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Keep in mind what was done to the statues of Saddam Hussein when he was overthrown and then how he met his just deserves after he was found. May Kharma eventually come for Orange Judas.
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Canceled my subscription today. Will not ever click on the site again as long as this fascist Nazi sympathizer has control.
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It's absolutely heartbreaking and terrifying to think what these poor children are going through. We must all ban together and no matter what it takes...even if it's full scale revolution, we cannot let these evil billionaire parasites reek their havoc upon the rest of humanity. RESIST!!!!
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As if anyone gives a big crap about whether sex change surgeries are being done in Guatemala. WHAT is he possibly talking about???
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"Foamers???" Why use disrespectful language like that? Are you a freaking ORANGE JUDAS plant?
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Why is the little security asshole pointing at the guy exercising his free speech rights???
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Keep a list of these traitors that work for Orange Judas. We'll need it when it comes down to arresting and trying every last one of them. They all need to go to prison for treason.
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Fox Sports is still trying to figure out why they decided to pay 375 million for piece of wet cardboard for an announcer.
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Does "Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do" apply here?
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Used to think highly of Snoop....until I found out he's just a sell out just like so many other quivering cowards in this Country right now.
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You and your "friends" are about as dumb as dumb gets and if you voted for that effing deranged criminal, you're all freaking traitors to everything this Country has ever stood for.
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Only approximately 1.5% of the U.S. population identifies as trans. Of those that do, only a very few actually participate in Sports. The issue is WAAAAAY overblown because the Right Wing fascists are using it to scare voters with. Any Trans "League" would be very small indeed.
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He's no dumber than the moron sitting in the White House and he's no dumber than the people in Alabama who voted for him...even though he actually lives in Floriduh.
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Yeah...well....he fits right in with the other 70 some million morons who voted for Orangey in America..a Country recently "honored" as the stupidest damn Country in the entire World.
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Troll blocked
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Hang in there, Liz....There is no way he can back up his deranged empty threats. Keep calling his bluff.
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Time magazine is a monumental joke and has been for some time now. Who the hell pays any attention to this pathetic rag anymore?
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You need mental help. See a freaking psychiatrist!!!
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You're out of your mind if you possibly think that the extremely minor infraction that Hunter was charged with is anywhere near the seriousness of the crime of TREASON that Trump is guilty of trying to overthrow our Democracy. Get help!
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She's been nominated to be honored as the dumbest person to ever serve as a U.S. Congressional Representative. Congratulations! Quite an accomplishment.