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Travailleur social en psychiatrie, traducteur (EN/FR) à mes heures perdues, publie sur Il/lui.
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Most US cities leave sidewalk maintenance to the owner of the adjoining lot.
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True, although some very important right-wing thinkers came out of that sphere (Moldbug and the whole NRx scene, and the less savoury parts of lesswrong/Rationalist communities come to mind).
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This is all true but getting less so. The latest mass protests against pension reforms didn't accomplish anything, and French cops are getting more and more brutal, as evidenced by multiple Yellow Vest protestors (and others) losing eyes and hands to police repression.
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There's the same in Elden Ring (though it's a mirror and not a coffin).
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Ouais clairement le problème c'est l'espace de stockage. Récupérer de la chute de bois ou des palettes c'est pas trop dur, mais quand t'habites dans 30m2 ça prends vite de la place...
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UE Boom ? Je vois qu'elle reste fidèle à sa réputation de tank indestructible...c'était l'enceinte officielle des soirées dans les catacombes, qui ne craint ni l'eau, ni la poussière, ni la bière renversée 😅
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Dans le genre j'ai beaucoup aimé les Dresden Files lus par James Marsters (Spike dans Buffy)
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This is breathtaking. Also, I somehow had never read the original piece, so I must thank you twice.
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Yeah, "ta gueule" is more like "shut the fuck up". "Can it" would be something like "ferme-là".
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It's not like the darknet market scene has been waiting for him, though. Plenty of fireworks to watch already.
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J'espère que tu étais bien assis pendant le spectacle !
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* et avec une startup qui palpe au maximum pour un casque de VR et 2 jours de programmation sur Unity.
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Plus it's prime podcasting/audiobook time!
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Even worse when it's in healthcare. I work in a French psych hospital, they've actually spun up some sort of fucking startup incubator in the place. While we have patients strapped to gurneys in ERs because there are no free psych beds.
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I'm there on my couch in a country where school shootings are once a decade, ugly crying quietly to avoid scaring my little girl who's listening to stories in her room. I don't know how anyone can bear to send their kids to school in the kind of country that produces a poem like that.
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EMDR hors grandes villes ça devient vite compliqué aussi.
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Or Altman as the Shockley of AI, given how OAI is hemorrhaging talent these days.
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Happy anniversary to you both! Stay scary, stay happy, and keep listening to the Ramones!
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They make bigger wire racks especially for lids and frying pans, I bought a few for work.
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I know it's not really the kind of things you publish on the blog, but I would love to know more about that setting/system if you ever decide to publish it!
comment in response to post “The Dwarves of course are quite obviously—wouldn’t you say that in many ways they remind you of the Jews? Their words are Semitic obviously, constructed to be Semitic.” (interview de Tolkien par la BBC, 1964).
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Might be because it sounds a little close to "mongol", which is a slur against people with Down's syndrome. Also, the French translator chose to translate practically every neologism and proper noun (peoples, places, everything), so "Muggle" would have sounded out of place since "ggle" isn't common
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C'est un peu la même énergie, mais soeur Marie-Thérèse est plus vulgaire et portée sur la boisson.
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C'est en effet très improbable, mais visiblement c'est ce que certains craignent.
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C'est possible aux USA où la "jury nullification" est légale - cf.
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What's your go-to source for credible news about new solar/renewable tech?
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Oui c'est clair, surtout sur un jeu très basé sur l'ambiance, faut avoir des joueurs qui savent poser leur téléphone et s'abstenir de citer Naheulbeuk à tout bout de champ...
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Les mots ont un sens. Un mouvement sectaire, ça a une définition (y compris légale) précise à laquelle la psyK ne satisfait pas : pas de leader charismatique, pas de manipulation mentale, pas d'extorsion de fonds, pas d'isolement social des personnes ciblées.
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100% audio c'est balèze, félicitations au MJ !
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Le titre de psychothérapeute est protégé, cf.
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Oui c'est vraiment chouette. J'en ai trouvé un comme ça qui vient à domicile, c'est un trésor.
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