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Transforming the response to Domestic Abuse in later life. A co-produced initiative based at the Centre for Age, Gender & Social Justice, Aberystwyth University
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📢 Gwasanaeth Newydd yn Sir Benfro. Mae Dewis Choice yn falch o gyhoeddi, diolch i gyllid gan Moondance, ein bod bellach yn cefnogi pobl hŷn sy’n wynebu cam-drin domestig yn Sir Benfro. Rhannwch y newyddion hyn gyda'r rhai a allai elwa - gyda'n gilydd gallwn adeiladu cymuned fwy diogel a mwy cefnogol

📢 New Service in Pembrokeshire 🌟 Dewis Choice is excited to announce that, thanks to Moondance FUNDING, we now support older people facing domestic abuse in Pembrokeshire. Please share this news with those who might benefit – together, we can build a safer, more supportive community💜

🏳️‍🌈Sut mae cam-drin domestig yn effeithio ar unigolion LHDTC+ hŷn? Wrth i ni fyfyrio ar Fis Hanes LHDTC+ mae'n bwysig gofyn y cwestiwn hwn. Mae ein ffilm 'Do You See Me?' yn cynnig golwg agos ar brofiadau pedwar dioddefwr-oroeswr LHDTC+ hŷn. 🧵1/2

🏳️‍🌈 As we reflect on LGBTQ+ History Month, we're asking how does domestic abuse impact older LGBTQ+ individuals? Our film 'Do You See Me?' offers an intimate look at the real-life experiences of four older LGBTQ+ victim-survivors and is co-produced by victim-survivors from the LGBTQ+ community 🧵1/2

🏳️‍🌈How does age, sexuality & gender identity shape experiences of Domestic Abuse? This LGBTQ+ History Month, our podcast explores this with real stories & expert insights. ⚠️Content note: discussions of transphobia, homophobia, sexual violence & attempted suicide

Sut mae hunaniaeth o ran oedran, rhywioldeb a rhywedd yn ffurfio profiadau o gam-drin domestig? Yn ystod Mis Hanes LHDTC+ mae ein podlediad yn edrych ar hyn gan ddefnyddio storïau gwir a sylwadau arbenigol. Nodyn am y cynnwys: trafodaeth am drawsffobia, homoffobia, trais rhywiol & ymgais ar hunanlad

Make your voice heard 📢 Help shape the action the will take to deliver positive change for older people. Share your views and ideas about how we can create a Wales that leads the way for older people:

Lleisio eich barn 📢 Helpwch i siapio’r camau gweithredu y bydd y yn eu cymryd i sicrhau newid cadarnhaol i bobl hŷn. Rhannwch eich barn a’ch syniadau am sut gallwn ni greu Cymru sy’n arwain y ffordd i bobl hŷn:

📚💬 Did you know we're based at Aberystwyth University? Our research shapes our person-centred service for older victim-survivors. Education is key & our Co-Director Elize Freeman shared insights on older victims of adult family abuse at the Law & Criminology seminar.

📚💬 Mae ein hymchwil yn ffurfio ein gwasanaeth sy'n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn ar gyfer dioddefwyr hŷn. Mae addysg yn allweddol a rhannodd ein Cyd-Gyfarwyddwr Elize Freeman, ddirnadaeth ar brofiadau pobl hŷn o gam-driniaeth gan oedolyn sy’n aelod o’r teulu yn seminar y Gyfraith a Throseddeg.

🎓💬 We thoroughly enjoyed attending the Department of Law and Criminology Student Conference, where students showcased their research, featuring inspiring guest talks by esteemed keynote speakers Richard Ireland, Dewis Choice Co-Director Elize Freeman and Lord

🎓💬 Fe wnaethon ni fwynhau mynychu Cynhadledd Myfyrwyr y Gyfraith a Throseddeg yn fawr iawn, lle bu myfyrwyr yn arddangos eu hymchwil, yn cynnwys sgyrsiau gwadd ysbrydoledig gan y prif siaradwyr Richard Ireland, Cyd-gyfarwyddwr Dewis Choice, Elize Freeman a'r Arglwydd

🎬 'Hidden Victims' is more than a film; it's a call to action during LGBT+ History Month! 🏳️‍🌈Watch & learn practical tips for responding to domestic abuse in older LGBTQ+ relationships. Proudly created with Galop UK, LGBT foundation, & Opening Doors UK 🔗

🎬 Mae 'Hidden Victims' yn fwy na ffilm; mae’n alwad i weithredu yn ystod @LGBTHM ! 🏳️‍🌈Gwyliwch a chael awgrymiadau ymarferol ar gyfer ymateb i gam-drin domestig ym mherthynas LHDTC+ pobl hŷn. Wedi’i greu gyda Galop UK, LGBT Foundation, & Opening Doors UK 🔗

🎉Llongyfarchiadau i Calan DVS - Congratulations to Calan DVS! We’re absolutely thrilled to hear about this incredible milestone💜. A sanctuary of safety and hope is no small feat. This centre will change lives for years to come—what an amazing achievement by the dedicated team!

🚨 Content note: s*xual ab*se Talking changes everything. On Time to Talk Day, let’s create safe spaces for disclosures and support. Learn how we can listen and respond by reading our new publication 📖 #ItsNotOK

🚨 Rhybudd cynnwys: cam-drin rhywiol Mae siarad yn newid popeth. Ar Ddiwrnod Amser i Siarad, gadewch i ni greu mannau diogel ar gyfer datgeliadau a chymorth. Dysgwch sut y gallwn wrando ac ymateb trwy ddarllen ein cyhoeddiad newydd 📖 #NidYwnIawn

🗓️ This week, we highlighted how support transforms the lives of older female victim-survivors of sexual violence. If you missed our updates, catch up on socials or read our new publication, 🚨 content note: sexual abuse 📖

Fe wnaethom amlygu sut mae cymorth yn trawsnewid bywydau menywod hŷn sydd wedi goroesi trais rhywiol. Os wnaethoch chi fethu ein diweddariadau, gallwch gael gwybodaeth ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol neu ddarllen ein cyhoeddiad newydd, 🚨 rhybudd cynnwys: cam-drin rhywiol

🚨 Content note: s*xual ab*se Negative experiences of disclosure can reinforce barriers and impact future help-seeking. Today, we’re asking, are you listening? Let’s learn together; read our new publication here: #ItsNotOK

🚨 Rhybudd cynnwys: cam-drin rhywiol Gall profiadau negyddol o ddatgelu atgyfnerthu rhwystrau ac effeithio ar geisio cymorth yn y dyfodol. Heddiw, rydyn ni'n gofyn, a ydych chi'n gwrando? Gadewch i ni ddysgu gyda'n gilydd; darllenwch ein cyhoeddiad newydd yma: #NidYwnIawn

This #SexualViolenceAwarenessWeek, if you're experiencing abuse, or are concerned about someone else, please visit the Older People’s Commissioner’s Abuse Support Services Directory and find the help and support you need. Please don't suffer in silence:

🚨 Content note: sexual abuse Today, we highlight the lack of data on sexual abuse against older women and the impact this has on their visibility in policy and practice. 📗Let’s learn together, read our new publication here: #ItsNotOK

🚨Rhybudd cynnwys: cam-drin rhywiol. Rydym yn tynnu sylw at y diffyg data ar gam-drin rhywiol yn erbyn menywod hŷn a’r effaith y mae hyn yn ei chael ar eu hamlygrwydd mewn polisïau ac ymarfer. Gadewch i ni ddysgu gyda'n gilydd, darllenwch ein cyhoeddiad: #NidYwnIawn

🚨 Content note: sexual abuse. History shapes perceptions. Today, we explore the historical legacies that have contributed to the silence around sexual abuse of older women. 📗Let’s learn (and unlearn) together, read our new publication here: #ItsNotOK

Mae hanes yn siapio canfyddiadau. Rydym yn ystyried y gwaddolion hanesyddol sydd wedi cyfrannu at y distawrwydd ynghylch cam-drin menywod hŷn yn rhywiol. Gadewch i ni ddysgu (a dad-ddysgu) gyda'n gilydd, darllenwch ein cyhoeddiad, rhybudd cynnwys: cam-drin rhywiol

🗓️Join us next week for Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week as we share insight on our new publication exploring older women's experiences of sexual abuse in intimate relationships. #ItsNotOK 📗Read it here, content note: sexual abuse

🗓️Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Cam-drin Rhywiol a Thrais Rhywiol wrth i ni rannu cipolwg ar ein cyhoeddiad newydd sy’n ymdrin â phrofiadau menywod hŷn o gam-drin rhywiol mewn perthnasoedd agos. 📗rhybudd cynnwys: cam-drin rhywiol

🚨 New publication alert. Content note: sexual abuse. 📗 We're proud to announce the new Dewis Choice publication ‘Unheard Voices: Older Women's Experiences of Living with Sexual Abuse in Intimate Relationships Across the Life Course’ 📖 Read it here

🚨 Cyhoeddiad newydd. Rhybudd cynnwys: cam-drin rhywiol. 📗 Rydym yn falch o gyhoeddi cyhoeddiad newydd Dewis Choice ‘Unheard Voices: Older Women's Experiences of Living with Sexual Abuse in Intimate Relationships Across the Life Course’ 📖 Darllenwch ef yma

☀️Roedd yn braf croesawu Cerri Williams a Natalie Havard o Gymunedau Llywodraeth Cymru i Dewis Choice yn Prifysgol Aberystwyth! Buom yn trafod anghenion pobl hŷn fel rhan o ddatblygu’r glasbrint i fynd i’r afael â Thrais yn erbyn Menywod, Cam-drin Domestig a Thrais Rhywiol (VAWDASV).

☀️It was great to welcome Cerri Williams & Natalie Havard from Welsh Government Communities to Dewis Choice at Aberystwyth University! We discussed the needs of older people as part of developing the VAWDASV blueprint.

Domestic abuse and dementia create complex challenges. Our free toolkit offers practical advice for supporting older survivors, whether they care for someone with dementia, have dementia, or both the survivor and abuser have dementia. 📗 Download now:

Mae cam-drin domestig a dementia yn creu heriau cymhleth. Mae ein pecyn cymorth yn cynnig cyngor ymarferol i roi cymorth i oroeswyr hŷn, p'un a ydynt yn gofalu am rywun â dementia, yn dioddef o ddementia, neu lle bo’r goroeswr a'r sawl sy’n camdrin â dementia. 📘

☕Brew Monday: A reminder to check in on those around you. A chat over a cuppa can make all the difference If you’re struggling, there’s help available. You’re not alone. 💜

☕Paned Dydd Llun: Nodyn i’ch atgoffa i gysylltu â’r bobl o’ch cwmpas. Gall sgwrs dros baned wneud byd o wahaniaeth. Os ydych chi’n ei chael hi’n anodd, mae help ar gael. Dydych chi ddim ar eich pen eich hun💜

Blue Monday is: ✅ made up ✅ a cracking tune by New Order

🍫 Mae'r hysbyseb Maltesers hwn yn cyfleu lletchwithdod pobl wrth drafod rhyw gyda phobl hŷn. 🧵1/2

🍫 This Maltesers ad captures people's awkwardness in discussing sex with older people. Our research shows that skipping these questions on the DASH Risk Assessment blocks support & justice options. Clear language is key; develop your confidence with our toolkit: 📗

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿📢 yn gwahodd pobl hŷn ledled Cymru i rannu eu barn a’u syniadau am sut gallwn ni greu Cymru sy’n arwain y ffordd i bobl hŷn. Cysylltwch â ni nawr a pheidiwch â cholli eich cyfle i leisio eich barn:

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿📢 is inviting older people across Wales to share their views and ideas about how we can create a Wales that leads the way for older people. Get in touch now and don't miss your chance to make your voice heard:

🎉 Blwyddyn Newydd Dda oddi wrth bob un ohonom yn Dewis Choice! 🌟 Wrth i ni groesawu 2025, rydym yn falch o fod wedi hyfforddi dros 25,000 o bobl i adeiladu cymunedau mwy diogel a chefnogol. 🙌💜 Gan edrych ymlaen at flwyddyn arall o wneud gwahaniaeth go iawn, gyda’n gilydd! ✨

🎉 Happy New Year from all of us at Dewis Choice! 🌟 As we welcome 2025, we’re proud to have trained over 25,000 people to build safer, more supportive communities. 💜 Here’s to another year of making a real difference together! ✨

🎄 The latest Dewis Choice Newsletter is here! Filled with holiday resources, updates, and insights to support older people affected by domestic abuse, it's an essential read for practitioners this season. 📩 Read it now:

🎄 Mae cylchlythyr diweddaraf Dewis Choice ar gael nawr! Yn llawn adnoddau ar gyfer y gwyliau, diweddariadau, a mewnwelediadau i gefnogi pobl hŷn yr effeithir arnynt gan gam-drin domestig, mae'n hanfodol i ymarferwyr ei ddarllen y tymor hwn. 📩 Darllenwch ef nawr:

🚨 Professor in Law Wanted 🚨 Department of Law & Criminology at is hiring! Lead world-class research, inspire through teaching, and shape the future of law in Wales' HE sector. 🎓 Apply now: "