Obligatory not a bot profile:
American 🇺🇸 living in Japan 🇯🇵. En/Jp OK.
I don't post much but reply occasionally.
Aro/ace, ADHD, cis woman.
53 posts
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Discussion Master
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And actually, the current batch of Evangelical grievances are their way of moving with the times. It's specifically *because* they lost on integration that they started up with political crusades against abortion, marriage equality, etc.
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Sometimes I'm able catch students pre-meltdown and fix things that are bothering them, but I wish I had more authority in my schools to get kids having meltdowns to areas where they can wind down safely.
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They anticipate this one, though. That's why they say the person beating the kid has to be very calm while doing it and not act out of anger. They convince themselves they're beating kids out of love. I'm not even kidding.
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It’s different only in precise form. In either case, the US is professing support for democracy while leaving a way to overrule another country’s postwar sovereignty in order to ensure its own financial interests.
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New?! The Platt Amendment would like a word.
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Like just yesterday a student was telling me she’s “not Japanese” because she’s got other heritage. I told her she can decide that for herself because being Japanese means a lot of things and what really matters is what she feels.
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This makes me extra mad for the sake of all my visibly mixed/foreign students who grow up here and already feel weird about calling themselves Japanese.
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Thanks for your perspective!
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I see. Thanks for replying. Did you have any issues with the other elements, like letting children of rebels hold high rank or the disregard for students lives despite the supposed great need for more fighters?
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Just curious, but what parts did you find accurate?
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I didn't know the word for the combo of the two, but I knew sakaki and shide. Amusingly, I have been in multiple conversations with Japanese adults who didn't know the word for shide.
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I have a nervous system/creative stim where I'll just start singing a made up melody in reaction to whatever provokes anxiety, but I have to be careful about doing that in front of other people because, well, it's weird.
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I had to do performance (English speaking) tests for six periods in a row. Guaranteed exhaustion. And the students all moan like the single minute they spend with me is the end of the world.
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Unscrew it from the ceiling and disconnect the plug to stop the noise. Then replace the battery. Reconnect the plug once the new battery is in. It might make a horrible noise while you do this but should stop chirping afterward.
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You're just being drawn by Aoyama Gosho today.
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Or how about the tempo and mode of communication? Sometimes I get into an ADHD vibe with my ADHD students and other teachers do not understand the rapid-fire exchange of words, sound-effects, singing and exaggerated gestures as comfortable and normal.
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I'm making music right now. With my mouth. Barring disability, everyone in the world can do what I'm doing right now and for free. Not that I could make a living doing this, but if it's for the love of creating music, I don't need any expertise in instruments or software. Just a mouth.
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I'd like to point out that American Sign Language is a *completely different language* from English. Captions require the Deaf watcher to be able to read in what may be a second language to them. I'm sure Rufo and Devine don't give a damn, but many folks here seem to not know that too.
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If there are only captions, besides the issue of poor quality, it forces Deaf people to read in English. And English might be a second language to them if they grew up signing.
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Sign language is actually a bunch of distinct languages that are not just signed versions of the language being spoken. (There are signed versions of spoken languages, but American Sign Language isn't one.) So captions are in no way an appropriate substitute for interpreters.
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I hated the ribbon until I had to use an older, ribbon-less version in Japanese, my second language. If you don't know the vocabulary words for word processing functions, text-only menus are something of a challenge.
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Someone looks freshly scritched.
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Your coworkers don't have to handle more because you're gone. They have to handle more because your workplace hurt you, failed to do anything about it, made it worse, and now is refusing to deal with the consequences in a reasonable way.
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Yes, this. People in an abusive environment will second guess themselves if others around them are putting up with the abusiveness.
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It's not selfish, though. You can't help the others by suffering with them, but you can act as an example. Leave and tell the people you care about why you did so. Some might not understand, but others will see that the toxicity is not normal and they deserve better too.
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It's "at each student's *level*" so that bit's fine. Grammatically. The real issue I'd say is why are they pushing a solution that's so stratified and atomized? Students learn most readily from one another. Enable students of various levels to study together and all levels benefit.
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This was me with Dragon Age Inquisition. I don't give a rat's ass about story. If there isn't good combat (or some other mechanic, like sandbox building) to keep me engaged, I don't want to play.
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Pretty much everyone who disbelieves in the promises of AI (that is, whatever we're calling AI this week) and speaks out against it does so because they understand the harms are numerous, real and getting worse.
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"Real" vs "fake" is garbage framing. Eugenics is both real and fake. It's fake in that its promises are bogus and its goals are morally outrageous. It's real in that so many people have tried to enact it and those attempts have done tremendous harm on individual, societal and global level.
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Or like when someone shows a video of a dopey kitten being "adorable" and the kitten is clearly dehydrated or undernourished.
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I would so pay actual money for a book on learning Mandarin from analysis of inappropriate translations.
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Good luck!
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it's mostly the smell that draws them in. You want them to stay at the plate end of the trap long enough to trigger it. So you can just open the can halfway (prevents big mouthfuls) and tie it with twine to the back mesh (so the cat can't drag the entire can out).
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If you're using the treadboard style trap, you can try a few things. Small rocks or detritus can get under the plate and keep it from depressing cleanly when the cat steps on it. Try putting a board under the trap. As for the tuna...
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What are you using as bait?
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Do people not remember the time when you could get this kind of functionality from a simple web search because search engines did their fucking job?
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I wouldn't know about the quality of the Cantonese one. People like to hate on the Mandarin one too and that one's...fine? Not amazing, not the worst thing ever.
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They do offer Cantonese, but only to Mandarin speakers.
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It's made to be played by people who never played the original as much as it's made for those who have. Give it a try.
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Here's a comparison of the pizza-man from the three major chains:
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Pizza-man have been a standard option as a hot food selection at most convenience stores for at least a decade.
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But it only makes sense as an explanation if you’ve been quoting and citing correctly all around the accidentally plagiarized bit. Which the thieves in the video clearly weren’t doing.
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I’ve heard it happens often enough in longer works with a large number of citations. That a block quote will lose its formatting between drafts and look like the paper’s author wrote it, and if no editor catches it, it makes it to print that way.
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They should read Michael Harriot’s book Black AF History. Or better, listen to the audiobook. I might have known what Jim Crow was before, but that book helped me, as a white person, *feel* it a little bit.
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Japan should work on bringing in more refugees and people from around the world and stop prioritizing English speaking westerners who think Japan is like in all the anime and end up alienated by their own disappointment.
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You could take it directly from the bees, I guess.
Still, it would have made more sense to say, “Unlike honey.”
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Grindstone. It requires a lot more strategizing than your average matching game but isn’t reliant on reading info in the moment like Slay the Spire. So it’s ideal for playing while you listen to something. It’s on Arcade, has zero ads, and I think no microtransactions.
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Remember when Matt Binder lost his mind for like a whole minute mid-podcast when Babou jumped into camera range? Because that was extremely funny.
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For sure. The alertness needed to keep from zoning out and crashing was too much, so I never got a license. So I just moved from America to a country with actual public transport infrastructure instead.