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Prolific Poster

A ukrali su i naše zastave.

O situaciji u BiH, Srbiji, krizama i promenama... Hvala, ETV.

Milorade, Milorade, propio si sve livade...

Vozila BG javnih preduzeća dovoze (bez tablica) traktore u BG da bi blokirali pristup Beogradu u subotu. Traktoristi 2.0 ... Ponovo falsifikat.

Srbin je predsednik, Srbi su u vladi, Srbi koji žele da uče su u Pionirskom parku, batinaši u uniformama koji imaju pendreke su Srbi, batinaši u civilu su takođe Srbi... a vi vidite Hrvate, Klintona i Kurtija. Tačno tako će vam biti.

Malo spušteni štitovi i grljenje s građanima, malo kacigom u glavu. Kako to?

Kako kulturan covek u demokratskoj zemlji odlazi sa vlasti vs kako lazljiva hulja u autokratskoj zemlji pokusava da se zadrzi na vlasti .

Budite pedantni pa dopišite na listu zahteva još jedan - da se majmunu odredi krivično-pravna mera za pretnju smrću.


Nemaju wc i ne znaju da proizvedu toster. To je uspavalo ceo svet.

Trump wants the economy to crash, protest & riots to break out. He can then use the military/militia against citizens (and he will!) and declare martial law; forgoing/canceling mid term elections...tell me I'm wrong!

Emmanuel Macron with the chiefs of staff of 34 allied free nations. The US is not invited.

Ilustrativna sličica sa X...Nevenka je profesor univerziteta. To naglašavam, zbog toga što svi kada žele da omalovaže nečije mišljenje ili stav, pominju pivopije ispred podruma pića. 90% nastavnog kadra BU je intelektualno i mentalno na tom nivou!

Možda Srbija i ima Tončija Tadića, ali nema Tamaru Nikčević da ga pronađe. 💖 za T. Kao i obično, izvrstan intervju👇

Make USSR Great Again

Vučićev ruski kolega nije baš za da se studenti izgaze tenkovima kao što bi to preporučio kineski kolega Si Đinping, ali svakako preporuka je da se neki studenti pohapse a neki pobiju.

Za 4 meseca nijedna poruka "mladih" Ukrajini koja je pod divljačkom agresijom Vučićevog i Vulinovog strateškog saveznika i gurua. Sramota me pre svega samoga sebe. Nije nam prvi put, da smo najgori, a bilo je znanja i vremena za učenje, i da postanemo bolji.

Pionirski park nakrcan baticama u crnom, okolina ogradjena resetkama, oko resetki njuske koje podsecaju na dilere droge (celavi klinci u crnim trenerkama, torbice oko vrata) i skuplje dilere droge (ulickani tipovi u skupim crnim sakoima, cipelama i Hermes kaisevima)

Jao 😂

Protest protiv Bila Klintona. Putin, good guy.

“When ‘America’ has your back” (👨‍🎨 )

Mark Carney, the new Liberal Party designate for Prime Minister of Canada: "My government will keep our tariffs on until the Americans show us respect." 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Strane paravojne jedinice plaćenika SNS iz Bosne, pod komandom Aleksandra Vučića, po njegovim rečima, započinju 15.03.2025. građanski rat u Srbiji. Da li je “opozicija” alarmirala svetske institucije i zvaničnike? Tužilaštvo, policija, vojska - ćute. Saučesnici najavljenog zločina.

JD Vance best watch this vid ‘cuz yesterday he bitched that his 3-yr-old was scared by a group of protesters shouting “Slava Ukraini.” The hypocrisy is staggering: This girl lost her leg in a Russian attack & is a symbol of the unyielding strength of the Ukrainian people who are fighting pure evil.

#GVerse Yesterday, March 7th 2025, here is #NotMyPresident saying verbatim "They rigged the election, and I became President" (like & repost)

Donald Trump is almost gleeful when he says that a lot of Ukrainians have died this week. Perhaps that fckface shouldn't have cut off intelligence sharing.

As Orwell predicted.

Britain urged to form breakaway 'Four Eyes' alliance without US after Trump's 'unprecedented' decision to block intelligence sharing with Ukraine British defence sources do not want U.S. to have access to intel. This is the direct result of Republicans


Raskin: "This is what Viktor Orban has done in Hungary -- to clear out the civil service with real expert professionals and people devoted to the public interest and replace them with a bunch of party hacks and sycophants to the dear leader."

Fascism is here. The list of words Trump is banning from government is the most stunning document of our time. Click the image below to see how many words Trump and Musk have canceled as part of their new Reich. 🔗:

Repost & like, if you stand with President Zelensky!

UK ❤️

👋 Hey Kids!!! Get ready to either laugh uproariously or sob inconsolably, cuz it's time for either the SUNDAY FUNNIES or the TRUTHFUL TRAGEDIES, depending on your own personal point-of-view. #Enjoy 🤣 (or) #Despair 😩

🇺🇦👀 "Yesterday there were already signals that Russia is a victim. This is something new…" - Zelensky 🇺🇸 "The US gave us about $67 billion in weapons and $31 billion in programs for the budget. It definitely didn't cost $500 billion, this is not a serious conversation."


Kreature nepoznatog zanimanja koje žive na našoj grbači prete prosvetnim radnicima da će ostati bez plate "jer ne rade", onda naletim na ovo...🥀 Udruženi bezobrazluk, glupost i odsustvo srama.