Musician and Sound Designer for Video Games and Film based in Barcelona
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What do you guys do when feeling low and not social at networking events?
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4. When I'm feeling awkward, I gotta remind myself that most cool and interesting people I know are pretty damn awkward. Go be awkward! 🌈❤️
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3. When I focus on learning and helping, I forget about dumb fears. If a game already has music and sfx, what can I learn from it? If it doesn't, what tips and tricks can I tell the dev so that they improve their audio and/or see how important it is to the overall quality and polish of the game?
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2. When I'm feeling low on confidence, it helps me to set rejection goals. I told myself: go find 10 videogames that don't need music or sfx. Just like that. Pffff. Pressure gone.
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Sol is a game about friendship, loss, and loneliness in a society that demands more from us every day, where we’ll inevitably disappoint someone. It questions and highlights what our true priorities are.
Well, if you haven’t played it yet... what are you waiting for?
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And this is where Sol shines (pun intended) – a story that unfolds across different narrative threads based on the decisions we make. The mechanic is as simple as it gets: choose A or B. And watch as, on one hand, you’ve made the right decision... and on the other, you’ve totally f*cked things up.
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Sol es un videojoc sobre l'amistat, la perdual, i la soledat en una sociaetat que ens exigeix cada dia més i on, a la inevitablement, acabarem decebent algú. Qüestiona i posa en valor quines son les nostres prioritats.
Bé, que is no hi heu jugat encara... a què espereu?
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I es que es aquí on Sol brilla (pun intended) -- una història que es desenvolupa en diferents fils narratius segons les decisions que prenem. Realment la mecànica es del més senzill que hi ha: escull A o B. I contempla com per una banda has pres la decisió correcta... i per l'altra l'has ben cagat.
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Woot woot! Excited to try!
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eso eso! Que el éxito te tenga miedo a ti!!!! 😈 (aunque no tenga sentido)
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Thank you ❤️
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Icon ❤️
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#IVGOpack could I be added, please? :) music composer and sound designer here!
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post uf uf uf uf uf ❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹
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Menys pensar i més fer. I ja despres de fer, reflexionar i aprendre :)
A no ser que la vagis a liar parda 😂😂😂 llavors millor pensa-t’ho abans!!!
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Hey, music composer and sound designer here :)
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Ua que mal 🥲🥲🥲 treason i a la estaca (però les dues)
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😍 thx! Same!
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What is anxious. Can you eat it? Yes. Yes you can 😂
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This would be so much found to sound design!!! Boom pew pew, tic tac tic tac