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Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life (Picasso)
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release writings and art. The last pieces I did while here will be available soon. Blessings.
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to fall on deaf ears. I will try to push back and get where I am able to hug my people and have access to programs in order to continue my journey of self improvement and growth. Till then, know that I appreciate everyone that believed in me and supports my work. I will continue to
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any more about where I go. Even if I am forced back into super max, into isolation, I know that, eventually, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I will thrive wherever, for it would be a disappointment to have programmed and matured for so long only to have my hard-gained wisdom
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and the few small stretched canvasses that didn't fit in the packages I mailed home with art supplies and items I am unable to take with me. There is a lot of talk about where I am going but nothing is for certain. ADX referral was handed to me last week but I really don't even care
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of property home, things that held meaning to me. Now I pace back and forth reading, the last few books I kept just in case the transfer process extends longer than I imagine. I have tried to paint with the few items I felt were not worthy of mailing home: old brushes, almost empty paint containers
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they were my touch, a letter, an answered call in those moments lifts me up to places I couldn't reach on my own. I could not understand that in my younger years, and held everything in and eventually drowned in my mistakes. As I wait to leave from here, the cell feels empty. I mailed decades
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down, when to speed up, and more importantly when to stop. I have to pay heed to these precious connections on all levels. Friends and family hold a special place on this journey, they are the ones who've been there through the tough times. When I couldn't see they were my eyes. When I couldn't feel
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connections to emerge organically along the way. I now understand the importance outside connections hold in my perspective, my vision, and bring meaning to the path I walk, life. A road has signs and my path has people, to remind me of when to slow
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The clemency changed the course of my path from the healing process, to my goals. Life,even in prison, continues to shift and transform. The road is paved now and I plan to travel with greater self-awareness, and appreciation. I am at peace internally and possess the ability to allow genuine
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My goal has never been to heal and then begin my life. Rather, It's been about embracing the healing where I am able, as I carry on within my arduous journey. Especially when my path was carved amidst the gallows with a promising ending of death.
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It was as if my life was turned up side down and my perspectives and interests were clouded. I did what I know and has always worked for me in the rough times and turn to my art. I tried to keep myself in that creative state of mind and even that felt like a flickering lamp.
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There are many ups and downs in this inhumane environment, and truly my last years with a death sentence have been extremely dark for me. It's the place, the energy here, not the actual sentence that takes its toll, that sucks the life right out of me.
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layers of damage to what makes a person feel human: my inactive senses from the lack of touch, interaction with others etc...... My weakened eye muscles from seeing everything close up due to the walls preventing me from seeing anything far off. My insomnia due to noise sensitivity and irritation.
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of course it's God's work, my faith, and the prayers of so many... I know I will see many more blessings and miracles, I can feel it.God is Great!
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Trust me, life begins again and when I leave it's going to be like standing on the peak of a mountain looking down to a dark valley covered by jungle canopy replete with dangerous things like misery and hopelessness lurking like felines searching for prey, wondering how I got away...
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what I cannot take with me on transfer. I have no idea how fast I will be moved, but I know it will be soon. Thanks again for the prayers.... Happy Holidays to all...
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and continue to grow on all levels. I am thankful and if anyone is interested in art, please let me know because I will have to purchase art supplies and necessities all over again wherever I go. I am currently giving away what I can and throwing away
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and now I understand that everything I have endured all the distress and challenges were preparing me for this moment. I will not squander this opportunity and will utilize it to build genuine lasting connections, create more art,
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I cannot wait to see where I will go from here but one thing I know for sure; I will not have to listen to the endless cries of misery anymore! But more importantly I have a plan ready to thrive in any environment I am placed in. I spent too much time investing in myself improvement
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My name is on this list for clemency. Thank you for fighting for us.
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*All visits for the men on Federal death row are non-contact visits, behind glass. *If President Biden doesn't commute the death sentences of the men on federal death row to LWOP, Edgar together with 39 other men is at risk of being executed as soon as Trump is in office.
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I wouldn't ask for freedom, health, companionship, even riches, or for my life to be spared. At this point in my life, all I want for Christmas is to hold my children and my mother, one more time, in a heartfelt embrace. *Edgar Garcia is housed on Federal death row, Indiana
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leaves me hungry for sensitivity, connection, meaning, and a longing for a sense of hope and renewal in my life. So, I think Christmas this year is a time of contemplation that welcomes elements like sadness. If I could wish for something, anything, in the world for Christmas,
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I was allowed contact visits, to be outside the cell most of the day and everything else that comes from being in general population. But sadly my journey led me here to federal death row. Where visits are behind the glass and the suffocating isolation
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At first, it was dark but it wasn't a pessimistic abyss. It resembled an introversion of my being that gave me a break, then an opportunity to give birth to a new way of connecting with people. I wasn't on death row throughout my early years of incarceration
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With horrible memories of a time, Forced inside a brewing destruction. No refuge from the constant tension, Just the monsters unpacking havoc. A broken system and forgotten men, Who work and search for pieces, That heal ours souls again.
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learn to value life and people, and not take the meaningful things for granted. It's all about picking the worst cases and focusing on that for some reason... #changenarrative #POTUS #clemencyforedgar #rehabilitation #Clemency #makeadifferencetoday
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to individuals like me. All I hear is mental illness and learning disabilities, abuse etc.... Same ole stories. Nobody highlights the growth of those who deserve it. Those who shared creative articles, art projects, and pieces of our stories that help others to avoid our mistakes,
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Nobody speaks to the fact that some of us have exhausted any programming available or reached out to the community and left a positive print from here, or the fact that some have invested in our own education and rehabilitation through our own means due to the system refusing to offer much
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What determines the worth of a person's life to the media? A CEO who was murdered in NYC and all the people in Syria make the majority of the news these days. A murderer holds more weight to the possibility of forty staged murders in the eyes of CNN, and all major news networks?
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Why is the Eastern District of Texas not being red flagged when it is the only area in this country accumulating such a high rate of death sentences, 70%, when there are around 200 federal institutions with 200,000 prisoners across this country.
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how biased our situation truly is. In the history of the B.O.P. (Federal Bureau of Prisons), there are 287 documented incidents resulting in death. 84 of them, or 30%, are currently serving life, and 167 actually have release dates. I am 3.6% who received a death sentence.
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But when Trump executed 13 people here, we got a little more time and attention. Nobody took the time to mention some of us who ended up here due to being housed in the most violent prison at the time we caught our case. Furthermore, the stats on prison murders,
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Thank you. I am one of the few men on Federal Death Row.