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Plant molecular biologist (she/her).
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I’ve never seen it put so succinctly before! Even as a disabled person myself, I struggle a lot with internalized ableism. These 12 all two common narratives about disability can be difficult to unlearn, but that work is important. (Created by Jamie Shields, founder of Disabled By Society.)

Today marks the launch of "Build A Plant"—Joyce G. Onyenedum's new educational video series on plant anatomy! Whether you're a student, instructor, or plant scientist, this free resource is for you. Watch the first 4 episodes here: #BuildAPlant #NYCBotany

Die Uni Kassel darf, dank der Landesegierung, nicht mehr "Schüler:innen" schreiben. Die Uni Kassel zeigt sich kreativ und ersetzt nun jedes Mal "Schüler:innen" mit "Schülerinnen, Schüler, nicht-binäre Lernende an Schulen sowie solche, die sich keiner geschlechtlichen Kategorie zuordnen möchten." 😅👍

We are looking for a 2y postdoc in multi-omics data integration & analysis for Camelina sativa (an oilseed crop, close to Arabidopsis). Work with many international partners and profiting from our intensive IT and tool infrastructure. Please ReBluesky #plantjobs

📣 We offer a #PhDposition within the on "Communication and Dynamics of Plant Cell Compartments" in Debora Gasperini's lab at the IPB. 🔗All information: 📅Apply now until: March 21, 2025! #plantsci #plantscijobs #phd

Finally! An important step to #GiveGenesAChance was taken today: the member states of the European Union have agreed on a mandate for the further negotiations on the regulation of New Genomic Techniques like #CRISPR. Next step: Trialogue of Commission, Council and Parliament.

We are looking for a postdoc to study the impact of interspecific variation of ELF3 at the #mlu-halle within the EU-funded research consortium #ValuePlant. Please share within your networks!

Thank you, Jan Grau #bioinformatics for giving a wonderful seminar in our #RTG2467 about prediction of transcription factor binding to DNA. 👍🧬🧪 Also for taking your time to talk with our students about science, career and life! #Academicsky

🌱 When a root cell undergoes symmetric division, are the daughter cells actually identical? By combining live-cell imaging and scRNAseq we discovered a new cell state with uneven BR activity. Read our full paper in Cell:

On this International Women’s ♀️ Day, we celebrate the diverse talented women who support #structuralbiology resources, such as: 🧪 PDBe & AlphaFoldDB 🧪 EMDB 🧪 EMPIAR Leaders & more... Let's meet some of them! 🧵 (1 of 16) #InternationalWomensDay #WomenInTech #WomenInScience

I am happy to share my last #InBrief. I thoroughly enjoyed being an assistant feature editor for the last two years. I am very grateful for the opportunity which I would highly recommend to all ECRs that like to write. Special thanks to Nan Eckardt for all her support!

Zum heutigen ♀️ WELTFRAUENTAG 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈

It’s #InternationalWomensDay tomorrow! We took the occasion to talk to molecular biologist & CIBSS leadership team member about #Equality, #CultureChange and the power of mentoring and supportive networks in science. 📖 Read the full interview here:

Plz Repost. We are looking for a postdoc with proven protein biochemistry & cell biology expertise & strong interest in plant processes targeted by Phytophthora effectors. (apply before 2 April) [Image: Alex Guyon]

Please RT: 🌱 We’re hiring a Postdoc and a PhD student! ⏳ Application deadline: 17. March 2025 Join our lab and explore the role of alternative mRNA isoforms in drought stress and environmental adaptation in crops and Arabidopsis. Learn more and apply:

Friends, LiftOn is now published in! LiftOn maps genes across genomes using a protein-centric, homology-based approach with both DNA & protein alignments Mihaela Pertea, Jakob Heinz, Alaina Shumate, Celine Hoh, Alan Mao

Are you serious He is trying to destroy science, spreading dangerous misinformation, inciting violence & your response is to do nothing? So what’s your purpose then? What do you exist for? Other than being elite? 🧪 #academicsky

#PlantSciJobs #PlantSciJob PostDoc position: RNA splicing modulation and enhancement drought stress tolerance in crops 's lab 📆 Start: next date possible 📆 Deadline: 17 March 2025

Polen, selbst lange eher skeptisch in Sachen Neue Genomische Techniken (NGTs), arbeitet weiter intensiv an einem mehrheitsfähigen Kompromiss im Europäischen Rat. Nächste Woche steht die nächste Abstimmung an. Eine Einigung scheint möglich. #GiveGenesAChance

Der Süden Sachsen-Anhalts soll sich zur Modellregion für nachhaltige Bioökonomie entwickeln. Dieses Ziel verfolgt das Verbundvorhaben "Digitalisierung pflanzlicher Wertschöpfungsketten" (DiP), das vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) mit 105 Mio. Euro gefördert wird.

🌱 🌱 will be supporting the Plant2030 "Introduction to #Bioinformatics" Spring School for early-stage #PlantScientists. Join us at in Gatersleben from May 13-16! For more details, visit: 🌿 #PlantScience #Bioinformatics2025

...some insights from the #SNP2Prot Kick-off event. Read more here! ⬇️ 🔗 #TeamScience"

From the American Psychological Association:

GWAS using Arabidopsis accessions and geographical distribution to identify thermomorphogenesis gene

Veena Veena from Danforth explaining transgenic pipelines. "Very exciting times to be [in this field] 1. Try different promoters with your CRISPR/Cas9. 2. Less than 10% agro transformations contain intact T-DNA. 3. Industry need many, many events to create a suitable product.

I will be presenting a poster at the Mosbacher Kolloquium on my work as part of the CRC1664 #SNP2Prot and I'm very excited for some amazing presentations and conversations. See you there!

Let's put faces to the name 😀 We are #SNP2Prot

And it is a wrap! Now we know each other a bit better, have elected our representatives and can continue this journey together. Thanks for enabling all this!

Great talk from Timo Mühlhaus from DataPlant at our #snp2prot Kick-off Event about Research data Management #rdm and FAIR principles!

Go proteases! Christian and Alex did a brilliant work explaining our #snp2prot project. #proudPI

We start the second day of our kick-off by listening to the students presenting the projects related to signaling

I totally agree!

Let’s kick off this kick-off! Today and tomorrow we are meeting at the to officially start the #snp2prot journey as a team 💪

#OpenScience "Wir brauchen die wissenschaftlichen #Bibliotheken in Deutschland, weil sie die Schätze des Wissens beherbergen und wichtige Orte des Rückzugs und der Begegnung sind", so DFG-Präsidentin Katja Becker zur Unterstützung von #WeiterWissen. ⬇️

Wähle niemanden, der dich beschimpft. Wähle niemanden, der dich nicht respektiert. Wähle niemanden, der dir schaden will. Wähle niemanden, dem Populismus wichtiger ist als die Population. Wer Kinder, Frauen, Menschen m. Migrationshintergrund oder Behinderung nicht mag, kann kein guter Kanzler sein

„Man darf nicht warten, bis aus dem Schneeball eine Lawine geworden ist. Man muss den rollenden Schneeball zertreten. Die Lawine hält keiner mehr auf.. Das ist die Lehre, das ist das Fazit dessen, was uns 1933 widerfuhr.“ Erich Kästner, geboren am 23.2.1899 in Dresden.

Very happy to be part of this cool story showing that LUC7 proteins define two major classes of 5’SS in animals and plants! Thanks, Chris and Connor, for reaching out to us!

We had the most stimulating visit at the today by who presented a wonderful story on molecular evolution and engineering for crop protection. Thanks for sharing your experiences and for your suggestions! And thank for inviting him.

POSTDOC POSITION AVAILABLE, UV-B Perception and Signalling, Geneva, Switzerland. Deadline approaching: 24.02.2025

In 2025, we continue to advocate for policy based on scientific evidence. This 2020 Editorial, “We need leaders that believe in scientific evidence”, resonates today as loudly as ever: PLOS Biology also continues to push for DEI and a diverse scientific community: 🧪

Heute vor 5 Jahren wurden neun Menschen aus rassistischen Motiven ermordet. Ihre Namen dürfen niemals vergessen werden. Wir erinnern an Gökhan Gültekin, Sedat Gürbüz, Said Nesar Hashemi, Mercedes Kierpacz, Hamza Kurtović, Vili Viorel Păun, Fatih Saraçoğlu, Ferhat Unvar und Kaloyan Velkov. #Hanau

Die Allianz der Wissenschaftsorganisationen hat Forderungen an die künftige Bundesregierung für ein zukunftsfähiges Wissenschaftssystem aufgestellt:

Here a bomb for those who were not expecting to find proteasomes in the apoplast!

Differential growth is an emergent property of mechanochemical feedback mechanisms in curved plant organs @ Developmental Cell

The research group "Genetics and Physiology of Root Development" at studies crop root anatomical and architectural traits. If you have a strong interest in root biology and her colleagues have a great job offer. ➡️Read more: