Grandfather, reader, walker, retired. Found in Wales.
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Supermarkets seem to me about as anti-autism as it gets. I sympathise.
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Many of us have done research awaiting diagnosis.
I have also done courses and am convinced I know myself. I can't afford private diagnosis from those who make a business out of our 'disability'.
If any think otherwise, I say, PROVE IT.
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You know very well, that is a silly question.
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Less, because,
1. It's a jumble of mixed messages which is easier to ignore than tackle.
2. It's too complicated for NT's to understand.
3. It's not easily found.
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Autistic individuals tend not to be in love with themselves, so that rules him out.
He most certainly does not represent me, and I make it clear to anyone who indicates otherwise.
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The man has no credibility but doesn't care as long as it makes copy. One reason that I together with others, don't read newspapers. Shame on those who pamper to him.
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And the club is getting bigger by the day.
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I've never understood where the idea we don't lie came from. An interesting finding in the study though about being more inclined to lie to protect another.
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You may be right, but the comfort you get can be short-lived due to misinterpretation of others. Seems we're destined not to win anyway. I try to work on how to deal with it, and it is all hard work, but I'm worth it.
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Rules out some autistic people in our community.
Of course, there are other cafes
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73 and I'm starting in a volunteer service for refugees today. I'm OK with people that I can be of benefit to, but just socialising will always be a no, no. I've always looked for ways to interact and managed so far. I appreciate it's not for everyone.
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Interesting regarding answering critics of rising numbers ( of those already there).
Wait till you get to my age when 😄
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It's taken a while but my first lesson learnt is to not go chasing those who cut me off. I move on. The second lesson is to do some cutting off of my own without looking back. I'm autistic and therefore better adapted to not needing others. I try not to be offensive or judgemental in doing so.
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After realising my autism late in life and researching it which included the OU course, I've come to accept it. I had, however, been aware that I was not quite fitting the picture until coming to the next realisation, alexithymia. Something else to tackle for this old dog learning new tricks🙃
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With many on the waiting list for autism which now seems from 3yrs to infinity, you'll forgive me for thinking you might not get much of a hearing. Many of my generation will die before being given the dignity of assessment as we continue to be written off. Ageism is alive and kicking.
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I've had that sort of reaction a lot and wonder whether it's because they're not interested or maybe afraid of the unknown or as you have indicated, they trivialise. I don't feel dignified or respected when I'm trivialised. I have on occasion just stopped and walked away.
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I was totally surprised that I wasn't asked, which is a positive sign they were listening when I first mentioned it in my enquiry🙂
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Totally unscientific to make any such prediction even if he has at his disposal all the research done to date. Politics and personal prejudice are not science.
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Who are we? Can we?
My attempts at advocacy have proven fruitless and often counterproductive. As an individual it's enough to get through each day relatively unscathed and at my age, I'm aware that my powers are limited. I also know that society will only change if the media dictates.
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Those raised today would not be equipped to survive our world. We didn't do so badly considering we may not have realised WHY we were. Today I see lots of research to understand autism, which I hope will help. I only wish those involved use common language in passing it on instead of showing off.
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No question that there are cultural differences, so reciprocation cannot be a one-off solution for all.
No wonder those like myself are not believed because we have some accepted social interaction. At 73 it's taken a lot of work to get here with no acknowledgement. We the forgotten generation.
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Trouble with figures is that some will still make 2+2=5.
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That's me, (autistic) not ME the condition.
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The number of spectrum graphics I've seen over the years has become tedious and does not hold my attention for a moment. I am ME and as an individual have no spot on any graphic. Takiwatanga
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It never fails to amaze me how the driver in front cannot talk to the front passenger without eye contact. So the car swerves. This is one autie that doesn't have that problem. Stay Safe
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Did the survey which I found interestingly different to the usual format. Hoping to get updated on outcomes. Give it a go.
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Took me until I was 70 to realise my autism after doing the OU course and Oxford Home Learning. Although knowing who I am as others had no trouble in pointing out,suddenly knowing WHY I am made a huge difference. Whether others accept or not is still a problem, but my acceptance is something. Thanks
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Me too
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That answers it for me. Thanks
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Reregistered last week after a long break from the local library(UK). I was helped with info on the Borrowbox app which has replaced Libby so I'm now borrowing on my phone. Awesome 👌
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Trying to explain to a NT is tedious knowing they are not listening. I'm off to an interview for a volunteer role today and I bet it comes up. I'm sick of people saying I don't seem autistic or look my age. I find saying nothing is best.
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I don't trust my ability to read people either. It's one of the biggest problems for me being autistic. Coming to the realisation even late in life has helped me adjust the way I am with others to reduce some of the disappointment. I've learnt to accept it and really hope you can too.
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What happened to the Red Cross Co one?
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Good points if not a little repetitive. They are concerning already existing teams and no mention of recruitment which still hangs on to the archaic format used by most organisations. Making assumptions about an individual's capability based on academic achievement while ignoring proven experience.
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It's difficult to express anything acceptable to the majority, but I like others am working on it. The sad thing is; It's still a one-way street. We do the work and we get the abuse.
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It's available on Amazon. You won't be impressed by the advice given to women who are interested in a man.
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I try not to blame the dog. I do however think less of the owner for thinking it's OK.
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I was there helping out and the memories linger on, and so it seems, does culpability.