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Covid origins
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RĂźckt da Drosten - zumindest ein StĂźck - in Richtung Labor-Theorie?

Great article

From the US to Germany, the shameful conspiracy to stifle discussion of possible pandemic lab leak origins is crumbling under the weight of evidence - my column

What Drosten doing? "Es ist eine monstrÜse Vorstellung, dass in einem Labor ein gefährliches Virus entwickelt wird, das dann vielleicht durch Schlamperei entweicht, und am Ende haben wir eine Pandemie." "Ja, und ich muss sagen, je mehr Zeit vergeht, desto skeptischer werde ich."

Selbst Drosten ist jetzt sehr aufgeschlossen gegenĂźber der These vom Lab leak - das ist doch ein ziemlicher Hammer, oder?

"Verbietet die Staatsräson, dass daran gearbeitet wird? Mag sein. Die andere Erklärung wäre aber, dass da gar kein natßrliches Virus war. Die Politik sollte nach all den Jahren deutlicher die Forderung an China stellen, jetzt wirklich zu beweisen, dass es aus der Natur kommt."

I don't get this post.

Jon Myers: "This was briefed in October and November 2019 as a lab leak. It's important that people realise. "It was in the intelligence. We briefed it. It was accepted. I briefed it numerous times about a viral outbreak and that it was from a lab."

A former Pentagon official claims he first briefed the Joint Chiefs of Staff in October 2019 about a lab leak in China. “When we briefed that in October, November and December 2019, there was no protest.” “It was a fact and the joint staff, the generals... they accepted it.”

Anyone else on here using the search function to find posts dismissive of lab leak and then replying with facts?

Yikes! "This landmark bill was published... in tandem with a famous television presenter and a well-funded lobby group, which even put up posters in stations showing a blonde woman in pink pyjamas jumping with joy at being allowed to kill herself."

"In 2022 three biologists.. guessed that if SARS-CoV-2 had been generated in a lab by a standard method, it would have been assembled from six sections of lab-synthesized DNA with the help of a biological agent called BsmBI. 1/2

If you thought Tucker Carlson interviewing Vladimir Putin wasn't creepy enough, this thread is for you:

Von Merz über Söder bis Linnemann- die Union hat es vollends aufgegeben sich im Diskurs an Anstand und Wahrheit zu halten — Sie hauen in einer Tour Behauptungen, haltlose Anwürfe bis böse Lügen raus. Sie folgen damit minutiös der Flood-the-Zone-with-Shit-Destabilisierungs-Strategie von Steve Bannon.

Wendy thinks wild animals are bred in factory farms. I have doubts.

Something I’ve come to enjoy about this discussion is the tendency to suggest that nobody has standing to comment on covid origins except a relatively small, tight group of virologists, who happen to have massive moral hazard associated with the answer to the question.

In her book 'Doppelganger', Naomi Klein writes: "I was too quick to take the official story – that it came from a wet market where wild animals were sold – at face value. If I'm honest, I accepted it because it served my own motivated reasoning and reinforced my worldview: 1/


The Story of the Decade: Documents strengthen—perhaps conclusively—the lab-leak hypothesis of Covid’s origins 🍁 Canada's hub for health news

Evolution means adaptation to selection pressure. No one knows this better than evolutionary biologists!