Raconteur. Cat-Dad. He/Him. Anti fascist. Ally
Sometime artist & writer. ‘Lacks ambition and fulfilling his own potential’. Science believer,
astronomy afficionado.
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Excellent cat, excellent tattoo styles!
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Goals, tbh.
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Ikr? She brings such weight and emotion to her monologues, it’s a
joy to watch.
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The acting definitely carries it through some uneven plot beats & Anderson and Brown are head & shoulders above the rest of the cast!
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…and that needs a timeline cleanse: the kitten taking his integral 7th nap of the day. Pleasant dreams lil buddy.
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“Oh brave new world, that has such people in’t”…the reporting is making the Russian propaganda on their invasion of Ukraine seem quaint; we are possibly seeing the end of actual
War journalism. Congrats, everyone, well done, let’s drag out the gematria
Nonsense and start predicting crap instead.
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I approve of this change :)
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That’s for the best…no thoughts, just vibes
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Mattie, I’m not even convinced most people think *at all*
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‘*sniff, sniff* hmm, I surely do smell an impending unmitigated infosec nightmare a-comin…’
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You’re gonna need a bigger magnet…
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Well said, Anna! This is one of the 2 only hopeful things I have read in the last week! Thanks!
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Your writing is always thought provoking but this! This was amazing even compared to the rest of your work! Thanks, Talia…
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Everything can be improved with the application of more turtles.
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👆fash apologist
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It’s like they know we’re taking a photo and can’t let us think they actually don’t want to murder each other!
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Mmmm…#CaturdayEve already?
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Glad you are on here, one less reason to visit the cesspool formerly known as twitter!
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I feel ‘liking’ this would be bad form so instead - that sucks, and I hope it disappears soon, old pal.
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He is honestly the smartest cat I have ever known. Understands a few dozen words (or tone/inflection). He lets the kitten, 1/10 his size chase him around, and eat most of any food. He literally sighs at me sometimes…the look of UTTER DISGUST at idiots he encounters…I would take a bullet for this guy
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Saturn says ‘SAME, Lulu, SAME.’
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Good for her! Better late than never…as the former ‘paper of record’ used to say back when news was news. ‘Democracy dies in the darkness’.
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I’ve played neither NMS or Starfield, but I dunno, having some alien ruins/tech/Civs would seem to be a no brainer in a huge procedurally generated universe…plants. Lol, okay, sure. Have game dev s list their sense of wonder in modern times?
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O.M.G! Don’t tell my cats, but Priya is
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It worked in 1789, it would work in 2023. Egalite, Liberte, Fraternite!
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As did truth, ethics, compassion, empathy…those fuckers have a lot to answer for.
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I forgot to add - parents donated to DNC in MY NAME…I was the only 3rd grader in Pittsburgh waving around his DNC membership card (why yes, I was an odd child, why do you ask? Heh)!
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Another good point Anymouse. I was raised by pro-union FDR liberals and that shaped me…my mom & dad donated cash to McGovern in ‘72 when I was like 9…though the party is largely toothless and ineffective, I still have the dream of a ‘great society’ that I was peddled in my youth, despite all!
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I’ve said it before: The Internet was a mistake.
Shoulda just left it at ARPANET and been done with it…a fad like 3D TV.
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No there must be SOME….hmm, nope, scratch that…the few ‘token conservative’ friends I had, have happily fucked right off since 2016
(“C’mon, Basil, he’s a goof, but he’s not THAT bad”), now that I think about it. Good riddance. Hate to be so us & them but yeah, It’s the Modern Nazi party now, 100%
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Truly. For all the back room deals and shenanigans, LBJ did usher in the (much too late & sadly inadequate) first meaningful civil rights laws…well said, too, 60 years ago your party didn’t necessarily define your stance on social issues; whereas now, not sure how any reasonable person remains GOP
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Ikr? Pundits have become the new quislings. The NYTs’ slide to the right just goes to show we shouldn’t have been paying much attention to them all along
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A real ‘disease vector’…patient zero for the dissolution of the wonky barely held together society we had til then,
And a direct line to modern christofacism.
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Good point. The Southern DNC had their own problems, but that election was a seismic shift to the far right, and nostalgia for a past that never existed, hand in hand with union busting and corporate greed the likes of which had not been seen, amongst
the host of other atrocities, and here we are.
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Yep! People always used to ask “Would you rather die by freezing or fire?” Um. I would like one temperate-climate life please? And possibly expiring peacefully in my sleep at an old age? WHY ARE ALL OUR OPTIONS SO AWFUL NOW
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This is true. We vilified him, not knowing the horrors waiting in the wings.
My early teen years were under Carter, which gave me a WILDLY UNREALISTIC idea of what type of person the president should be!
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Point taken, all unions are not great - though the po-po union is more of a protection racket…
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Hmm, I dunno if I can concede that point - W was not only A Monster, but also A Complete Idiot; HOWEVER…by comparison, you are correct? I mean, there are LEVELS of horrible awfulness here.