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Hope the dog is ok.
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In the aftermath of WW2 there was an attempt to try and find out why the bulk of the German population 'went along' with the Nazis.
In the USA now it would be quite subversive to have a grass roots campaign to document why people feel ok with acquiescing to the current version of the Nazis.
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So now we will see Trump's true colours, let's see what pressure he puts on Putin.
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Deep sea fish of course.
( I'd accept a deep sea squid or jellyfish in that category )
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and how honest are the published amounts ?
Don't state officials routinely falsify accounts ?
If so how much are they hiding would you estimate?
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It seems like the only explanation doesn't it.
I'm wondering what is going to trigger an out and out confirmation for this for the American populace.
And then what is going to happen to Agent Orange when they decide he is.
A mob will dismember him surely?
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8 would be enough for... 🥳🤞
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And like 50k dollars worth
Not sure how a few bags of maize is gonna help
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Pacifist or not, it doesn't matter anymore.
We have no option.
Freedom must be defended and fought for.
Freedom goes hand in hand with the principles of equality.
If we are to survive climate breakdown then those that would undermine global cooperation need to be defeated - whatever the cost.
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Only one absolute prerequisite.
Nuclear arsenal must be given up and dismantled.
Beyond that it doesn't matter much.
They must never again be able to wield such power.
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Not just military or even just govt.
Everyone and anyone doesn't want to be put in that situation.
100% untrustworthy.
Now begs the question whether all USA products, especially military and tech is now suspect and undependable.
The hubris of hegemony is going to sink the United States.
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range missile systems from anyone worldwide, supply intel for targeting and jets and bombers with long range arms.
Ukraine will do the rest and Putin's Russia will go into chaos within 2 to 3 months at most.
At the scale before US removed intel Russia was going to last maybe 9 - 11 months
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The money to get out of this problem and it is already 'locked in'
Unless Russia gets let off sanctions they are going to collapse.
So, Europe going in with soldiers won't achieve much.
Giving long range capability to Ukraine will speed up the collapse massively.
Europe should buy all long
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Win the war.
Destroying the economy is and will.
At current rate I think they will start to hit catastrophic crisis midwinter 2026.
That is if Ukraine can continue hitting refineries and rail infrastructure.
Once fuel and rail starts to properly falter everything else crumbles. They don't have
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What he is referring to is the idea that the total collapse of Russia would be the safest outcome.
The russian economy is being destroyed in a comprehensive way that will lead to the break up of their empire... the war is destroying them, but not quickly enough.
Killing their soldiers will not
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Yes and it begs the question of why society finds it so difficult to see realities.
Or why we find it so convenient to try to avoid realities at almost all costs.
So good at pretending to ourselves?
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Came to the same conclusion.
Better to bite the bullet and rapidly get up to speed for world without the US.
Boycott of all US products by consumers in Europe would be another decent move.
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But then he turns the screws on them. As Russia is also very weak and on the brink of collapse he can really squeeze them but with the idea of defeat by Ukraine off the table.
He could force them to concede significantly.
Time will tell, but if not this then the fucker is a russian asset for sure.
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Trying to square if he is a russian asset.
So try this.
Trump's modus is a player.
To win he needs to isolate the others.
He chooses the weakest first, Ukraine. Gets them to capitulate.
(Russians get excited)
Only then he turns the screws on Putin to force him to give up.
It could be his strategy
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Except the economy won't last 1.5 years.
In 9 months the last remnants of 'holding it together' will crumble like the repair on a dam.
My guess is a fuel and power crisis leading to a food crisis in the winter of 2026.
I believe they know it and is why they are desperate for a ceasefire.
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We are all being played by this fuxker.
How long before we all wake up?
He is going to try and break up Europe while hiding that aim behind 'it can't be true' attitudes.
I grant him it is clever.
The only thing that is going to work is a counter power...
So get your shit together democracies.
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The russian economy is heading for a stupendous collapse and is the only thing they really fear as the consequence is the breakup of the empire.
This is why agent trump is trying to find excuses to lift sanctions and save them.
Ukraine must somehow keep hitting refineries at all costs.
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So ditch any idea of American assistance and go all out with the EU + others to bridge the gap.
It is doable as Russia is close to collapsing. Everything is falling apart in russian economy.
Ukraine must keep it together till winter 2026 when Putin's empire will collapse in on itself.
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So the question is:
What are we (450 million EU + 60 million UK ) going to do about it?
I'd suggest building up a bigger nuclear deterrent asap.
Building up a European military armed to the teeth asap.
Kick US out of NATO and build a new pan global democratic defense pact.
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As I keep saying Russia will collapse if they don't stop doing war.
Already started printing money to prop up industry I believe, so the pretending is getting to desperate levels.
They won't get past winter 2026.
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The russian economy will collapse in the winter of 2026 so Europe just needs to make it that far with support.
Also Europe is 600 million people
2x that of US.
If we get our shit together then Europe can do this.
Supply Ukraine with serious weapons is step one to speeding up russian collapse.
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The structural damage Putin's war is inflicting on the Russian economy is generational.
Some in Russia must know this as it is blatantly obvious.
Depending how long they keep digging a hole they are looking at min 30 yrs.
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The war and sanctions have forced a cycle that is going one place only and there is no escape route. The tipping point is long past and desperate measures to keep the whole system going will only make it worse.
I can't see how they avoid hyperinflation and the complete destruction of everything.
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Been waiting for a bit of this... they will have been gossiping for ages but acting publicly is another matter.
Clock is ticking on Putin.
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Surely giving yourself money to buy loans from yourself is like a snake eating it's tail. would be proud
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Maybe now our politicians will start standing up.
This war can be stopped.
Hit Russian economic infrastructure systems and the regime will collapse by winter 26 at the very latest.
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Go one better... Switch the TV off and start making things instead...
Read that book Flow about creativity and its benefit to us. Start a project to build something with other people... something for your community, anything.
The next few years will be about human rediscovery.
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Not sure if this is the first instance of them printing money but yes hyperinflation is just around the corner when this is their only policy left.
Zimbabwe 2.0
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The russian economy is the weak point. Allowing Ukraine to hit infrastructure - rail, electricity, refining would collapse Russia faster than anything else.
Precision strikes have always been the precursor to that.
Many of these systems are teetering as it is and they are all interdependent.
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It is very difficult to comprehend western policy regards weapons.
However what is clear is that once an imaginary barrier has been crossed then expanding use seems less of an issue.
So expanded use of long range will likely follow.
Then we will see Russia suffer some real pain.
Sooner the better.