Voting wrong in two countries. Tired of the drama. My presence on this platform or the lack of is not a political statement.
Professionally vested in information security, feeling cozy around MS tooling.
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Still available?
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Salasana on niin last season 🤗
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Time for X? You’re toxic.
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I think the world shouldn’t be divided by borders or nations but belief systems?
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Hyviä aiheita, hyvä tiimi. What’s next. Mistä klikkaan?
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Does that mean they are paying back the royalties we had to pay to get them (for any purpose)?
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In Finland that ($285) would be close to your annual bill for any connected services available.
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Unfortunately, Peter, this is a global thing. Companies doing losses can deduct them in upcoming years taxes.
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As a man… I guess at least menopause treatment (hormone replacement therapy) can be argued as an investment in health and extending productive years. Purely pragmatically birth control in the global mega trend of aging population might be debatable.
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Koska itse lopetat X:ssä?
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On X
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I’m good with that. Freedom for the people.
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Did you remember to vote?
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Thank you. Will you keep the list updated?
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I think this important concept needs broader shoulders. UN, EU…
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Perinteisillä uutiskanavilla on halutessaan mahdollisuus koostaa faktat ja analyysit yhteen päivittyvän juttuun. Nyt kautta linjan jahdataan näyttöjä ja muita määrällisiä mittareita
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Ainoa kosketuspinta on Bluesky ja kenties julkaisuun liitettyjen toimittajien yksityiset viestit. Tuotteeseen tutustuminen vaatii tilauksen ellen ole ymmärtänyt jotain täysin väärin.
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Not the place and time. Let’s not make politics about the tragedy on either side of the isle.
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Terveiset menevät myös perinteisille uutiskanaville, jotka jättävät tällaiselle tilaa. Klikkiotsikoita ja puhuvia päitä. Tällä hetkellä parhaat ilmailuun liittyvät YouTube-kanavat tuntuvat luotettavimmilta lähteiltä ymmärtää mitä tapahtui ja missä saattoi mennä pieleen. Siihen ei liity DEI.
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Aivan mahtavaa.
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Absolutely amazing. Thanks for your insights.
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Miksi se tulisi? Nyt ei ole kyseessä mikään syklinen kuoppa vaan maahan ja maanosaan kohdistuva uusi realiteetti. Minkä fundamentin odotetaan muuttuvan (paitsi teollisuuden 10% palkankorotuksen)?
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Amazing news. BS users will be on the right side of documented history.
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Jäämme odottamaan teidän kontribuutiota. Internet on edennyt linkkisivustoista. Googlen tulo oli osa tätä murrosta. Myös X on edelleen olemassa, mutta sama viesti. Se on teistä kiinni miten onnistuu. Sama viesti monistettuna tuskin on se juttu .
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Maybe also write some tools to deal with phishing. Seems they just don’t get it in big companies.
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I wish I had my old Twitter block lists.
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Here comes the interesting part: should a LLM only give you politically correct answers even after manipulating it into something that its neural network would rank differently?
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Will it work with ICE agents?
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Totally get how that feels, but sometimes neighbouring cultures joke about each other out of shared history or familiarity, not malice.
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You do understand how LLMs work? I’m all with your own opinion though. Free speech to be celebrated.
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X / Twitter seems more relevant than ever based on the sheer amount of content that is created about it 🥶
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Nyt tulisi palata turvallisiin ratkaisuihin. #MySpace
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Straight on. I don’t like pointing out people with not having a neurotypical wiring acts in unorthodox ways. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist or a psychiatrist to understand this guy is not conforming with norms or expectations.
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I don’t agree with her positions, but I salute for her engagement towards her followers and beyond. Addressing politically complicated questions and positions heads on is a refreshing change.
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I would definitely use an LLM for finding that out.
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Miten tuon WhatsAppin kanssa tulisi toimia. Riittääkö sovelluksen poisto?
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Principle of Equal Treatment:
EU law prohibits discrimination based on sex, gender, and other characteristics under frameworks such as the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the Gender Equality Directive (2006/54/EC).
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I don’t have engagement goals, but randomised payouts seems also to be part of X current algorithms. Not that much into tribes either, but whatever makes one happy need to be the correct platform. Playing safe, I would recommend LinkedIn though.
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Hollywood is out? I guess there’s always been some animals more equal than the others in each regime.
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That’s impressive. Where can I find your engagement figures?
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From my designated Chinese spy.
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Just another vehicle to your traditional media outlets. At least EU Commission has run paid or deal based promotions on TikTok. Surely it would be easier to governs [add entity] if one could control the narrative.
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I don’t want dilute you argument, but while technically plausible, CCP is known to play a very long game. Just look at EVs, they own key battery patents and practically the whole global raw materials and value chain involved with manufacturing them. They are not after any quick and dirty moves.
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They host, but not any of US or EU data. If they would, US citizens would have full access to the services.
But, in all Internet services, you either pay with money or then…you are the product.
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Looking at Bytedance, 60% is owned by global investors, 20% by its founders, 20% by the employees. And, 0% by the Chinese state. Just ride out the political drama, they are going nowhere.
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Paljonko hilloa uskaltaa löydä vetoa kielimalleihin. DSA tuskin jännittää.
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Spare us the excitement. TikTok will be enabled within 24 hours the new president takes office. In fact, already the current administration effectively granted a stay, but…politics.
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Should we all just move to LinkedIn?