(1/3) It needs repeating: in 1994, Ukraine was persuaded to give up its nuclear weapons to Russia in return for the US, the UK, and Russia guaranteeing Ukraine’s sovereignty, security, and territorial integrity.
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(2/3) The UK government is doing its best to live up to this commitment, but the US is effectively siding with Russia in undermining it. Instead of seeing its sovereignty preserved, Ukraine is being pressured to accept a lopsided peace agreement without real guarantees.
Hi. Thanks for your post. We could use your help with our marches and rallies. We need you to go to Indivisible and to the other groups organizing rallies and marches.
“Anyone may arrange his affairs so that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which best pays the treasury. There is not even a patriotic duty to increase one’s taxes." Judge Learned Hand, Gregory v Helvering (1934)
Unfortunately, you are correct. The US now has a President who is siding with the aggressor and is betraying its values in order to enrich himself and his cronies. He is violating the 1994 agreement. His party is made up of cowards.
No, Richard -- what they're being pressured to accept is an ultimatum to be annexed into what would become the new Soviet Union, whether by agreement or by force.
(3/3) With decades of Western policy consensus callously swept aside, European nations must now do everything within their power to preserve Ukraine’s sovereignty and repel Russia’s aggression.
In fairness to Russia, & far from accepting Ukraine’s invasion, Russia was given the guarantee NATO would not expand any further to promote closeness with Europe.
Russia’s aim was to be closer to Europe & instead, it had all countries betraying by joining NATO, leaving Ukraine as the last country!
Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia joined NATO in 2004. It took Russia 10 years to decide they should react by invading Crimea in 2014, and then a further 8 years before the Ukraine invasion. I think they’re using this as a bit of a lame excuse.
So that's what this all really comes down to, the cold war never ended for the winners. You have nukes, give them to Ukraine and the war will end asap. But that doesn't even sound like an option, why is that? Modern wars are not meant to be won, peace is not profitable.
The good people of the US are fully against what djt has done to Ukraine. Russia is not an ally of the US, and the good people of this nation are being held hostage by a Traitor, and his minions.
He wants to start WWIII because he and the other scum at the surface of the pond will benefit from the wreckage while being insulated from the devastation.
This is bigger than Russia and the US. Israel, India, Hungary, many others with leaders that belong to the IDU. This has been a long time plan finally being put into motion once all the right politicians were in place. The last one they need is Pierre. https://bsky.app/profile/204queenb0574.bsky.social/post/3lfalbin4rk26
This is miles from over. Trump has thrown in with losers who can only achieve their goals through coercion. It will not end well for him or for Russia.
Except the time to say no isn’t after you’ve made the promise and the other guy has kept his part of the bargain. That’s the country you want to live in?
The Europeans buy many of their weapons from the United States: so the Europeans' arms production is definitely insufficient to be able to replace the American arms supplies to Ukraine, which today have been suspended altogether by Trump!
I fear for the future of nuclear disarmament. Why would any country give up their bombs or choose not to seek a nuclear weapon after seeing what Ukraine has been through? We are all less safe now.
I'll be so disappointed if Zelensky gives in to Trump. It's really just giving in to Putin. They are one. And we are all on the other side of them including many of us Americans.
Nobody can trust any deal signed by the Felon President, he just broke the deal with Canada and Mexico. He broke the deal the US had already with Ukraine from years ago. He's a deal breaker not a deal maker, always has been. A scoundrel and narcissist.
You can add to this that the US specifically discouraged Europe from building up its military for decades.
Now, because 75 million people elected an idiot with(out) bone spurs, a strong European military is inevitable. I predict the US will cease to be the global military power by 2035.
I greatly appreciate your opinion. I’m of the opinion that it will happen by 2027. I think 🍊💩🤡 will dismantle the DOD and run a personal Surplus store online to sell off all military equipment. Then replace bases with golf courses.
Seriously, there are a few billionaires that could really help out here. If they’re not paying taxes like the rest of us, it’s really the least they can do.
Does ANY of them want to have a meaningful legacy or just that they died with the most money and kept all for themselves?
Why do Virgins’ business contracts change over time? Why would you sign a lifetime contract, Richard?
Nothing is fixed. Countries have interests over alliances. As the smaller country, it makes sense you’re complaining. Is America allowed to complain to or do Europeans believe they have a monopoly?
I’m not sure that helps much.
Imo he, & others as wealthy as him who are speaking out, are helping. Just by using their voice! As rich as they are, Still speaking out against this administration—that’s it. We must do our part on the bottom (or middle, respect) and stand altogether.
Or maybe he can donate his profits from America to the Ukrainians. I know I can’t do anything from my little piece of Canada, but Richard Branson has some economic power.
Thank you!! I can't sleep thinking about President Zelenskyy and the people of Ukraine. They are incredibly brave, kind, awesome people who never deserved that murderous madman's invasion. I am so mad at my countrymen for voting for this horror.
In the February 2014 Ukrainian Revolution, Ukraine's parliament voted to remove Yanukovych, but the new government did not seek to change its neutral status. Russia then occupied and annexed Crimea, and in August 2014 Russia's military invaded eastern Ukraine.
The first step has to be a cease fire agreement so that negotiations can be started between both parties and emissaries selected by both parties. Without this starting point there can be no end to this war.
Absolutely! The current Republican Congress has at best forgotten those promises, and have no integrity or backbone to honor those commitments. As for Trump, Vance, and the other Cabinet members…they have gone over to “the dark side”.
Good to see you're helping the cause by donating a billion of your wealth, because frankly, I think you can live on the other 1.5 billion quite comfortably.
Billionaires should do their bit too don't you think?
Canada will join with European nations in this. We are a country that stands by our word and honours our commitments. The US under the current administration is a neighbour but not a friend and certainly not one we can trust. #elbowsup #fafo #supportukraine #unitedinsolidarity
Ukraine’s original border must be protected too. Russia wants those minerals as does the US. Ukraine’s resource’s are not to be used as a bargaining chip to garner military support.
You could not be more spot on!!
Thank you!!!
And here it is totally disorienting. I was raised to love Our Founding Principles, I gave my solemn Oath to Our Constitution as I served my nation. And now ONE man has created a total upside-down world I don't recognize EVERY DAY. NOTHING is right anymore
Because what is permitted to happen to one nation will inevitably happen to other nations. True when Europe colonized Africa, Asia & S.America for their resources. True today when oligarchs control enough govts & information to do whatever they please.
What happened to the Americans? Put a little tax on documents to pay for a war that made the land safe for you, and you’re tipping tea into the harbour. Fascism comes along and you roll over to have your tummy tickled.
Things were a little different then ChrisPas. I can go to protests on the weekends. I support my disabled husband and my daughter. Sadly, I have to work or we’ll lose our home. I’ll go to every protest if you’d like to pay my bills.
Actually, a third of US voters wanted this, another third did NOT want this, and another third couldn't care less when time was there to vote. Stupidity is the right word. And bravo to Vladimir Putin who did a fantastic job in the destabilization and retardation of the US people. Bravo.
They are just as complicit as the ones who voted for him.
Also of those who voted more voted against him. Approximately 1% voted for a third candidate. He beat Harris by less than 1%.
They voted for Trump. They don’t get a pass. They knew that a No Vote was a Vote for Trump! So F’ck them all! I hope they feel the burn double those that did Vite for him. They are a bunch of COWARDS anyway!
I keep asking myself this every day.
Seems like nobody wants to do anything more than just march and write their Representatives. It’s an impotent effort.
Tell me about it! I really hate people for it. Especially the morons who didn’t vote because of Gaza.
We Fckd around, the find our period is coming soon.
It's a shame the Democratic Party is a bunch of genocidal elitists who put forth an uninspired and unelectable candidate. Don't blame people who've given up on the farce called voting.
Yep, only 31% of the eligible US voting population voted for a narcissistic imbecile. And about another 30% sat on their lazy asses and helped cause this calamity.
They didn't really know because they didn't care to learn. They don't know anything except they've been trained like dogs to hate Liberals and anything that smells like a Liberal. As much as they can "know" anything with their brain rot.
That is giving far too much credit, I don’t really believe they do know what was/is coming. Far too many people live in their insulated worlds either leaving politics to the experts (of which there are none) or anesthetizing themselves with bread and circuses.
They’re actually worse than the MAGA crowd - the MAGA crowd are indoctrinated and believe all of the bullshit - the non-voters are somewhat level headed and still thought it was ok to not vote for Harris
The only question I have about those registered voters that "didn't vote" was: how many actually DID VOTE but their ballots were thrown out by either MAGA/republiCON enablers?
I wonder how many of those folks who didn't vote, didn't vote? Was it all of them? Or would some of them say, "yes I did vote, what the hell happened to it?"
THAT's the worse part. 88 million people (or spoiled brats) didn't bother to leave home on November 5th to use their voice and privilege of voting that millions of people are fighting to retain today in Ukraine !
Actually, it is important to know it is more than half of us Americans who didn't vote for trump.
trump won less than half of eligible voters. Only two thirds of eligible voters voted. Trump got less than half of them.
In fact, of those who voted, more did not vote for trump than those who did.
MORE than HALF of us. The people that voted for Mango Mussolini and is GOP traitor brigade are the MINORITY. Our laws should have been changed LONG AGO that reflected the true wishes of The American People at the ballot box. For 40yrs Democrats sat & watched the GOP dismantle our voting power.
Actually, the government is run by the people for the people but if those same people don’t vote or run for offices, the crooks get away with what they want. I’ve heard many people tell me, “I don’t talk politics.” This is what happens when you don’t talk politics and history. It’s over, now.
The only thing left is a revolution but too many are still waiting for a few Democrats to save them. It is so sad to watch from 🇨🇦. We will fight. We are united. And we talk.
The general reaction I perceived for Biden and Kamala and democrats telling americans : ''These people are fascists'' was ''don't tell us what to do'', ''you are a fascist too'' and ''I WONT VOTE FOR GENOCIDE''. I still can't believe they won. I have PTSD from this electoral campaign, not from MAGA.
Even Elon musk said that if Kamala was to win he could end up in jail and it still wasn’t enough for that vampire left, the morally superior, to get their head out of their butt. It was absolutely soul crushing to watch. Like literally you would tell them everything that would happen
With Trump, and everything fucking happened, and what I see now, is that this fucking propalestinian left are nowhere to be found. You look at those protest and the average age is like 50 years old. That super left isn’t doing shit right now. For how intense they were protesting agaisnt
Like the guy is older than Biden, he couldn’t have run in 2028. It was over and done for MAGA if Kamala won. The insanely reckless “left” did this. Everyone knew that MAGA would vote Trump even if he told them he was going rape their mom. But that fucking propalestinian left ruined everything
And as many told them, stop it, if Trump win, you can kiss goodbye to all your leftist aspiration, everyone is going to fucking hate the left for decades to come. But all they could say is : “AT LEAST I DONT KILL BABIES”. Goddamit.
Bro. The RoW only care about your internal problems to the extent that you've unleashed a mad, vindictive idiot. The US doesn't have MCE any more as far as we're all concerned.
How many of the other half do you feel, from your conversations with people over there, are now regretting their decision? Is there any sense that swing voters and moderate Republicans, and black and Latino voters who moved to Trump in November are peeling away from MAGA in significant numbers?
That'll be difficult with Trump actively undermining Zelenski, and seeking to grab Ukraine's resources, à la National Socialist Germany with Poland. Heck, he's already talked about organising an Anschluss with Greenland. He'll be signing a US-Russia pact next.
It's time for UK & Europe to stand as one. The Americans controlled & weakened you all in the process, it made you all complacent because the USA had it all under control. Now we are depending on you to stiffen your spines &do what you know you are capable of. You are the power Ukraine needs
The only way this gets bigger is if Trump sends American troops to fight alongside Russia.
Russia have nothing left in the tank. They were reliant on NK bolstering their ranks.
The voices of people in your position are desperately needed. The capitulation to Putin's genocidal, authoritarian regime is sustained by some US billionaires hell bent on making us into the image of oligarchal Russia. Its treason in all its dimensions. Millions of Americans stand with NATO & Europe
As Europe should. I have never been more shocked in my life by the damage this man has caused in the past 10 years. Hopefully you'll take Americans that no longer want to live here.
I was tearful watching trump and vance belittled and marginalize Zelensky. I was mortified. Please know that many of us are trying to resist this administration!
Oh look, yet another billionaire putting in his 2 cents, that no one asked him, for whilst he wastes millions cosplaying as astronauts. Noice! 👍🙄 Why don't you buy Ukraine some ammo?
Well Richard, it's because trump is a moron. He is in love with Musk, Putin, and the little fat guy in N.Korea. We, the people are at his mercy. The republicans led up down this path to fascism. We are horrified.
I read this morning that President Zelensky will be agreeing to hand over the country’s minerals. This breaks my heart because that’s why putin started this war. The so called “peace” deal trump is pushing will end up destroying Ukraine! Please don’t give up! I will fight for you if that would help.
If by some chance we can get rid of that orange turd out of office or win back the Senate majoritt, I would fully expect that Ukraine would be given their mineral rights back
Nothing. It’s a Trump deal. All he does is take an override, put his name on it, lie about it being the best deal. See Trump U, Trump Taj Mahal, Trump Foundation, Truth Social, Trump coins, Trump bibles. Trump shoes, Trump hats made in Chi-na, Trump properties, Trump Air, Trump steaks…
Get the idea?
Most of us did not vote for fascism. Please know that the good people of The U.S. who were not duped by a common criminal con man are horrified. We support Ukraine.
Thank you, Sir Branson
Time to use your financial clout to show Donald Trump that ceding the leadership of the free world to Putin comes at a very steep price.
Nowhere in the memorandum does it state that the U.S. or U.K. are required to provide military aid or intervene in a conflict. Unlike NATO's Article 5, which explicitly requires mutual defense, the Budapest Memorandum contains no military commitments and has no enforcement mechanism.
Why do so many people not see this? I keep hearing so much "but, but, but". But nothing!! They are a sovereign nation. Also...how are people so stupid that they think all Putin wants is Ukraine and then he'll be satisfied? People need a smack upside the head!
Exactly. Those folks are too deep in the kool-aid, & unable to think critically or see the problem w/ this. If we don’t honor our commitments, why would any country make agreements with the US, again. It’s all from a lack of historical knowledge and understanding, while eating up the blatant lies!
Maybe? I feel it's more likely that people weren't paying attention because while I obviously didnt go to every school in the US, I definitely learned some of this (I'm old enough to have lived through much of it too), and I have confirmed that my daughter has also learned this history in school.
Fucking love it when America literally tells goddamn NATO to go eat a dick about it on top of it all, honestly, I was kinda wondering when he'd pull that given all this utter nonsense. Gotta love our moronic dictator king, crippling America by shooting it in the foot since day 1!
Europe is a superpower, and there are a few voices here and there (Tusk) that are starting to acknowledge that fact.
It must become even more united/integrated and begin acting like the power it is. No reason why it should feel threatened by Russia. Or even the US.
In 1917, Canada had 100,000 men in uniform. In 1943 there were 1 million out of 11 million people. We are proud that we helped our European friends without reservation.
There are millions of Canadians of French, English, Scottish, Irish, Dutch, German, Polish, Ukrainian and other ancestry.
What’s stopping rich Americans from donating to Ukraine or assisting Europe to rebuild? It’s fine to say Ukraine is the front line of democracy but where are the billionaires of America helping Ukraine? If citizens of US know this is true…do something! You’re free to help.
This is what bothers me. A lot of us did our part at thr polls by voting for Kamala. I am neither powerful or rich. There are many million and billionaire democrats in the US. How did Chump get this far?
Thank you! I'm heartbroken for Ukraine right now! I did not vote for Trump & am absolutely embarrassed & horrified. Thanks for England, France, & Canada having Ukraine's back! I'm so grateful to you!
Britain and US failed in its contractual obligation when they allowed that Russian thug to take Crimea…. And then pastures and forests in Ukraine. It had been reported for years and allowed to continue.
Democrats as bad as Repub. Neither country honours its promises. And Ukraine is paying for it.
Unfortunately, “everything in their capacity” may well entail war in Europe.
The Europeans will have to decide whether to fight Russia in Ukraine, or standby while Russia tramples Ukraine (appeasement), then fight Russia when Putin inevitably invades Poland or the Baltics.
Most Americans are equally horrified. None of us ever thought we would be aligned with Russia, much less be BFFs. Horrified to see our wonderful country side with the worst evil.
European nations should overwhelmingly flood the zone in America on social media platforms, fund billboards and massive US election campaigns to mobilize newly educated voters to kick these Putin puppets to the curb forever.
I mentioned that in one of my posts too. What people could do is go to their local drugstore and purchase a Visa card and just put a certain amount in it if they’re afraid of using their own personal credit card.
@markhamillofficial.bsky.social is an ambassador for them I believe. But this is legit and they are 100% transparent and tell you where every dime is going!
@markhamillofficial.bsky.social is an ambassador for them I believe. But this is legit and they are 100% transparent and tell you where every dime is going!
I’m so glad you’ve spoken up, we need many more of you to raise your voice and maybe start a financial campaign for Ukraine. Get with some big names contributing cash as well as ordinary citizens.
All sounds wonderful Mr. Branson….but I have to wonder what actual money have you donated to Ukraine? Yesterday I donated $100, which is about 3% of my monthly wages. How about you?
Hi Darla. I decided to look this up myself. There seems to be no public records of Branson's charitable donations made directly to Ukraine. Publicly, he chaired a charity dinner that raised only $635,000 for Ukraine in Sept. '23. And there's other non-transparent work that he's done for them too.
It would be good if he came out and provided verbal & documentation proof of his contributions to Ukraine. Transparency is always good. And it inspires others to help. The man's net worth is a whopping $2.5 Billion.
Also, props to you, Darla, for your sizable contribution! ✊ Slava Ukraini!
You are at a high enough social status than to be feeding us this line of alternative history. Ukraine is fighting a proxy war against Russia for the US. https://youtu.be/_RNE3X41IvM?si=qSv2LjH0pWAOMCnC
Plus, On November 12, 2024, Putin aid Nikolai Patrushev told the Russian media "To achieve success in the elections, Donald Trump relied on certain forces to which he has corresponding obligations. And as a responsible person, he will be obliged to fulfill them.” https://www.newsweek.com/vladimir-put...
It's obvious he's returning the favor. He's stopped our cyber intelligence into Russia. He's lifting the Russian sanctions, and he's betrayed all of our allies. Putin is laughing. Trump is so easily manipulated. We can't survive 4 yrs of this fool.
European nations need to send troops into Ukraine. Russia gets North Korean troops, Ukraine must get European troops!
No more fiddling, even Biden was too slow to react and send weapons. They need drastic measures, and now!
We have whiplash from the 180 Trump is implementing.
Most US presidents honor international agreements, but in this instance(&Trumps 1st term) all bets are off table.
He's doing it his way, for his pockets.
USA has to go all the way to bottom of swamp before maga learns its lesson. We're all doomed.
Hear hear Mr Branson. President Obama and PM David Cameron. at the time back then, are just as culpable as Czar Putin was, in abrogating that agreement, IMHO.
You might find this short snippet by former President Clinton interesting.
Does that mean that on principle you will not be flying planes in and out of the USA? You might as well keep Americans safe as there are no air traffic controllers!
"The United States launched a trade war against Canada, their closest ally, their closest friend, at the same time they are talking about working positively with Russia," Trudeau said. "Make that make sense."
Do we need to call on others with wealth to help stop the takeover of our government. Do the wealthy that do NOT stand with tRump have any means to help????
It speaks volumes that you have spoken on so called "Russian aggression", while remaining silent on the decades worth of evidence with regards to Americas intent to destabilise Russia. Even at the cost of Europe.
Rendering your post, not courageous. But a typical example of western cowardy.
Unfortunately, Richard, the United States has fallen victim to its' own indifference. Long ago, Nikita Kruschev said that Russia would defeat America without lifting a finger in violence... that why would defeat us from the inside. Behold Donald Trump.. Agent Krasnov.
Trump is Putin's puppet. Russian interference in our elections and gov't has gotten us here. Trump is imploding our country and the world and Russia is the direct beneficiary. "Will no one rid [us] of this turbulent pri _ _.?"
Thank god for the Brits! Now if they could just patch things up with les francais and cooperate in recreating a united European Union there may yet be hope for the world. Forget USA. It’s too busy committing suicide to be of any help.
At this point how "real" are US guarantees? It seems the signatories have struggled, to wildly swinging degrees, honoring the initial agreement and what forces have been at play. How Ukrainian corruption and politics have played in/out.
Have to wonder about the sources of the instability and turmoil. Bottom line is Russia invaded. And America seems to have switched "sides" as Zelensky is in an impossible position made worse by Trumps profiteering.
Ukraine is being forced to GIVE UP MINERAL RIGHTS end of story. There would be no ceases fire or aid or end to anything. They would have to beg AGAIN to get a ceasefore and would then be forced into giving up territory. This process would repeat until Russia had all of Ukraine and trmp gets a few $$
Would be great if the US had spent $380bn, we all probably wouldn’t be in this position now
Stop swallowing all the Trump BS facts and do your research
And somehow this is making America Great again???? Making America Hate Again maybe, or Making America Hated Again. As ashamed as I am of him as president, I am even more ashamed of the GOP congress who surrendered their balls to him. He keeps them in a jar so he can squeeze them at will.
Trump was very clear that he had no interest in being a constitutional president if he won reelection. What we are watching is the very predictable pivot to the globe's other autocrats, without whom Trump himself can never become an emperor.
No "effectively" needed. The GOP is definitely siding with Russia because our mob-boss president is in Putin's pocket. The oath they all took means absolutely nothing. It's not complicated.
While it's correct to write that UKG "is doing its best to live up to [its] commitment…" that comes 11 years too late, given that the Conservatives (who signed the memorandum) and were back in gov't when RU invaded in 2014. https://bsky.app/profile/squibbmeisteruk.bsky.social/post/3lickczx4n222
Pls remember Canada. Were also supporting Ukraine.
Im getting tired of my country being ignored in its support of Ukraine.
🇨🇦 has accepted the largest amt of Ukrainians into our country.
Start acknowledging that pls.
Weird way of saying "give the bully everything". One-sided is more accurate. I guess one-sided is lopsided, but I am confused about the nonexistent side Ukraine apparently receives after Russia takes all?
That’s pretty much what I’m seeing happening. The world is going to isolate the US because the world can loud exist without us. China comes out on top and the entire thing. The US is going to be a third class world citizen. Completely shameful.
It's a farce !! You've Never been the land of the free! You Still oppress people of colour.
Justice for All, biggest bullshit line the world has ever heard.
Well I have seen the good old white boys running this country. They even told me once to do as they say or I'll never get a job in Oklahoma again. And I'm white.
Racism and systemic oppression is still very real - no arguments there - but many like me simply don't understand it and eventually people will realize that humans are like Smarties... different colors but all the same inside.
I’m so glad you pointed this out. Now we get to see how real the American promise truly is. This should be the basis of gauging American credibility in any negotiation.
To be fair, its not as if there wasn't precedent - witness the countless number of treaties broken by the US government with the Native Americans. No wonder Trump's inspiration is Andrew Jackson - he who signed the Indian Removal Act
Yes, we have a lot of experience with how well the US government keeps its word. "As long as the grass grows, and the wind blows..." or until the presidency changes in Washington, DC.
1) We wont invade
2) we won’t use economic coercion
3) we won’t use nukes against Ukraine
4) in the event of invasion we will go to the UN Security Council.
5) We will consult each other should these provisions be violated.
Jessie it’s crushing and inside I’m hurt and outraged. Uncharted territory we are in and I haven’t any words to express how this feels.
I grew up Canada adjacent in Niagara Falls. We used to ride our bikes over and it felt like one country.
Keep sticking it to him, we need it!
Yup. And Dump's the one who insisted on renegotiating the NAFTA agreement early and now reneges on it. Thank HIM for the increase in the price of your gasoline.
Thought I'd never live to see this day. That Trump & his backers could literally turn the tide of history from progress towards peace, security, better standard of living for all towards a time where everything is devoted to enriching already bloated oligarchs & their corporations.
I can't understand how Trump supporters are so blind. They see how Putin treats his citizens. He's a brutal dictator who conscripts young people to fight in bloody wars for his own personal benefit. Russian life is horrible and tragic under Putin. And Trump wants to be the Putin of America.
It’s pretty simple, they’ve been worked into believing his word is the only correct word. All the Republicans had to do was convince their demographic that all the issues facing the US is because of liberals. They’ve slowly been inducted into a cult that has its face in Trump.
Watch it kid. I'm 74 years old, a NewYorker, retired from a career working in video and still have all but one of my own teeth! We were mocking Trump for decades before Mark Burnett gave him super powers.
they don't, the vast majority. those who do, however, think they're special and others deserve to be slaves; like in other dictatorships. They think they'll be like putin if they like putin. they have no idea idea it doesn't work that way.
Truth!! I’ve seen interviews with fired Fed workers who were Trump supporters and never thought it would happen to “them”. But they were completely fine with it happening to other families that didn’t support Trump.
Cruelty is the point. What Putin does to Russians who don't toe the line is what MAGA wants to do with #BIPOC, #LGBTQ #Labor, #Environment Activists and any other perceived "enemies".
Most of my neighbors are his supporters and I talk to them. It is willful blindness. They refuse to see what's happening and call it all leftist lies. You can't have a real conversation with most of them.
It’s true. They yell “brainwashed” or “propaganda” at everything, even the simple things. It never makes sense but like you said, it’s willful blindness. Cut them off.
It’s simple,Trump has given the far right everything they wanted; Christian fundamentalism have gotten their abortion ban, business their tax cuts and white supremacist their leader. He’s conned the middle class to help him burn it all down!
A lot of Americans are insular no interest in other countries or culture. They haven't got a clue what's going on in the next village never mind what's going on outside of America.
Sad existence
Rather than blind, they are deceived (yes, some willfully) by their media ecosystem. Therefore many of them literally *don't* see how Putin really is.
I'm not excusing them, by the way; just trying to explain how we got here and why it's so hard to stop the slide.
I know. It's gob-stopping. I talked with a Canadian yesterday who supports Trump's plan for Ukraine. He gets his news from YouTube and not the mainstream media. He was supposed to send me a project to quote on but after the conversation which was polite, I've heard nada.
I’m not so sure they do. There was a guy who phoned into a radio station here in Britain and tried to tell the host that life wouldn’t be that bad under Putin.
Tik Tok has reels showing a Russia that is very appealing yet doesn’t exist. Friends send me videos when they are opposite of my belief or of facts. What they send with their 156 thousand likes are convincing. We live in different worlds. Efforts need to ramp up to speak to Trump voters
Gays...blah blah....blacks....blah....trans-something or other..oppression of women.
All Trump had to do was convince the intellectually weak that they're strong when they hit down on others.
They don’t think Putin has anything to do with us. They don’t understand that continuing to aid Ukraine means they fight a war so we don’t have to. The “truth” doesn’t fit with their political narrative so they stay blind and uneducated rather than admit they got Trump completely wrong.
It will become such a toxic place, very soon. Nobody will want anything to do with us. All because of a delusional mans' bizare attraction to a ruthless dictator.
It's developed into a personality cult and they're now cultists, you can't reach these people anymore, no matter what the Dear Leader gets up to, major de-programming is required.
Acquiring other people's $ or stuff is now the only goal. People used to be embarrassed to be seen as hustlers or con artists. Now they are celebrated.
I posted it on my fb and someone posed a link to join the Ukraine army if I was so interested in helping. They literally don't want to know the history and the reality because it doesn't line up with the R narrative.
It seems everyone I know is talking about it, while they were willing to sit out every other fresh hell that the past 43 days has dropped on us. People I know are supporting the White Stork org.
If you ask the Native Americans I sure they can give plenty of examples of how untrustworthy & despicable our government has always been and always will be.
But yes, it is a travesty what is happening with Ukraine.
Most of the MAGA supporters that agree with cutting off Ukraine know nothing about this. They are allergic to facts, evidence, common sense, books with words, history, etc…
And it is incomprehensible! Russia is economically of the size of Brazil or South Corea. A stagnant, mismanaged, oppressive oligarchy. They have the nukes, sure, but not much else. Why invite them back into superpowership when they are soon bankrupt?
It is beyond appalling to me how NONE of the politicians are not banging on doors and protesting any executive order, etc. by Trump. Where are our past leaders who helped seal this deal with Ukraine in 1994? Who will speak up? Is the silence going to lead us to the end?
All true. This guarantee provided by the US is rarely mentioned by the media and has never been addresses by trump. Why not??!! Other world leaders should be pressing the issue also.
There are unsubstantiated made-up rumors circulating that Zelensky is a pivotal character in this charade. I don't trust a former tv personality to govern with genuineness.
That was a nice show they put on for us the other day. It
was inspiring.
Yes it does. The world now requires that we suffer along with the cultists that voted for trump. It must be done to save us all. The cultists need to learn the hard lesson of what they have done.
Your words are so inspiring to continue my faith in humanity. I'm so glad to receive your positive message as though I'm maga. Really makes me want to continue fighting for America.
MAGA has political amnesia! It’s amazing how the whole herd can forget things so conveniently.
Hopefully before they are gathered for the slaughterhouse they will snap out of it!
Imagine if it was 1940, we went to the US to ask for help, and we were told, we will guarantee your safety, but you have to give Hitler the south coast, and we get all your coal, sounds obscured right?…
Branson this is garbage. The Budapest Memorandum wasn’t a binding military pact—it was a diplomatic agreement with no enforcement mechanism. The UK and US never promised troops, just political support. And the idea that the US is “siding with Russia” is laughable—billions in aid prove otherwise.
How is anyone’s word to be trusted anymore? The rug has been swept out from under us & the agents of chaos from around the world are so proud of themselves. If this is to cause the quantum change they are seeking my hope is it backfires and we see a new way to do things that includes accountability
Need to stop making deals. They know not the meaning of honour,character or the meaning of a handshake. So whoever voted for it and no longer stands aligned with this government’s agenda take back your vote like he reneged on his deals
Trump, Putin, USA, Russia. They’ve all become synonyms now. Sad, so very sad. I wonder who the two of them will invade next? Good bud’s forever and the ‘Merican public and elected ‘leaders?’ Are sitting in their hands while they drink the Orange Kook-aid. I wonder how they’ll be remembered
Unfortunately now, that’s out the window with the clown in the White House. This dude is so incompetent. This country is going to be totally isolated from its former allies by the time these idiots are done.
I don’t understand why Trump had sided with trump and his allies, North Korea, Belarus and Iran and is attacking his allies, friends and neighbours. He is attacking the welfare of his own people too
I like what Zelinski has done today. A bit of an apology for what happened, and bringing a plan to the table for peace. Then he can put the owner on Trump and Russia. Make them the ones who say no to peace.
However, I believe Zelensky should say he is sorry & also that he is thankful. I've taken the liberty of preparing a fitting speech. "Pres. Trump, I am sorry you are such an asshole & I'm thankful other leaders in the free world are not a puppet for Putin." There-he said he's sorry & thankful.
Clown stuff Kev. How about I come to your home, takeover your garage and bedroom, kill your child, rape your wife, then we agree that this is the new normal? Yes, this is completely absurd, just like your post.
From being clearly a Russian asset for Putin, to destroying American society and governmental institutions, I just don't understand why a Junta govt isn't formed to detain, arrest and jail Trump immediately. People not getting their SSA payments will result in mass homelessness and death. Junta asap
Indeed; we've been alerted that SS payments might be late or erratic in April - that's next month folks - don't spend on anything now that you don't really need Better to be prepared than left wanting. And, yes, homelessness & hunger will follow
Like we get enough to spend money on things we don't really need. The average check is $1900 a month, but can be as little as $900. Unless you're below the poverty level, they take $185 a month out for Medicare. That brings your $1900 (or less) down to $1715. You have to live on that.
From being clearly a Russian asset for Putin, to destroying American society and governmental institutions, I just don't understand why a Junta govt isn't formed to detain, arrest and jail Trump immediately. People not getting their SSA payments will result in mass homelessness and death. Junta asap
From being clearly a Russian asset for Putin, to destroying American society and governmental institutions, I just don't understand why a Junta govt isn't formed to detain, arrest and jail Trump immediately. People not getting their SSA payments will result in mass homelessness and death. Junta asap
Americans, take inspiration from this Ukrainian and share. The American people are currently in the confused state that Ukranians were once in. The time for the people is coming, as more and more people open their eyes to the corner they're being backed into, they will rise and fight like no other
It is true that there was an agreement and that should be remembered. It should also be acknowledged that Ukraine could not have used those weapons: they were under Moscow's control even then.
The best it could have done is used them as bargaining chips for an agreement - which it thought it had.
How could anyone make a deal with an underhanded con like trump? Any deal would be as insincere as the ones he fandangled with Canada or Mexico. Or his own country, for that matter...
He CANNOT be trusted. Neither can the "law and order" party.
The Would Be Dictator joins with Russia in ignoring previously signed agreements; treaties; etc. He feels they don’t apply to him, particularly since he is now a Russian Ally. 😩🥲
No, and hopefully the Democrats can gain ground. But it’s two years away, two years of a relentless assault on US democracy. And the lesson from Georgia, Venezuela, Belarus and elsewhere, including Russia itself, is that you don’t need to win a vote; you just need to control the count.
If Pinky & the Brain haven’t convinced Congress to completely break our voting system by then. I’ve been married twice. My birth certificate hasn’t matched my driver’s license since 1985 and the only passport I had, I got when I was 13.
So, first Russia, then the United States both trampled on Ukraine’s rights. I guess the first two only care about their rights, not those of other countries.
I don't think Mr. Z wants to be suckered this time. He can't trust Trump to provide security guarantees "sometime in the future" without Poop-tin's approval, so he would be wise not to give away the store to such a louse. He has cards he can play, and if Europe can fill the gap, all the better.
Trump is stupid and does stupid shit but the most blame for all of this is the people who voted for him. They knew what he was gonna do and still voted for him. You can’t get much stupider than that
I do not believe Trump, Vance, or Rubio were aware of the 1964 Trilateral agreement when they last met with Zelensky.
The agreement specifically says the US will provide security to Ukraine should Russia break the agreement. When Zelensky mentioned the word security Trump and Vance went batshit.
Hi Grant, Rubio at least was aware. I have heard him succinctly summarize the history of Ukraine agreeing to give up their nuclear weapons in exchange for security from the US and Uk. At that time, Rubio was arguing for the US to keep its promise.
Then Russia invaded & the USA did pretty much nothing about it. Doesn't matter who was in office. This ain't a whose better contest, it's just the truth. We blew it in 2014. Just made it worse. Now, we are a part of Russia, a giant Belarus, if u will. Now what?! 🤨
CANADIANS. Do not believe that this will last for 4 years. Trump has no intentions of leaving when his term is up. He cares for nothing and no one but himself. He is knowingly hurting his own country. He wants Canada. Do not doubt it. We must all do our share. This is. It a drill.
I share your fear. As a senior citizen I never thought I’d have to deal with this in my old age! Thank you for expressing yourselves bc I know you’ve been seething for a while!
Rightfully so.
His voice and actions cut me to the bone #TFG
Don’t lose heart. That is the orange turd’s ultimate goal. Canada is much stronger than they know. We have more power than they think. There is yet much that can be done. We’ll be ok but it’s not gonna be fun the next couple of years It won’t be fun for America either. Keep that in mind.
I agree. He will not leave. Also, what's playing out now is being coordinated by Putin and Trump for control of Canada. This in turn gives both US and Russia complete access and control of the Arctic. It's vast wealth. It's all about $$$. Again.
If he won't leave, we need to be prepared to force him to do so - and sooner rather than later. Don't let him diminish this country further. And, we can't count on the military
"No minerals deal, no weapons!“ This is what Trump‘s blackmailing looks like! His betrayal of Western value such as standing up for our liberal democracies, mutual support and the UN statute of non-violation of territorial integrity is breathtaking and unprecedented in US-history!
Blackmailing is exactly what djt is doing. He did it in his private business, and he doesn't give a damn about laws because he has never faced consequences for his actions. He is long overdue for what he deserves.
You know what I think, the first Democrat to give Trump or Elon an actual black eye will be re-elected forever without asking for a dime of campaign money…
Ding Ding Ding we have a winner. Russia should've had the weight of the world brought down on him when they first invaded Crimea instead, we have a president who's trying Rape Ukraine for its natural resources. This is not the first time we've had this problem from Trump
Thing is, this result, having Europe rearming is exactly what maga (and probably a lot of non-mag) want. Get Europe to pay for its own security by purchasing defense from private us companies.
Thank you Richard, I've posting this repeatedly since the invasion.
I'm crazy but I would have solved this by giving nuclear weapons to Ukraine and allow them to threaten Putin back and follow that with a conventional bombing of Moscow if he didn't withdraw.
Donny has probably been told the history of the 1994 deal for Ukraine to give up its nukes more than once. He has also probably been told more than once that US aid to Ukraine in the present conflict has been just a fraction of his claimed $350 million- but he repeated that claim on Shameful Friday.
Trumps. The “ businessman” one can’t trust. No one ever made money working with Trump. Only Burnett and that’s because Trump was just an employee. His lackey. Sigh
The US has now joined Russia in that ignominious list of treacherous, miserable, authoritarian countries that cannot be trusted by the rest of the world. The consequences of this will echo for decades.
Yes let's repeat it to the wind because no one else is listening. Europe needs to take on our role , and preemptively walk away from , or better , expel the US from NATO. We are a fascist country.
Sadly, I have seen sentiments like this on bumper stickers on the backs of vehicles owned by right wing nut jobs, using it as a reason to call the government the enemy. The government is only the enemy, and only untrustworthy, when it is populated by untrustworthy, corrupt officials, as it is now.
Bullies steal for their own needs.
2025, the US is claiming peace for your 50% of the minimal 20% of Ukraine land for Russia.
Dictators always want more.
You're really expecting Donald Trump to know this shit? He's still reading copies of magazines from 1989 that have his picture on them. Or maybe just looking at the pictures
It also needs repeating that the USA is the only NATO member to invoke article 5. Thousands of NATO soldiers died and billions were spent helping the USA.
Not that it will make any difference, but this fact should be repeated as much as possible. The US and UK have broken their own security deal with Ukraine
Unfortunately, tRump is totally ignorant. Even if he knew this, he would lie and say it isn’t true. We have an uneducated vulgar low class president. I’m embarrassed to say.
Hopefully we will learn our lesson and make a change quickly.
The world won't work. That's what the dictators and oligarchs want. They can send in their troops to liquidate protesters, rob, and pillage. Aanarchy gives them free rein.
He who dies with the most toys wins (not sure what will be left to win, but there we are.)
By law or by force. Trump isn't evil, he's just damn simple. He only has transactional understandings. And those, solely within the context of himself. This puts him counter to both national and individual interests. He is a clear and present danger. He needs to be removed. By law or by force.
The will of all men, is good, onto themselves. As equals, then, none of us are positionally correct in judging another. His point of view is harmful, yes. But evil, is not an idea I ascribe to. It is too frequenly, and too simply, the basis for war.
Exactly.. they played him.. JD is a puppet, inbred has no problem doing the bidding of the Moronic monkey… who had a dipshit embedded in the room asking “don’t you own a suit?
How callous, arrogant can you be? Trying to impress the Orange monkey with a ques like that to your guest? A state leader.
Under the Budapest Memorandum, USA, Russia & the UK signed an agreement to provide security assurances to the Ukraine. Under a different agreement, France gave similar assurances. Russia and now the rogue state of the USA have breached that agreement but the UK and France are honouring it.
Yep. Pax Americana is dead and buried. Europe will have to forge its own place in this ugly new world of brute power or else be swallowed up by Russia.
Not quite dead, his polling has been underwater from day one.
Americans will not tolerate his new world order, it’s been a while but we’re not dead yet
It certainly DOES need repeating, because you never hear about it on the news, and most people give you that blank "duh?" stare if you mention it! WHY won't the MSM EVER point this out?
Any agreements with Putin were broken by him. The Budapest memorandum is being ignored by Dear Leader. Instead, he's threatening Ukraine. This is inadmissible 🇨🇦❤️🇺🇦
Question: can you and others of your means help meaningfully? For instance, “donate” £1B for weapons purchases now, get a large contract for rebuilding after the war.
The immediate U.S. end to aid is about 400M, and this offsets that. Doesn’t solve long term but can tread water
You are wanting to talk to people who don't even know the US is a government of three equal Branches. -
The Judicial.
The Executive.
The Congress.
Equal means parity, the same power.
Unfortunately, Trump is giving himself different powers through his daily Executive Orders. The Supreme Court ruled he cannot be charged criminally for anything he does as POTUS. He could be impeached, but GOP controls that process. 🤔
Trump doesn’t even honor his own agreements, he’s certainly not going to honor someone else’s. He has no conception of our nation as an entity, he sees everything through the lens of his own ego. He’s the President, therefore America is an extension of his will. Res ipsa loquitur.
that is not exactly what all was stated guy. you ppl r such propagandists and liars! and YOU ALL COERECED POLITICALLY AND ECONOMICALLY IN DIRECT VIOLATION OF THAT SAME AGREEMENT!! STOP THE GASLIGHTING
Russia breached the Budapest memorandum in 2014 with its annexation of Ukraine's Crimea. The US, UK and France provided Ukraine with financial and military assistance, and imposed economic sanctions on Russia, ruling out "any direct interventions to avoid a direct confrontation with Russia".
I think the point is that any treaty doesn't confer immunity on parties to take action outside the scope of the treaty and not to expect a reaction. Russia claims (rightly or wrongly) that Ukraine made moves to prejudice its national security so it had to respond.
The UK let Ukraine down just as much as the USA in 2014. It was a shameful dereliction.
Although I imagine you dislike the Art of the Deal, you understand the principle of bluffing & talk is cheap, right?
Russia’s aim was to be closer to Europe & instead, it had all countries betraying by joining NATO, leaving Ukraine as the last country!
1. The UK is talking about putting boots on the ground to defend Ukraine
2. EU and UK are ramping up their weapons production, not counting on the US
3. Drones! Cheap, destructive, sustainable war
4. AI! Kamikaze drones killing unfriendly leaders
1) Get involved and put American boots on the ground. Pro: Stand up to evil. Con: Americans will die & escalates conflict.
2) Keep fighting a proxy war, funding Ukraine. Pro: Wears down Russia slowly. Con: Huge $ drain.
3) Exit. Pro: No US deaths. No $ drain.
Keep our word, our honor, our integrity as an ally.
As the wife of a military man who actually has put his life on the line, I get the issues -- better than you.
If Russia invades Estonia, how would Americans feel about their young kids dying for Estonians. I don't think American's have the stomach for that.
I believe that's a reflection of current American culture.
This is on the USA, years of quiet aggression.
Everyone and their mother now wants nukes.
The first commercial nuclear weapons manufacturer will make a killing ☠️☠️☠️
Look at how Palmer Lucky talks about nuclear weapons.
Now, because 75 million people elected an idiot with(out) bone spurs, a strong European military is inevitable. I predict the US will cease to be the global military power by 2035.
Does ANY of them want to have a meaningful legacy or just that they died with the most money and kept all for themselves?
General strikes, including people in management/finance.
Hurt Elon, Bezos, and all the asshats in the wallet and in prestige.
They have no souls, so no point in appealing to any morality.
Nothing is fixed. Countries have interests over alliances. As the smaller country, it makes sense you’re complaining. Is America allowed to complain to or do Europeans believe they have a monopoly?
Imo he, & others as wealthy as him who are speaking out, are helping. Just by using their voice! As rich as they are, Still speaking out against this administration—that’s it. We must do our part on the bottom (or middle, respect) and stand altogether.
In the February 2014 Ukrainian Revolution, Ukraine's parliament voted to remove Yanukovych, but the new government did not seek to change its neutral status. Russia then occupied and annexed Crimea, and in August 2014 Russia's military invaded eastern Ukraine.
Call, write, and protest loudly and often!
Billionaires should do their bit too don't you think?
Canadians and Americans have been, and always will be allies. Your government no longer represents you.
Thank you!!!
And here it is totally disorienting. I was raised to love Our Founding Principles, I gave my solemn Oath to Our Constitution as I served my nation. And now ONE man has created a total upside-down world I don't recognize EVERY DAY. NOTHING is right anymore
How do we outplay the villain in this scenario?
Suggestions from brilliant minds welcome here 👇🏻👇🏻
Muskkk has shown his inability to abide national security and instead - conflict with it.
Get a fervor going and it will help drive change in 2026 when the maneuver could be then be executed.
There IS legal footing for this
Link in Alt Text
Any thoughts as to why your fellow rich people are so fascist-y
And look what they’re doing to financial support for people in difficulties.
You still have a slim chance to fix it. The Ukrainian did so in 2014 when another Putin asset had to flee to Russia.
Also of those who voted more voted against him. Approximately 1% voted for a third candidate. He beat Harris by less than 1%.
Seems like nobody wants to do anything more than just march and write their Representatives. It’s an impotent effort.
340.1M US pop
77.3M trump voters
262.8M = 340.1M - 77.3M
262.8M people of the US did not vote for trump.
262.8M / 340.1M = 77.3%
77.3% of the US pop did not vote for trump.
We Fckd around, the find our period is coming soon.
trump won less than half of eligible voters. Only two thirds of eligible voters voted. Trump got less than half of them.
In fact, of those who voted, more did not vote for trump than those who did.
185M Americans did not vote for Trump.
101M didn’t register to vote to save us from a criminal Dictator, & 77M voted for the Dictator, all instead of the over-qualified Black woman.
We’re being strangled by racism & sexism.
Russia have nothing left in the tank. They were reliant on NK bolstering their ranks.
Clearly beholden to the USA, and many politicians have sold their souls for a quick buck a prime time TV slot
They need to feel shunned.
Europe and the UK could stop issuing travel visas for US citizens.
Yes, this will impact my family, but it still should be done.
Who knew the party of red scare, surrendered years ago.
Treat em like Vichy
Get the idea?
Time to use your financial clout to show Donald Trump that ceding the leadership of the free world to Putin comes at a very steep price.
Even Elon Musk couldn’t stop Trump now, unless SCOTUS sided with Musk.
It must become even more united/integrated and begin acting like the power it is. No reason why it should feel threatened by Russia. Or even the US.
There are millions of Canadians of French, English, Scottish, Irish, Dutch, German, Polish, Ukrainian and other ancestry.
Democrats as bad as Repub. Neither country honours its promises. And Ukraine is paying for it.
The Europeans will have to decide whether to fight Russia in Ukraine, or standby while Russia tramples Ukraine (appeasement), then fight Russia when Putin inevitably invades Poland or the Baltics.
@markhamillofficial.bsky.social is an ambassador for them I believe. But this is legit and they are 100% transparent and tell you where every dime is going!
@markhamillofficial.bsky.social is an ambassador for them I believe. But this is legit and they are 100% transparent and tell you where every dime is going!
little man
Your contribution is putting collaborating sock puppet in the White House who rolled over and got his wiener tickled on the first command.
America has lost the plot. And its job as leader of the free world.
Also, props to you, Darla, for your sizable contribution! ✊ Slava Ukraini!
America has long proven that we can't be trusted to uphold our treaties. The only difference this time is we reneged on a European country.
No more fiddling, even Biden was too slow to react and send weapons. They need drastic measures, and now!
Most US presidents honor international agreements, but in this instance(&Trumps 1st term) all bets are off table.
He's doing it his way, for his pockets.
USA has to go all the way to bottom of swamp before maga learns its lesson. We're all doomed.
ALL where two party agreements with Ukraine so were separate documents.
(russia's as well)
You might find this short snippet by former President Clinton interesting.
Rendering your post, not courageous. But a typical example of western cowardy.
with #Ukraine agreements!
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
Was 380 billion not enough? How much is enough?
Stop swallowing all the Trump BS facts and do your research
Oh yeah: “Peace in our time.”
How’d that work out again?
Im getting tired of my country being ignored in its support of Ukraine.
🇨🇦 has accepted the largest amt of Ukrainians into our country.
Start acknowledging that pls.
Weird way of saying "give the bully everything". One-sided is more accurate. I guess one-sided is lopsided, but I am confused about the nonexistent side Ukraine apparently receives after Russia takes all?
I think it's a shambles and strawberry should not be pressing him to do this..
We deserve every disaster Dump is unleashing on us.
Canada and the rest of the still-free world will isolate you until US returns to being the Land of the Free again.
God Bless America, Canada, and all believe in freedom.
Citizens of the United States of America may be 'USasians', but they are not the only Americans in the New World.
Americans in Bolivia are Bolivians.
Americans in Canada are Canadians.
Americans in the USA are ?
Justice for All, biggest bullshit line the world has ever heard.
But you watch what happens now.
Ukraine never had nuclear weapons. After the break up of the USSR they came to have Soviet nukes on their territory.
They never had the launch codes, or any capability to use them in any sense.
A NATO style security guarantee wasn’t part of the deal.
Obviously Russia violated that.
But there was no “security guarantee” in the agreements, no promise that the US or U.K. etc would protect Ukraine in a Russian invasion.
1) We wont invade
2) we won’t use economic coercion
3) we won’t use nukes against Ukraine
4) in the event of invasion we will go to the UN Security Council.
5) We will consult each other should these provisions be violated.
No security guarantee as such.
Helping to fund Ukraine’s war effort against the Russian invasion isn’t charity, it’s keeping our word.
Now unfortunately, the word of the United States isn’t with the paper it’s written on.
I grew up Canada adjacent in Niagara Falls. We used to ride our bikes over and it felt like one country.
Keep sticking it to him, we need it!
Sad existence
I'm not excusing them, by the way; just trying to explain how we got here and why it's so hard to stop the slide.
All Trump had to do was convince the intellectually weak that they're strong when they hit down on others.
But yes, it is a travesty what is happening with Ukraine.
Would you kindly highlight the language in this agreement?
That was a nice show they put on for us the other day. It
was inspiring.
Likely that’s what it was all along but tbh I want the facade back
So, fuck it, let all of America burn.
Say it out loud , Russia broke the agreement by invading Ukraine.
Hopefully before they are gathered for the slaughterhouse they will snap out of it!
Prime Minister Trudeau said that again today ... he mentioned Belarus and Russia.
The "billions" in aid also wasn't given to Ukraine under Trump, either.
We're barely getting by. But yeah, we'll save.
Putin out does then all.
Russia, decisive, unreliable, down right evil and certainly cannot be trusted. Any deal with them will be broken whenever it suits their fancy.
EVERTYBODY should know this by decades ago.
The best it could have done is used them as bargaining chips for an agreement - which it thought it had.
In future no consideration whatsoever will be given to any American interest in EU and UK decision making.
All defence procurement in Europe should exclude US defence contractors. Not one cent any to US companies.
He CANNOT be trusted. Neither can the "law and order" party.
This is why russia and the US are saying Ukraine attacked russia to avoid violating the agreement
We're a rogue nation. Undergoing a coup.
Cool, eh ?
Thank you
Also, why did Russia get sole possession of the USSR's Permanent seat at the UN? The other former republics got fucked!
The agreement specifically says the US will provide security to Ukraine should Russia break the agreement. When Zelensky mentioned the word security Trump and Vance went batshit.
In more than one way.
Richard! 👏👏
#SlavaUkraine 🇺🇦
Rightfully so.
His voice and actions cut me to the bone #TFG
He has no idea who he is messing with, he’s an ignoramus in every way
#TFG bc I can’t use his name
Watch your backdoor!
We have no real international law that can hold individual leaders accountable for their treachery.
I'm crazy but I would have solved this by giving nuclear weapons to Ukraine and allow them to threaten Putin back and follow that with a conventional bombing of Moscow if he didn't withdraw.
FYI-only lunatic Americans like TFG
The US has now joined Russia in that ignominious list of treacherous, miserable, authoritarian countries that cannot be trusted by the rest of the world. The consequences of this will echo for decades.
But the US does not honour agreements.
As we in Canada well know!
We are contractually required to protect Ukraine as in the Budapest Agreement.
Thank you for sharing.
2025, the US is claiming peace for your 50% of the minimal 20% of Ukraine land for Russia.
Dictators always want more.
All of Europe needs to send a strong message.
Cut off US visas. No Americans are allowed over there anymore and Americans living there now need to back.
Hopefully we will learn our lesson and make a change quickly.
USA has 5500 today.
I wonder if that number includes the missiles they took from Ukraine.
He who dies with the most toys wins (not sure what will be left to win, but there we are.)
Evil exists.
It is a concept that has been stolen by religious authority to be sure.
But evil does exist.
How callous, arrogant can you be? Trying to impress the Orange monkey with a ques like that to your guest? A state leader.
Americans will not tolerate his new world order, it’s been a while but we’re not dead yet
The immediate U.S. end to aid is about 400M, and this offsets that. Doesn’t solve long term but can tread water
The Judicial.
The Executive.
The Congress.
Equal means parity, the same power.
Where was the accountability within our government when Putin violated Ukraine (even the first time, taking Crimea)?
Zip Nada