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Cutting off the miserly US funding to the third world for things like easily preventable diseases and clean drinking water, etc, will have horrific consequences, and by no means will they be redistributing that wealth in America Dark ages are coming #GeneralStrike

What Elon Musk talks about Freedom of Speech he is talking about HIS Freedom of Speech. When he talks about reducing taxes he is talking about HIS taxes. When he talks about fraud he is talking about money not going to HIM.

Trump has a bypass when it comes to human empathy and compassion. It’s a pathology. He’s so self-identified that all events revolve around *his* weird take on events. Don’t succumb to the lack of basic human decency. We are all better than his take, that came from a weirdly distorted family dynamic.

The idea of a Labour government was supposed to address the needs of the working class. Not the companies that exploit us. There is absolutely no point in a Labour government with conservative economic and social policies. Change, my arse.

Another rape case dismissed after a defendant claimed ‘sexsomnia,’ this time in Australia. This defence raises serious concerns about legal systems failing victims. It must not become a loophole for impunity. We need accountability and systemic change.

The annual JRF reports on poverty in the UK have shown lower levels in Northern Ireland. This is helped by mitigations the Executive has put in place to address some of the worse effects of austerity, but depends on future funding decisions. Also, poverty levels vary considerably within NI.

The annual report on poverty in the UK has been published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and has issued this short video highlighting the consequences of living in poverty for millions on people

Stop condemning poor people trying to survive, and start condemning the rich people who made them so desperate in the first place.

The Media is simply the PR arm of the billionaires empire, it is time people realized this.

Paxlovid costs it’s manufacturers $13 to make, it’s research and development was FULLY Funded by the US Government. They now charge $1651.99 a dose, a 126x markup. In Germany it is $60 and they still make big profits. This is privatized medicine... hell.

Excellent @ESRIDublin seminar on poverty in Ireland, comparing the levels and consequences in both parts of the island. The full report can be found here:

All cameras are disposable if you have the money

Let’s not give Bankers anymore of YOUR MONEY. Yes it’s easy to tap/swipe a card more importantly taken out money from a cash point even £10 it keeps this service going and less for Bankers #CashIsKing 💷 #IndyClan ⚔️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Rather than fixating on the world's richest man and his constant grandstanding, we should focus on protecting children by implementing the IICSA recommendations the Tories failed to act on. For victims and survivors, priorities matter... not nonsense like this ⬇️

A convicted domestic abuser was allowed to volunteer for Samaritans, sparking outrage. A former volunteer said: “Callers who’ve been victims of domestic violence shouldn’t be speaking to someone who has committed that very same crime.” Samaritans claim he posed no risk despite his convictions.

The number of people who go bankrupt every year because of medical bills. Norway - 0 UK - 0 France - 0 Spain - 0 Portugal - 0 Denmark - 0 Australia - 0 Iceland - 0 Italy - 0 Finland - 0 Ireland - 0 Germany - 0 Netherlands - 0 Sweden - 0 Japan - 0 Canada - 0 United States - 643k

Britain is paying the highest taxes ever, but has the worst Public Services because all of them have been privatised and most of your money is being stolen as profit.

If you want to see what a Privatised NHS would be like look at the USA, they are the ones already privatising it. Here's a C-Section cost $13,280 and that's just the 15 minute operation. Plus an extra $40 for the privilege of holding the baby after it is delivered.

Some of you may be old enough to remember the justification used in the Vietnam War - ‘we destroyed the village in order to save it.’ The IDF has occupied and reoccupied Jabaliya three times and currently seems to be removing it from the map altogether.

The favourite lie of Capitalism is that the people at the very top do the most work and are essential. The reality is that they do absolutely nothing except enslave everyone else for their own profit. Elon Musk is a great example of this.

As 100s wait for admission, some up to 19 hours in ambulances @BelfastTrust appeals for help discharging medically fit patients. “Our hospitals are in crisis…If we can’t get patients out of hospitals who no longer need to be there we can’t get seriously ill patients in.”

Paddy Hill, one of Birmingham Six who were framed for IRA pub bombings, dies aged 80

Big Pharma ripoff isn't just in the USA, it is very real in the UK too. 2010-2024 Inflation was 75% 2010 28 tablets of 5mg Dextroamphetamine £3.00 2024 28 tablets of 5mg Dextroamphetamine £24.85 728% inflation, and voila the NHS has no money.

This is so spot-on it’s scary.

The problem with Politics is there is no punishment for lying or failure, and you can take as much money as you like off anybody. Anyone else in any other job would be fired or in jail. That is the problem.

We need more John Smith's.

‘The systematic (Israeli*) dismantling of the health system in Gaza is a death sentence for tens of thousands of Palestinians in need of health care.’ * Key word left out of WHO statement added above in brackets.

The BBC has become the Billionaire Broadcasting Corporation with all its staff chosen by them, and all its views pre-approved by them. It really is a most pointless piece of trash, and I say trash because it is clearly the Americans that own it now.

Lose your chains!

Truly the most disturbing case in many, many years. And the finding of the court resonates way beyond France. Gisele Pelicot is surely the most important single person of 2024?

The UK is spending £369m refurbishing Buckingham Palace for King Charles, who has £22bn and gets £500m more a year. He can pay for his own renovations, £369m is more than England spends on building Social Housing in an entire year for the whole country.

Run 8 of the #Twelve10ksOfChristmas done! And the total raised by you fine people for our local autism support group is getting close to €2,000. All going to plan I'll be doing the final run on Stephen's Day... if you can share this link to spread the word, that'd be amazing!

I wouldn’t wish this life on anybody.” Homeless services in Northern Ireland under "extreme pressure" dealing with "people that have more complex needs than ever before”. @KellyBonner

The PSNI and Metropolitan Police acted illegally by spying on two Belfast journalists to identify their sources, the Investigatory Powers Tribunal has ruled.

Northern Ireland Secretary Hilary Benn must set up a public inquiry into the murder of GAA official Sean Brown, a High Court judge has ordered.

The traffic crisis in Belfast has been years coming. The city simply cannot function if everyone has to go everywhere by car: and the investment in meaningful alternatives has been woeful- we can’t even get a pedestrian zone in Hill St.

Could send them to work as well. Most of them have never done that.

Every year the billionaires want even more profit, so prices go up, wages go down and more things are privatised. Everything gets worse and everyone else gets poorer. Nothing is ever going to get better while they are in control.

Amos Goldberg, Professor of Genocide Studies at The Hebrew University in Jerusalem "Yes, it is genocide. It's so difficult and painful to admit it, but we can no longer avoid this conclusion. Jewish history will henceforth be stained" Is there anyone more qualified and unbiased?

Mick Lynch went on Question Time once then they banned him because he embarrassed them. The establishment sack of 💩 Nigel Farage has been on 38 times because he tells the lies the billionaires want you to hear.

Huge backload in road repairs; raw sewerage pouring into Belfast Lough; can’t afford pay parity for teachers; worst waiting lists for hospital treatment; new transport hub but chronic traffic jams in Belfast; water system restricting house-building. What’s actually working in NI?

Terry Pratchett was a wise and gifted writer!

Raw sewage spills have pushed levels of harmful bacteria in Belfast Lough beyond legal limits, a BBC Spotlight investigation has found.

In the 1930s Al Capone was sent to prison for 11 years for Income Tax evasion. Now in the US and many other countries billionaires pay nothing in Income Tax. Why aren't they in jail?

It's amazing how we will constantly talk about the cost of people on benefits, but never the far greater cost of billionaires who don't pay any tax. Except that of course it isn't, because it is the billionaires and their puppets who do all the talking.