To everyone who expressed interest in running for office, I'm working on setting up a form for a 15-minute 1-on-1 call with me. I had my first meeting today.
If you've responded to that post (or this one), I'll send you a link to the form sometime this week.
If you've responded to that post (or this one), I'll send you a link to the form sometime this week.
Reposted from
Rep. Zooey Zephyr
If you are trans and want to get involved in politics, let me know and I will set up a time to chat with you about the process and how to take those first steps.
Can I be the last on your list of calls?
I'm still grieving the loss of my older sister, and need to help clean out her house.
I'm in but I need a few months to handle things at home.
I’m a salesperson when you boil me down to whatever is at the center of me. I can convince anyone of anything if I put my effort to it.
I really don’t want to. Which I think makes it the right choice.
We need to be at the table, don’t we?
I’d love to get in network with others who might be running!
They were incredibly helpful during my first campaign, and now I'm a mentor for RFS, helping candidates throughout their campaigns.
My first mentee,, was elected to Lexington-Fayette City Council!
Thank you for all you're doing! ♡
and i am not even from your state or your country.