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The AMAZING Spider-Girl! NYC’s favorite web-slinging justice enjoyer. Secret turbo-nerd & total virgin. [RP Account, 18+, EST]
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“A girl’s gotta eat! I had to say something to interrupt all that brooding going on.” May explained with a smile. “We should go sometime. I bet you’ll like Tacos Loco almost as much as I do.”

Get Busy by Sean Paul can be heard coming from her bedroom. She’s hyping herself up for a night out on the town, actually doing her makeup properly for once in her life. Clearly, she has some big plans for tonight. “It’s all good girl turn me on ‘til the early morn’ let’s get it on…”

If you have a closet and May visits your home, she WILL be leaving with at least one of your shirts or jackets. “Borrowed” drip is the best drip.

“I’ve got two hands, don’t I?” She quipped back, still romanticizing what her first time could be like. In reality, it was probably going to be some sweaty awkward experience on a couch. “Do you think Mom would have any of her old tube tops still? I’ve kinda always wanted to try one of those on.”

🕷️ She tries her best! Somebody in this family has to be the goody two shoes after all.

“I’m trying here! It has to be the right one, you know that!” May had barely even made out with a guy before. Just another perk of being the ‘responsible’ one. “You think he has any jeans we could cut up? I feel like some of those old jeans would make perfect shorts for us.”

“Okay that makes a lot more sense. I was thinking it was because… Never mind, forget I said that!” She quickly waved her hand, waving away the thoughts of her own internet history. “We should totally do a raid of his closet and see what else he still has in there.”

“What’s even more crazy about Dad’s shirt is that it was a gag gift. Crazier still is that Harry would used to call Liz, ‘Mommie’!” She shivered, sticking out her tongue in disgust

Friendly reminder that May’s idea of “freaky” is waaaay different from April’s. This has led to several misunderstandings between them. Oops.

This gave her some reason to hesitate, she looked up from April’s phone again, very quickly seeing how April’s clothes were essentially melting away. She quickly looked back down to the phone, her thumbs hovering over the keyboard as her cheeks became slightly pink. “I uhm… Okay! Just something (c)

“I gotta write that down. That would’ve saved me SO much trouble in my universe.” She pulled out her own cell phone, before gesturing towards her kitchen and beginning to walk towards it. She began typing, as she spoke once again. “I don’t know how much experience you have with drinks but (c)

“I still don’t want to get banned, just in case this one doesn’t work out-“ She had almost finished her sentence when both phones received a message from their mutual match. May read it out loud, a smile crossing her face. “He says ‘I’d love to meet both of you, but first I want to see a (C)

“Wha- Don’t send him that, you’ll get me banned!” May became flustered, almost jumping out of her seat before realizing that her sister had been joking. She sat back down, trying to contain herself. This was serious business after all. May did know that explicit images could get someone (c)

“Hmmf. If he just wants that he can find someone else.” May perked up looking at the profile that April was showing her, her eyes dilated slightly. Enough to be noticed. “Yeah, I think I’ve seen him before! You should totally message him about meeting up tonight if possible.” (C)

“And you’re not going coo-coo, or dyeing your hair black?” May took a couple steps towards her, examining the casual outfit she had chosen for their evening together. In her experience, Venom was a bit more, aggressive. Every symbiote was. “How’s all that work?”

As if May needed to widen the net for April. May took a seat on one of the living room’s recliners, instantly perking up at the news of her first match. “You’re swiping already? Shoot, I need to catch up.” She adjusted the settings, marking her sister’s profile as being interested in everyone. (C)

“Glad to know you know what real peak performance looks like.” She pointed to herself, grinning. Their wasn’t a hint of makeup on her face this early in the morning, or almost ever. May was more of an all natural kind of gal anyway. “What do think we should do if we match with the same guy?” (C)

“Well, I try not to use my powers on the court. I’m not competing for money really, just scholarships. My powers actually kicked in during a game, and I shattered the backboard with a crazy dunk. Check it out.” She pointed to one of the framed photos next to her trophies, extremely proud of it. (C)

May grinned a little at the idea of barbecue sauce on that part of her body, gladly accepting April’s phone from her. She popped another piece of chocolate into her own mouth, before beginning to download her dating app of choice. “I know what you like, don’t worry.” She paused, thinking (c)

May perked up as she hears a tapping on her window, heading over and opening it to let Gwen into her home. “Welcome!” May said cheerily as she stepped back, letting Gwen look around her place. It was a decently well decorated one bedroom apartment complete with a living room, kitchen, bathroom (C)

“See you soon!” May watched her swing away, shaking her head a little. They were so similar yet so different. She then began to swing her way back towards her apartment, soon arriving back to her home in this universe. She began to clean up, waiting for Gwen to arrive with her monopoly set.

“You got it!” May pulled out her phone, beginning to text the message to her before she paused, looking up from her phone with a smile. “Yeah you can bring it. I was thinking we could maybe have a few white claws or something too.” She texted her address to Gwen, causing Gwen’s phone to ding.

She’s live-streaming from The Empire State Building, again. “Okay, okay I’ll answer more questions now.” “Why do you guys keep saying you want to see ‘backshots’? You mean like heroic poses of me from behind, right?”

“Now that’s a word I haven’t heard in a while.” May smiled back at her, placing her hands on her own hips. “You want to grab anything at your place before we head over to mine? Toothbrush or something? My pjs should fit you, so no worries there if you need them.”

“Let me guess, rent is still like over a grand a month for that spot isn’t it?” May laughed a little, shaking her head. “It sounds like you could use a break from that. I have a deal with Mr. Stark in this universe, so I’ve got a spot in Midtown East you could crash at.” (C)

“Yeah, you know, Miguel.” She curled two of her fingers, making them look like fangs as she held her hand in front of her face to mimic a vampire. “Maybe that’s just that comic writer’s theory. Anyway you can totally crash with me for a while until you find your own place if you want.”

“Uh huh. I totally believe you.” May smiled, closing out of the tracking function on her device. “Who’ve you got your eyes set on now then? Don’t tell me it’s our resident vampire. Oh! Or maybe it’s Hobie?” She offered, knowing how rebellious Gwen could be when it came to their orders.

“Cool, cool. Because I was thinking of maybe asking him out sometime.” May teased, giving Gwen a nudge with her elbow. “Kidding. Interestingly there’s a guy in my universe who writes a comic about you. Somehow most of his stuff is right on the money. Plus, we all get tracked anyway.” (C)

“Peter’s daughter, Earth-982.” She mimed holding up her ID like an FBI agent, before lifting her mask and flashing a smile. “I’m May, and I’ve already heard a TON about you. Are you and Miles a thing yet? Feels like that has been a will they won’t they situation for FOREVER!”