Covid origins
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In den USA wird der Wissenschaftsbetrieb gerade lahmgelegt, u.a. damit begründet, dass man Vertrauen in die Institutionen zurückgewinnen wolle. Eine Mehrheit der Amerikaner glaubt schon lange, dass es ein Lab Leak war. Wie kann man jetzt noch denken, actions don't have consequences?
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Echt unglückliches Timing: Als Biden noch Präsident war, wollte Drosten nicht, dass sich die Politik einmischt - das würde die Wissenschaftscommunity schon unter sich klären!
Jetzt, zu Beginn von Trumps zweiter Amtszeit und kurz vor der BTW, sagt er, dass die Politik hier mal was machen solle 😅
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Er muss natürlich Rücksicht nehmen auf seine vielenn Fans und es ihnen schonend beibringen, das ist klar.
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Drosten hat Anfang des Monats noch was von Bremsscheiben erzählt, die 30.000 km halten. Warum hat sich seine Meinung jetzt geändert?
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In jüngster Zeit hat er aber "manchmal ein ungutes Gefühl", wie er diese Woche der taz mitteilte:
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That’s why I’ve already called it ‘BlockSky’. People who don’t want to hear anything about a hypothesis they don’t like, can simply click on a ‘block list’. Very scientific, right? (Note: I had no BlueSky interactions with these virologists.)
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George Gao in April 2023:
"It is known for any coronavirus it's very difficult to grow..
We tried organoids. We tried lung tissues.. But within five days it grows *very well* in Vero cells. Why is that?!"
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GREAT cartoon, btw 😅
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The new documents.. call for assembling SARS-like viruses from six sections of DNA, and include a cost estimate for purchase of the BsmBI restriction enzyme—exactly as the three authors had inferred.
This clearly strengthens, perhaps conclusively, their contention that the virus is synthetic."
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Interesting result: A whopping 44% of *expert virologists* who participated in the study declared to have either read a none-existing paper or none of the listed documents at all.
And yet they considered themselves – and were vetted to be – expert enough to participate. Ouch!
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Everyone knows that they were working with full-length viruses in Wuhan, not only pseudoviruses. Whatever you think DEFUSE "focused on" is irrelevant for that.
Likewise, it should be obvious to everyone that SARS2 was a SARS1-like virus until it got its own name.
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Scientists claiming we know that raccoon dogs are susceptible to SARS-2 are being deceptive. Because what they actually mean is that raccoon dogs have been shown to be susceptible *to a variant that is much more infective than wildtype*: D614G. (See Freuling et al. 2020)
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There isn't even one study showing that raccoon dogs are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 in its wildtype form. Not one.
No one has ever shown to date that raccoon dogs can even be infected with what we believe was the initial lineage of the virus.
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I cannot say it better than Jamie Metzl
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You know, if their foi’s demonstrate that scientists are saying very different things about pandemic origins privately than they’re saying publicly, maybe the people undermining scientists’ credibility are…scientists?
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Guessing it was this post you quoted before Eddie blocked you?
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From Wikipedia:
"Naomi Klein is a Canadian author, social activist, and filmmaker known for her political analyses; support of ecofeminism, organized labour, and leftism; and criticism of corporate globalization, fascism, ecofascism and capitalism."
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Quite unfortunate that social activists like her would stay quiet on lab leak. What likely was a research accident led to ~15 million deaths in 2 years, but we didn't a word from them?
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...the pandemic was a little less frightening to me if it was yet another example of humans overstressing nature and getting bitten on the ass for it."
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Yes. Like Wade speculates in his article:
"New documents may explain why no one has been able to find the SARS2 virus (aka SARS-CoV-2) infesting a colony of bats, from which it might have jumped to people.
➡️ The reason would be that the virus has never existed in the natural world. ⬅️"
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But if we're talking about Disease X, there isn't one sequence to develop vaccines for, because the disease hasn't even emerged yet. Instead, they are looking at a whole bunch of candidate sequences to choose from. They have to create the pathogen first to then develop countermeasures against it.
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"From the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, experts have speculated whether COVID-19 met the criteria to be Disease X. In early February 2020, Chinese virologist Shi Zhengli from the Wuhan Institute of Virology wrote that the first Disease X is from a coronavirus."
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I'd actually think that what was done in Wuhan might be regarded as exemplary for future work on vaccines and therapeutics by some.
'Disease X' had been put on the WHO R&D Blueprint agenda before the pandemic, and it seems that SARS2 matches what they had in mind to do:
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hope the truth comes out before the decade is over