI is not a merit-based system. It has always been a merit-based system. That is the point. It helps cut bias, privilege, social hierarchy, nepotism, and entitlement from the hiring process. When you strip out all the favoritism, what you're left with is merit.

Please say it's just a rumor that U.S. parents are holding measles parties. These people are seriously that fearful of the measles vaccine that they'd rather risk their kids' lifelong health? Do they not see being immunocrompromised from COVID in the first place is why measles is even spreading?

We keep seeing profits, stock prices, go up. We think that's the same thing as growth. But when it's due to non-growth practices, like mass firings, then it's not the good kind of profit. The trickle-down kind. It doesn't create jobs, or help people to survive. It doesn't make money flow. At all.

In the past there've been times of real growth. Not now. Growth is what increases profits. Not cutthroat labor practices. Not cannibalizing other businesses. Not letting consumers fall into poverty. Growth. Growth shares the wealth...leading to more growth. Oppressing for profit is not growth.

The fact that the economy is shrinking is not due to diversity/inclusion. It's because growth doesn't happen forever. You can't keep forcing growth. When poverty widens, it's time to stop filling up the coffers at the top. To stop forcing profits and start allowing survival resources for all.

Attacks on DEI cruelly scapegoat the underrepresented. They blame the shrinkage in profits on being too decent and equitable. But that slowdown? News flash: The population pyramid is not a pyramid anymore. It's a column. All over the world! When you crush the few young people profit.

Does anyone remember the sleeping sickness? It came 4 years before the 1918 Flu. Who wants to bet it, and other quiet epidemics, weakened the human immune system worldwide...setting us up for the big "Spanish" Flu - when all those weakened immune systems fell. #covid19 #measles #herdimmunity

Trump GAZA? Was that an AI video? Not only is it sick, it's utterly ludicrous. Trump can't build anything. He's entropic. He can only shout "You're fired!" and stomp on infrastructure like a toddler - a dangerous one. He consumes the world like fire. Everything he touches turns to ash.

Why does Trump REALLY want Gaza? He's a rich kid who's been showered with gifts at Xmas. He sees two kids in the corner of the room fighting over a gift. All he can think is, "They want it, so I want it!" As soon as the fight calms down a bit he runs over there to yank the gift away. I swear!

I hear "thank you for being so kind to me" WAY too much from customer service agents. Sure I'm polite, but I'm not super sweet, just normal hellos and thank yous. Over the past few years it's given me the odd sense that a huge number of people don't behave base-line respectfully toward CS anymore.

Far Right, on women: She has no right to decide what happens to her body. It's fine if she suffers or dies. She should shut up. Far Right, on men: He shouldn't suffer if he uses prostitutes or rapes her. He has needs and she tempted him. He's the victim. #misogynists #hypocrites #MAGAStupidity

Levity aside, I am grateful and heartened by the protestors who were able to block entry to Musk's goons.

TSLA looks all set to open down on the stock market on this particular day, Chicken Coup Monday. Maybe this time it will stay down - what with the attempt at a coup by the most insecure billionaire in the world happening and suchlike. Or maybe magic balloons will keep lifting it up somehow.

If it's someone else's nice thing, bash it. Boast loudly. If blamed, point and cry, "They did it!" If it won't stay bashed, stomp foot, point at opposers and cry, "Bad! Nasty!" If bored: "Gimme candy or I'll bash more nice things!" ... How Trump, MAGA, narcissists, and toddlers try to run the world

3rd Verse Bohemian Tragedy Mama Ooooooo Didn't mean to make you starve I sometimes wish I'd never tried an egg Carry on Carry on It doesn't really matter To vegans To vegans

I'm writing Bohemian Tragedy, a parody and satirical set of verses. It's about a future I don't like that I'm seeing. Don't worry. As of today, we still have chickens. And eggs. And it's not yet (it appears) human-to-human. #h5n1 #birdflu #avianflu #satire #parody #hope #PublicHealth

2nd verse Bohemian Tragedy Mama The chicks are dead They all caught Avian Flu Came up positive and now they're through Mama H5 had just begun And now we've gone and culled a zillion flocks #h5n1 #birdflu #avianflu #TransparencyInStatistics #ControlBirdFlu #PandemicsArePublicHealth

Diversity isn't actually something you can opt out of. It is literally what the world is made of. You don't get to make your own reality where only one kind of person wins. Even if you're an oligarch.

Truth: We need to focus on making young people happy. For 70 years it's been all about what the Baby Boomers want. The gerontocracy isn't all of society. We need to start supporting our youth. Not pressuring them to fix the world with no resources. Not taking their tech away. Not blaming them.

Is this the real life Is this a tragedy Caught in conspiracy No way to reality Do your own research, pop on social media and seee I'm just antivaxx, I need no mask Because I'm easy come, easy go Little flu, little cold Anyway I catch it, it could never ever hurt me Not me #CovidIsNotOver #longcovid

At least I feel solidarity with a lot of people in this country right now. We're all miserable. At least the ones who are miserable are miserable. I's not just me, right? :(

When they say it's all up to Fate/God/Nature/Karma to decide who should live or die from disease, they treat sickness as a judgment. But it's not the bad people who die, leaving the worthy souls rewarded with whatever is left over, as in post-apocalyptic fantasies. #covidcautious #CovidIsNotOver

It's mind-blowing that it's not. We should be saying, "Wow, remember when racism was a thing? So much has changed!" But holy hell, no.

It's been a long time. I forgot this song existed. Damn, I wish it were outdated. :(

I hope this isn't an inundation in anybody's feed. I didn't know how to post my thoughts on this platform, so I broke it up into sections. I think they might be reversed in order though. I started with the one that starts "Before".

Working together has always been a human survival strategy. And that is why we can't throw away random human lives or dismiss public health as irrelevant. Public health efforts are not an attack on personal freedom. They are a human triumph. Disease isn't a judgment. It's something to fix.

We are social critters. Not like chatty. But like how we are hardwired to assist each other for survival. Individual competition is not our only mode. We have our separate goals. But we also have a common purpose. To survive. Survival depends on whether we can share territory and work together.

Newborn foals are precocial - they can stand within hours of being born...could run off and potentially survive on their own. Human babies? Can't even roll over for the first few months. Starting from day one, humans rely on each other.

Like it or not, we're a tightly bonded group - even though we like to act like a bunch of hostile individuals. The reality is, our survival depends on all of us continuing to create, trade, share, and maintain stuff. And supporting each other. That is what it means to be a social animal.

We like to think the benefit of modern society is all the luxuries and comforts. Really, it's how stable the necessities are - food, heat, shelter. This is the first time this many humans have all that. This tenuous stability is possible because of infrastructure. And it can be improved. Or wrecked.

Each person can make and do a lot, but not ALL the things that they need. You can give up comforts. You can give up being around people. But you can't give up the existence of people.

"Wait, you're not saying without utilities to maintain proper storage conditions, the food supply is gone in that short a time? How did this happen? It was supposed to be simpler! I was supposed to be able to use my mad rustic survival skills, grow my own stuff and live off the grid without tech."

It'll be people going, "What? I got appendicitis and now I'm dying? What? The city burned down because there was no 24-hour fire department? What? I can't get a screw to fix my tool? Are you kidding me - this car won't run ever again because gasoline has an expiration date?"

Remove a startlingly small percentage of humans *randomly* from disease, and civilization as we know it could actually break. And in case you're thinking those who remain would just inherit all the riches and resources left actually wouldn't be a Garden of Eden.