Proud “Prominent liberal commentator.” On TV sometimes, snarky nearly all the time. (Work: Clear Point Communications). she/her.
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Meeting adjourned
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Kirsten Salvatore talking about the theater kids at cedar cliff
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Joei askey with a comment asking board members to advocate for state funding
Teri mickle talking about how the state underfunds our district
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“We want to get our budget to a place that’s where we want to be but keep our bond number good” says Mrs. Brent. (Nothing about providing for a quality education for our students though)
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Currently at an about $6.7m deficit.
Stevie Boone notes that keeping taxes flat not only would be bad for this year - but cause ripple effects for years.
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Chart on what public bricks and mortar schools PAY cyber charters for special education per student VS what cyber charters use To educate these same students.
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Our majority board members are befuddled by PSERS contributions- that’s something that was passed by Republican controlled legislature so being it up with your “many friends in the Capitol” k guys???
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And a $930k increase in special ed cyber charter tuition
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District is projecting a $209k increase in cyber charter tuition next year, how about those “savings” the legislature championed eh
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Dr. Stoltz is talking about cost cutting- the district has avoided $23m in costs since 2016 due to offering a high deductible HSA plan w currently 81% participation rate.
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25/26 budget discussion
Lots of work to do yet; the district is being negatively impacted by increasing costs just like everyone else
Budget deadline is July 1st- but the board has to approve the final budget by May 8.
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✅ transportation services
✅ professional services RL campus improvements
✅ engineering services RL campus improvements
✅ PTS therapy services agreement
Now on to a budget discussion
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The start up cost and the bottom line bid amount will probably be less than the $1m anticipated; due to older buses added technology and new efficiencies but they can’t exactly predict them yet.
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It is almost 9 pm and we have 4 business items to finish up, information items and a budget presentation.
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An app that allows parents to track buses - and cameras on the bus sign- are part of this proposal.
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Mr. Trone asks what happens with buses next year. Rohrer uses all Thomas buses and they’re also a dealership. 80% of the buses and vans will be new or nearly new with 20% around 6 years old.
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Mr. Kambic notes the dissatisfaction with the current contract was NEVER about dissatisfaction with the drivers.
Mrs. Brent talks about the impact of the busing on families
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Mr. Guistwhite talking about how another 1 year contract extension- and the failures of the current contractor - also have a cost, even if it’s not monetary.
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Rohrer takes a district by district approach, would like to evaluate them, but if someone is familiar with the route and a good fit, sure. Opportunity for seniority to get new routes if they want.
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Mrs. Davis asks about mechanics and office personnel. Rohrer exec says they’ll try to hire everyone in some capacity
Mr. Guistwhite asks about tenure/seniority and routes
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Rohrer says the pay is a route pay, based on an hourly rate (which the drivers were worried about)
2 hour route minimum, starting hourly rate is $25/hour, they’ll recognize tenure of drivers. Scales up to $29/hr.
Talking about recruitment/retention issues
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If i were a bus company who didn’t get this bid I’d be RTKing those texts but that’s just me
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Mrs. Davis says she’s heard concerns from constituents *who have texted her* 🤔 asking about bus drivers and talking about special education students in particular.
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On to transportation contract (with Rohrer)
Mrs. Tierney thanks the committee for her work
Mrs. Thomas is reading a written statement, I’m honestly not sure which way she’s going to vote after it??
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Your *main* argument? Cmon.
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✅ transfer to general fund assigned fund balance
✅ MOU for migrant education
✅ staff attendance at professional meetings
✅ e-rate approvals
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On to business items, all unanimous unless noted
✅ personnel
✅ bills
✅ budgetary transfers
Far right members of the board hearing for at least the third time how much we pay in cyber charter tuition
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Brian Guistwhite is talking about the transportation committee, congrats to Brian for turning on his microphone #iykyk
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Minutes 2/13 and 2/20 approved
Treasurers report accepted
Board reports
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Aubrey Sheets, another First Student driver, is concerned about the new proposed contractor, Rohrer, which came in $1m higher than First Student. Not only financial but seniority concerns.
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Heather Keller pointing out the cost of the district’s cyber charter school bills, urging taxpayers to contact lawmakers in favor of cyber charter school finance reform.
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Gosh i love a public comment section with a theme don’t you?
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Marvin Beshore is commending the transportation committee for their work on the service agreement and he urges the board to vote yes on the contract and thanks the committee for their transparency - one much unlike the hiring of the board solicitor.
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No Students speaking on business items, on to community members.
Tom Adams, who is a first student driver, speaking about the bus contract. He has 16 years of experience in two states.
He says driving for First Student is the first time he felt he was working *with* not *for* a company.
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Another commenter at the policy meeting was not here.
Now Heather Keller is speaking
She’s frustrated that the policy committee is not listening and is trying to rush thos sports policy through.
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People claiming their main argument about a cell phone policy in school is kids getting the chance to text their parents goodbye in a school shooting will never stop amazing me. (In a bad way)
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I’m guessing i will be next.
I’m focusing on this board expanding governmental red tape and exposing the district to the risk of a lawsuit by ignoring the advice of their hand-selected counsel.
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Oh they’re doing those first
Sandra Gonzalez is first. Not going to summarize her comments. She opens by celebrating dismantling the US DOE. there’s no way someone who claims stands for taxpayer relief has any idea the financial impact this will have on school taxpayers.
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Public comment for business items, not sure what happened to policy committee comments