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Black scholars argued this incessantly after the war. Britain killed 10’s of millions of Indians, Belgium enslaved and genocided the Congo, France slaughtered its Algerian subjects. Nazi Germany was the logical extension of US and European colonialism, not an aberration.

Ja és pot llegir, quina tristor i ràbia tornar a reviure aquells dies. Mai no mor qui mai s'oblida, mort al feixisme!

Cosas veredes...

No, Elon Musk no es un simple loco. Todo lo que ha hecho y todos sus apoyos a la extrema derecha le han reportado beneficios directos. Y lo de Groenlandia, Panamá, Alemania, UK, etc., también... Os hago un resumen en con arte de Byron Maher

Aquesta és l'organització que caça presumptes criminals de guerra israelians que es passegen per l'estranger. 👇👇👇

El director de l'hospital Kamal Adwan, Dr. Hussam Abu Safiyya, continua segrestat per les tropes israelianes que divendres van saquejar i cremar tota la instal·lació sanitària; última operativa a tot el nord de #Gaza.

Apoyar/ignorar o arrinconar el genocidio de Gaza confirma el absoluto colapso moral de Occidente y tendrá amplias repercusiones en nuestra relación con el Sur Global. Nuestro descrédito es total y de ahí el apoyo que tienen otros "cánticos de sirenas" como el ruso.

L'exèrcit d'Israel ha matat 45.361 palestins a #Gaza des del 7/10/2023. Xifra a dia d'avui comptabilitzada. No inclou els milers de desapareguts. Recordatori de Nadal.


seems a bit dramatic

Mirem-ho fredament, des de lluny. Hi ha un estat que ja ha matat +45.000 persones, la immensa majoria civils. Acusat de genocidi, els seus líders en busca i captura internacional per crims de guerra i contra l’humanitat. Què fan els líders “democràtics”? Callar o donar-li suport amb armes i diners.

83% of plant life in Gaza has been destroyed. Israel's genocide is making Gaza uninhabitable - and our media outlets are complicit by suppressing the truth. New post 👇

Tienes un 66% de probabilidades de que la pena que te impongan NO sea flagelarte o hacerte sangrar con un cilicio.

Tortura i assassinat de personal mèdic palestí (1.500) a #Gaza. Matar els i les que curen supervivents. Un dels múltiples mètodes israelians per terroritzar els civils.

Más de 60 asesinados hoy en el norte de Gaza cerca de un hospital. La ofensiva criminal de Israel es posible por el apoyo de Europa y EEUU. España sigue siendo un país de tránsito de armas hacia Israel. Es urgente practicar un embargo total de armas y romper relaciones con los genocidas

Vaja, alguns inputs sobre Bluesky. Spoiler: no mola massa.

La única cosa d'aquí de Bluesky és...on son els comptes palestins? Fa dies que volto x aquí i no en veig quasi cap...

Un grupo de figurantes se niega a que les escaneen en un rodaje sin avisar: “Querían ahorrarse esa jornada de trabajo”

Israel bombs buildings full of civilians and then sends sniper drones to go pick off the survivors, including children.

I’m sorry I just saw that Kristof headline about “working class pain” and I want to scream like why do we keep having to remind these guys that Black and brown people are more likely to be working class and still don’t support fascism

🔴 Israel kills 55 people in Gaza in 24 hours, keeps pounding Lebanon. LIVE updates ⤵️

Aljazeera reporting dozens of Palestinians killed in Nuseirat. On it goes.

10 years ago I co-founded We've learned a lot since then & changed the narrative on extreme weather & climate change. What more people still need to see: prioritising poor people will make life better for everyone.

The death toll is now 93

There is no longer any civil defense, no medical services, and no hospitals. Those who are injured, die as martyrs. Tonight alone, 200 martyrs in northern Gaza.💔💔💔💔🚨

The siege of north Gaza and Jabalia refugee camp enters its third week as Israel has cut off aid to some 200,000 people. On Saturday, Israeli forces bombed Beit Lahia, killing at least 80 Palestinians, in one of the largest massacres in months.…

This morning I talked to Hany who is trying to find the means to leave Gaza. He and his family are living in a tent in Al-Mawasi since the IDF destroyed their home in Jabalia.

My latest on hauntologies on the storytelling infrastructure that facilitates genocide. Roughly 6000 words, approx 25 min read.

Tw/ A video shows an Israeli soldier shooting a Palestinian child while children were running away from them in the town of Biddu, northwest of #Jerusalem, yesterday morning. #Israel #Genocide

Es que ME CAGO EN SU PUTO DIOS. Pueden seguir matando, disparando contra cascos azules, confiscando edificios de la ONU para hacer viviendas para sus colonos de mierda... PUTO ODIO A LOS PUTOS SIONAZIS.

Traigo noticias de la manifestación por la vivienda digna de Madrid: un éxito real, miles y miles de personas mayoritariamente jóvenes, que OH DIOS MÍO QUÉ INESPERADO TODO ha pillado al alcalde Carapo SIN cortar las calles porque "No esperaban tanta asistencia" Hay atascos fabulosos.

"Controversial". Así se refiere la BBC a la práctica de matar de hambre a una población asediada. La ruina del #periodismo.

Friends I would like to share with you a compilation of fundraisers for people I have connected with in Gaza who need our help. No other help is forthcoming and the situation in the north is especially disastrous. 🧵

These before and after images of climate change’s impact on the Amazon River posted by to Instagram are absolutely terrifying

yom kippur starts at sundown tomorrow, and i’m planning to observe as usual, but i’m just so fucking angry how can i look inward and reflect on teshuva, knowing that while i fast, the israeli state is carrying out a genocide they claim is in my name? how can anyone atone for ongoing war crimes?

Shredded bodies in my feed. And I'm supposed to go about my day.

Vitriol is being directed at meteorologists. “I’ve been doing this for 46 years and it’s never been like this,” says Alabama meteorologist James Spann. He says he’s been “inundated” with misinformation and threatening messages like “Stop lying about the government controlling the weather or else.”

Fadi Alwahdi and Tamer Lobod are both journalists who were targeted in the north today. They are in critical condition, and not much treatment is available for them here. - Hossam Shabat reports

Hurricane Milton is not "the storm of the century". It is just the beginning. Unless we stop pouring greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, such devastating events will become commonplace - and ever more horrific.

“Ignorance is becoming socially acceptable.” Meteorologists talk of death threats from the army of crazed conspiracy theorists who believe the government can control the weather.

The moment when an IDF sniper #shot Palestinian #journalist Fadi Al-Wahidi in Jabalia-Northern #Gaza.