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Perpetually tired Dada. XL Painting Goblin. Filthy casual gamer.
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Mrs. Spiderbutt is finished!

Finished up a bunch of Necromunda blue bases, and the new test bases for Tyranid assimilation. Fungus growths, slime mold, alien acid blood, bone plates and bony growths. #WarhammerCommunity #Necromunda #Tyranids

Let’s fight this seasonal depression with a good ol’ Waaaaagggghhhh!!!! #40k #Orks #WarhammerCommunity

Picked my minis up from the contest today and was treated to the sight that not only did they all place, but 2 golds and a silver. Those tiny trophies now reside in my display case too. #warhammercommunity #PaintedMiniatures #WarhammerAoS #PaintingWarhammer

WIP: While the Pteraxii are nearly done, I'm also working on the Captain Messinius model, which will be my 3rd Company Captain as part of the command squad. #Warhammer40k #40k #WarhammerCommunity #PaintingWarhammer

painting some skaven tonight #warhammercommunity #soulblightgravelords

Me: Huh why is there an arachnophobia filter? Weird. 3 hours later.... Me: WHY ARE THERE SO MANY FUCKING SPIDERS IN THIS GAME! *triggered arachnophobia anxiety attack*

Playing Hogwarts Legacy FINALLY and immediately I love Natsai. She's awesome and should be protected at all cost.

Slunge is done!!! It's a really awesome, simple sculpt, but man, is it an absolute pleasure to paint. Might work on the plague fly Squort next or maybe Strewg. These names are amazing as well 😆 #AoS #Chaos #Daemons #GrandfatherNurgle #Underworlds #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity

I don't buy special edition Codexes but my god this one might be the one...

Started working on Slunge, one of the warband Grandfather's Gardeners for Underworlds. It feels good to be painting Nurgle stuff again! #AoS #Chaos #GrandfatherNurgle #Underworlds #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #WIP

Blood Angel Chaplain Painted as a gift this December. #warhammer #paintingwarhammer #gamesworkshop #warhammercommunity #spacemarines #warhammerpainting #miniatures #wargaming #painting #paintingminiatures #tabletopgames #tabletop #grimdark #miniature #wargames #bloodangels #chaplain

Drillmaster with her bad ass whip flail is done! 2 down and 6 left to go. #AoS #Chaos #IronGolem #Warcry #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity

TREAT YO SELF SUNDAY!!!! I need to get their trade for the Olive Greens now... whoops lol #AoS #ArmyPainter #Chaos #Fanatic #GrandfatherNurgle #Underworlds #Warhammer

I kitbashed the horus heresy tech priest with bits from an enginseer and dominus to make my own tech priest. Gonna add the big gun in front of him after painting because reaching will be impossible #warhammercommunity #kitbash #paintingwarhammer

Small wins. This little girl has been scared of being touched, but today has started soliciting attention! ❤️ Seen here rubbing her ear meds all over my hand lol.

Back to Rapture....

Spot illustrations from Inheritance of Embers, for the 40k ttrpg Wrath & Glory. It was cool to be able to design the Howling Banshee Shrine 😀

(I know I need a bigger booth lol) #Necrons Tabletop Plus #Commission 1k pts This is my full-time job. If you'd like a commission from me, please check my pinned post! #WarhammerCommunity #40k #WarMaidens #Warhammer

Got this little shit done for my Iron Golems! Was a quick one due to him being so tiny. Gotta love Chaos Dwarfs. Have to get some new tufts because I seem to have lost them all during this last move.... #AgeofSigmar #Chaos #ChaosDwarf #EightPoints #IronGolems #Warcry #Warhammer

Literally me lol.... I have correcting me every chance she gets 😆

Just grabbed Dredge on sale for my Switch. I am really liking this game. I love the music, the sounds, it's an all around beautiful game. Well worth trying it out in demo.

I need to find good dungeon stls for Warhammer Quest Open to suggestions

Black suit Spider-Man is done! Onto Silk next! #BlackSuit #Marvel #MarvelUnited #SpiderMan

Work in progress. Lots to do still, but it’s getting there.

Creativity over Cruelty 🖤❤️

Today was a stressful day, and when I'm extremely stressed out, I paint like a fiend. So today I started and finished Peni Parker... #Marvel #MarvelUnited #PeniParker #SpiderBot

Conservative Outraged Tampons Available In Men’s Grocery Stores

And that's the Terminator Squad and Terminator Captain done!!! Went back and added battle damage to make them look less straight off the assembly line. Now to get some more to keep this project moving! #40k #Captain #SpaceMarines #TomeKeepers #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity

Hey there Mechwarriors. Chin up. Take your meds, mount up, live to fight another day. Your lance, your family, has your back. #battletech

UM, I had NO idea facebook was tracking everything I did on the internet. EVERYTHING. I have diligently blocked and followed all ways to try to stop this messed up social media from taking from me, but this is the final straw… THESE JERKS! AGH! [screenshots on how to do it in the comments]

Another Terminator done for my Tome Keepers. 2 left, and this squad will be done! Should be getting the Ballistus Dreadnought and a squad of Sternguard Veterans once these guys are done. Baby steps towards a full army! #40k SpaceMarines #TomeKeepers #Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity

All by myself at the apartment till Saturday night! Don't know what to do with myself lol