She/her. Environmental scientist. Teacher of Biology. Skeptic; I'll criticise, debate and joke about it. Naive, I've got ideals and pursue them. I (don't just) post about politics, environment, education, boardgames and cats. #UKTeaching
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No existía, no era obligatoria o por qué?
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¿Qué le pasa a la triple vírica en ese espacio de tiempo?
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Por supuesto. No lo justifico, es que es de la única manera que pueden perder dinero. Y es mu tonto todo. Como todas las quejas de la hostelería.
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Porque las empresas de bebidas alcohólicas ya no les regalaran las sombrillas y el mobiliario de terraza. 🤷
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Any training aimed at ECT will be welcome!
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That definitely would be of help, will you keep us posted? :)
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You can't have that without opening your borders with the entire EU, both ways.
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Is that normal week vs half term week? It's crazy how little time we have left for our own health during most of our life :(
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That photo is photoshopped, but he did tip toe in another photoshoot, though.
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Ponle fecha límite tb, no vaya a ser que algún despistado os deje a los demás esperando...
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Nonono, el dinero se recolecta por adelantado y quien no haya pagado no recibe pedido. No way.
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I know, but it's in the connection where learning happens, isn't it? I like having that process happening in the lesson rather than risking it not happening at home. But time is always so tight!
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BTW, do you come back to this content, e.g to ensure they learn the accurate scientific terms, or to explain osmoregulation in the Loop of Henle? How long do you have to teach kidney structure?
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Thank you, it seems to flow very well as a lesson, congratulations!
I've got one question: you say "What if the diffusion distance were longer, the rate at which molecules returned to the blood would increase". Wouldn't it decrease?
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post si nosotros lo hemos visto, tú también XDDD
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Ciertamente, nadie paga impuestos que no está obligado a pagar. Y si alguien lo hace, es porque espera obtener algo a cambio. Porque, oh sorpresa, el retorno es mayor que la inversión. Vaya par de ********.
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Probablemente alquilaban su casa en España y lo tienen que declarar como impuestos de la renta de no residentes (IRNR) con el modelo 210.
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And it seems that we are slowly moving towards a global western war. Brace, brace :(
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Ah, tranquilo, no tengo problema con las cuestas. Siempre he sido una cabra que tira al monte, y si está arriba, yo subo jajaja. También quiero entrenar bajadas, y aunque por aquí no hay más que colinitas, alguna cuesta se encuentra. Lo que pasa es que en estos meses hace un frío del copón.
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No lo conozco, no. La cinta que tengo no tiene inclinación, pero puedo buscar cuestas en la zona, que además quiero entrenar desnivel. Tampoco necesito mucha ayuda para que me suban las pulsaciones, tengo el máximo por encima del máximo teórico que le corresponde a mi edad. Soy un colibrí jajaja
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That will probably will be the next to have. But in the meantime... Does the MMR vaccine last a lifetime? Is there any other disease that might "erase" its effects? I know measles has that power itself, but don't know much about others.
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I´m a millennial (mostly a xennial) and I have developed those skills. I am not sure if it is a survivor bias, but literacy and attention must have dropped so much that they can't follow a sequence of instructions or can match a list of requirements. What will they do in their future jobs?!?!
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I keep telling them that is not my job, not the examiner´s to find the right answer among their writing and that contradictory answers or plain bad science will detract marks. But for a practical endorsement they need to show skills like "follow written instructions" and OMG how often they skip them
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La exención del alquiler es solo para alquilar como vivienda principal, para incentivar el alquiler de vivienda de larga duración.
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En UK es así, todos los ingresos tributan a lo mismo, independientemente de su origen. Luego hay cantidades exentas y tal, pero todo lo que ganes sobre el exento, tributa segun los tramos q te toquen.
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A mí me pasa que sobreestimo el tiempo que me va a llevar. Y generalmente las que se alargan son las tareas elegidas durante la procrastinación.
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I've seen many teachers joking about drinking wine at home in the evening, every evening. Same vibes.