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statistician, labour market expert, climate activist, grand-father of four...
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Veřejnoprávní televize během debat, jak se nám před očima mění svět. Přejeme všechno nejlepší všem ženám, které zítra oslaví svůj den, zvláště pak expertkám, které ve veřejném prostoru stále tolik chybí. Tímto otevíráme sérii analýz zastoupení žen a mužů v různých oblastech.

Half of world’s CO2 emissions come from 36 fossil fuel firms, study shows

🧪🌊🧵 Despite having his job at NOAA terminated has still brought his visualisations that show the alarming recent trend in Antarctic sea-ice extent up to date. 1/2

“German voters want more climate protection! Even in the AfD and the CDU/CSU, only 7 and 6% respectively want less. So why do these parties want to roll back climate protection?“

GATHERING DARK. I can no longer distinguish news from the Lord Of The Rings. Darkness spreads from the East. Ukrainian Rohan suffers from the daily attacks of orcs. Saruman betrayed us and joint Mordor. Techno-oligarchs see all from the Tower of Barad-dur and poison our minds via social networks.

1. A few years ago, people like me were widely attacked in the media for “declinism”. How could we fail to see that we were heading into a capitalist utopia, in which everything would keep getting better? This is a thread about what we could see that our critics could not. 🧵

Weird how we're not OK damaging children's lungs with cigarettes but totally fine doing it with internal combustion engines. This is outside a primary school.

Burglars to the judge: "It's not fair to treat me in the same way as others - burglary is my job!"

🇺🇸 Puč v Americe, vyhlídky demokracie ve světě a role Evropy Evropa musí reagovat tvorbou nových spojenectví. A nelze uhýbat před příčinou americké tragédie, kterou je deregulovaný kapitalismus. ✒️ ➡️➡️ Přečtěte si celý text na webu DR:

I wrote this in July, with great discomfort. I wish it were now irrelevant. But we are heading for dark times at horrifying speed.

Daně jsou civilizace.

Here are the updated "daily color stripes" with data through from January 1, 1940 to January 28, 2025. For anyone paying attention, the current 30-day global surface temperature anomaly is 1.76°C above the pre-industrial baseline.

Přírodní rovnováha 🤪

Že by další absolvent Vysoké školy života?!

Oligarchy (noun): A government of and by a few at the top, who exercise power for their own benefit. Their power and wealth increase as they make laws that favor themselves, manipulate financial markets, and create monopolies that put more wealth into their pockets.

Let’s get one thing straight: the cost of the Green New Deal is far less than the cost of losing our planet to the climate crisis.

Zdá se mi, že svět je stále děsivější místo :-(

The Global Climate Highlights 2024 report is now online. Delve in the analysis and access all the charts, information, and data on temperature, sea ice, precipitation, and greenhouse gas concentrations. Explore the data that defined 2024: #C3S #GCH2024

The wind gusts are devastating. Truly a hurricane of fire. Video: