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Future biology teacher, resident lay shark expert, passionate armchair virologist, Irene Adler at heart, mom, and recently promoted to Gram.
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Did your mom do that thing to you where she told you you needed to eat your dinner because there were starving kids in Africa or something? Because that's what this sounds like. I'd still like to know if you check all those products sources for eggs.
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And I imagine your morality stretches only as far as you can immediately reach. Do you check every cosmetic, medication, vaccine, every adhesive or face wash or paint or anything else that uses eggs to make sure those are all ethical? Or just performative with an egg carton
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$10 a dozen. Excuse me if I misspoke I don't have time to find what I wrote and edit it if it was wrong
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I'm trying to make you understand that people who are fighting day-to-day to survive do not have the time for elitist bullshit about how you've always bought $10 a container eggs because they are free range and organic or whatever. And survival is absolutely as important as healthcare and housing.
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I don't actually like eggs, and I don't buy a lot of them. I'm telling you that this post is elitist bullshit and you are as bad as the person saying go without housing or healthcare because you can't afford it the right way. You are why your movement is failing to take hold and alienates people.
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"Do without because you don't deserve what I deserve and can afford". Yikes. If I have a choice between feeding my kid food that I can access and worrying about your elitist bullshit when we are a paycheck away from starving I'm going to feed my kid and so will the majority of people everywhere.
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You don't think your first world privilege is showing when you brag about being able to afford expensive eggs when we're on the verge of childhood starvation in this country because Congress is taking away snap from kids? Bragging about fucking eggs. Again, you shoot your movement in the foot
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People like you are clueless. This is why a lot of liberal agenda ideas that are great die. This is why people like Trump are in power. Because you care more about feeling morally superior than empathizing with people different than you and understanding their limitations and needs.
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I tell you what, I'm going to take pictures of the grocery store where I live. The popup store in a shed because ours burned down, and no one can rebuild it. And you tell me where I'm supposed to access free range organic eggs within an hour drive. Because that's what poor people here have.
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And then you want to legislate these changes to people who have had to deal with your ego and who have had to deal with the fact that they can't access these things financially or geographically. Things that aren't practical to their lives because you don't understand what it's like to be poor.
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What you are doing is effectively stopping these changes from becoming more popular and thus ubiquitous. You're letting your ego about being morally superior impede the progress that you want to make. Bragging rather than empathizing and helping change happen.
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By putting the moral weight of being environmentally conscious (etc) on the poor and the isolated you are alienating them. You are alienating people who are trying to exist from day to day, enduring their own hell, because you can access and afford "impactful actions" they cannot. You feel superior.
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It's either ethical or unethical to put the responsibility on the poor who are focusing on trying to survive day today. You want to fix this problem? Great. Fix it and then make the food affordable and accessible to those who don't have the privilege to do anything but survive right now.
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If you don't live in a food desert or have any other circumstance that limits accessibility. We can all try to work together to improve these kinds of things but elitist privileged posts about things like this or organic or whatever are what alienate people from this kind of movement.
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I don't think that you are getting that even at this price eggs are an inexpensive form of protein. As someone who has supported three people on minimum wage at one point in their life I haven't always had the privilege to buy with my morality. Children need food. This post is really blind to that.
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I was thinking catastrophic onset of tertiary syphilis after the antibiotics he would need are no longer available here and his tariffs cause other nations to refuse to send any here
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My son is just getting settled with his disabilities finally. Like he's finally peaceful about school and productive. Now they're going to rip all that away for pretend money no one will see in their pocket least not average people
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Sir, this is the time to stand your ground and protect your constituents from losing their freedom, not capitulate
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Good luck since we can't even say vaccines don't cause autism now
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Or you have healthcare maybe?
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I regularly have to correct basic math in AI when I check my calculus homework problem setups. It is miserable at basic functions because so much wrong information is available on them.
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Of course they do! They're right next to the jewish Space Laser sites. Duh.
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Dumb dumb doesn't realize his base would rather drive to work in a Ford Pinto than an EV. He chose the wrong partner in crime for the base he cultivated and the lies he told. The truth is, though, that narcissists have no empathy and thus no way to judge decisions like these by others.
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I came here to say this
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Not trans, nor do I want to run for office, but totally here to support a prospective candidate in west Kansas. Hmu if you're that candidate. I will help you get the word out, etc.
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What are these? I took pictures of them at the Botanical Garden because they were one of the few flowers out this early in Kansas
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I am reminded of another great moment in Ukrainian history. I do believe this should be their answer
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Unfortunately, my elected officials are the spineless senators from Kansas, and my house reps are also spineless conservatives
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I love you guys. Keep up the good fight and maybe you can have enough influence for people here to start seeing what a poor choice they made and fight back