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Canada's newest federal party. We reject the politics of division and are offering Canadians a centrist option. Not left, not right, but forward. Our Leader - Links -
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Today we appreciate the most beautiful flag in the world, may it always fly over a true north strong and free 🇨🇦

Rejoignez le leader Dominic Cardy pour une séance impromptue de questions-réponses sur la guerre économique américaine récemment lancée contre le Canada. Un billet Eventbrite est requis pour participer à la conversation Zoom.

Join leader Dominic Cardy for an impromptu ask anything session on the newly launched American economic war on Canada. Eventbrite ticket required to participate in the Zoom conversation, however the event will also be live-streamed to YouTube.

Make politics BORING again. YES!!

Give a listen to this interview did with !

Inscrivez-vous pour une séance de questions-réponses virtuelle avec ce soir à 19 h!

Sign up for a virtual Q+A with tonight at 7pm EST!

La liberté et la démocratie Canadiennes font l'envie du monde entier. Quand quelqu'un cherche à le saper, on doit être prêts à le combattre et à le contenir. Voici comment le Parti Avenir Canadien réagirait.

Canadian liberty and democracy are the envy of the world. When anyone seeks to undermine it, we must be prepared to combat and contain. Here is how the Canadian Future Party would respond.

Aujourd’hui marque le 80e anniversaire de la libération d’Auschwitz. L’antisémitisme demeure malheureusement très répandu au Canada et partout dans le monde. Aujourd'hui, on nous rappelle la nécessité de redoubler d'efforts dans la lutte contre le sectarisme et les préjugés.

Today marks the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. Antisemitism tragically remains rampant in Canada and across the world. Today we are reminded of the need to redouble our efforts in the fight against bigotry and prejudice.

Its a shame that not everyone seems to be getting the Team Canada memo. In times of crisis Canada needs serious, unified leadership. An excerpt from Dominic Cardy's convention speech. Watch the full speech on our Youtube channel!

As close as any Canadian should get to Mar A Lago. Aussi proche que n'importe quel Canadien devrait se rendre de Mar A Lago.

Check out this interview did with Scott Shantz!

Un message de sur les événements récents.

Donald Trump seems to have mistaken Canada for just another piece of real estate to bankrupt himself on. He couldn't be more wrong. See 's response.

Canada has a beautiful flag, wave it with pride as we firmly reject any attempt to undermine our sovereignty and culture.

Le système politique du Canada est en chaos, et la démission de Trudeau ne change rien à cela, mais l'aggrave. Mais face à une crise imminente causée par les tarifs de Trump, ce dont nous avons besoin maintenant, c'est d'unité. Lire la suite ici ->

Canada's political system is in chaos and Trudeau's resignation not only doesn't change that, it increases it. Facing an imminent crisis from Trump's tariffs, what we need now is unity from our leaders to push back. Read more here ->

À l’aube d’une nouvelle année pour notre pays, nous sommes prêts à travailler plus fort que jamais pour assurer un avenir prometteur au Canada. Ce n’est que le début, rejoignez le combat pour l’avenir chez

As we enter a new year for our country we are ready to work harder than ever for a bright Canadian future. This is only the beginning, join the fight for the future at

Pensez à faire un don ici pour nous aider à nous préparer pour notre plus grande année à ce jour et à maximiser votre crédit d’impôt !

Please consider donating here to help us get ready for our biggest year yet and maximize your tax credit!

An excerpt from's convention speech. Watch the full speech on our Youtube channel!

Tonight Jewish Canadians will celebrate the first night in the festival of lights 🕎 Chag Hanukkah Sameach! - Ce soir, les Canadiens juifs célébreront la première nuit de la fête des lumières 🕎 Chag Hanoukka Sameach !

We would like to wish all Canadians who celebrate a Merry Christmas, may this season of joy bring you peace, comfort and happiness. Nous souhaitons à tous les Canadiens qui célèbrent un Joyeux Noël que cette saison de joie vous apporte paix, réconfort et bonheur.

Un remaniement ministériel au sein d’un gouvernement en difficulté confronté à l’une des menaces extérieures les plus graves de notre histoire est un pansement appliqué à une blessure mortelle.

A cabinet shuffle in a floundering government facing one of the most serious external threats in our history is a band aid applied to a mortal wound. We need a temporary unity government and a new Prime Minister to get us through this crisis.

Our statement regarding the need for National Unity. - Notre déclaration concernant la nécessité de l’unité nationale.

Check out the speech delivered by at our inaugural convention!

It was wonderful to meet supporters in Vancouver and discuss our plan to deliver a stronger Canada, in Democracy, Defence, and so much more. Read more at our website, link in bio!

Here is hope for Canada! Sharing this recent article on from the National Post.

Are you politically homeless and looking for a federal political party that is fiscally responsible, socially progressive and committed to evidence-based decision making? Come find out how we propose to get Canada moving forward. Registration link -

Here is, sharing the party policy on #Immigration

Here is, sharing the party policy on #NationalDefense This is the third in a series of videos explaining clearly where we stand. But if you want to read more you're more than welcome to by checking out our website! Link in bio. #canadiandefense #nato #canadanato

Here is Dominic Cardy, sharing the party policy on #healthcare This is the second in a series of videos explaining clearly where we stand. But you're more than welcome to get a head start by checking out our website! Link in bio.

I think this is the first earned media the has received in Saskatchewan! Please do take a couple minutes to read our story, I hope I did a decent job explaining the party's background and justification. #CFP #canpoli #cndpoli #skpoli

Excited to help promote Canadas newest federal political party. is a new and exciting way forward. Tired of the drama, the extremism, and the same tired way of doing things? Check out the Canadian Future Party. Not left, not right, but forward. #cdnpoli #canada

Hello! I'm here to talk #cndpoli and help build the presence. I work in Moose Jaw, SK, with my partner and two cats as an independent advisor to nonprofits on good governance, program evaluation, stakeholder engagement, and strategic planning.

If you feel politically homeless these days with the rhetoric spewing from CPC, LPC and NDP, maybe you should check these guys out.

So you want to know what we stand for eh? Here is, sharing the party policy on #electoralreform This is the first in a series of videos explaining clearly where we stand. But you're more than welcome to get a head start by checking out our website!

Spread these links far and wide. This new party has ideas, values and policies that will resonate with countless Canadians. Read up. Join. Spread the word.

Tune in here: