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Well... He didn't. The Pfizer/BioNTek was developed in Germany without grants from US. The moderna arrived a week later
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Nope. The plague comes from rat fleas. Not the rats themselves.
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Il y a peu de chances qu'il y en ai, les fournisseurs de logiciels sont toujours bien couverts contractuellement.
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Pour la même raison que les droitos farouchement contre les aides sont bien contents de les toucher.
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Le gars parle de la surpression d'un droit qui n'existe pas. C'est pas une source, c'est un egou.
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Facile : ils n'y étaient pas. Sur 7 députés : 2RN 2 macronistes 1LR 1PS Eric coquerel en tant que président.
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Improbable : la majorité est trop pauvre pour épargner. Tu as beau être payé en BTC si tu dois tous les dépenser pour manger, bah qu'ils valent 10,100 ou 1000000 de dollars ne change rien. Ceux qui ont pu épargner par contre se sont effectivement enrichis.
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L'affaire Stanislas c'est qu'amelie OC ai menti les raisons de scolarisation de ses enfants a Stan. Les affaires Stanislas c'est les viols et les agressions. Rien a voir avec le catholicisme...
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Ce qui est marrant c'est qu'en fait même si tu refuses, t'es quand même dans la liste.
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Hahahaha at least this one's good
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Please go back to your local pub for the same reason.
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See all corps and all giant corpo are already 2 different things.
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Neither are you obviously.
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Not arguing with you indeed. You're coming giving your abusive generalization and criticizing when I do the same.
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Ok. So everyone working for a corp is evil. Only those dying in the cold aren't. Got it.
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Lol you're saying that Microsoft didn't uphold their copyright? Sony ? Sega ? Everyone is battling against piracy, Ip infringement, and emulation. That's a bold claim saying Nintendo are the only one doing it.
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Upholding your rights doesn't make you evil. You're just angry at the wrong entity. If the law is bad, target the law not the ones using it.
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You're talking about thieves. Creating something that other created before you is called copy. But hey you do you.
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Small says who ? No one making publicly available soft should infringe copyright. However small or big. Palworld isn't small, Sony isn't small.
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Besides a video on YouTube I found no evidence of this. Care to share ?
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Steam really isn't a gaming company. Valve hardly sells game anymore. They are a marketplace company more than anything else. Is that evil ? I think not. Unless all businesses are.
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I'm arguing that Nintendo isn't evil at all. They are minding their business. Letting other use their IP untill they abused it (Sony and the Dpad, pokemon clones,...) Microsoft is Disney: buying everything and making a new version every year.
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Need I remember Microsoft is out there ? They are the one buying all ip they can, turning studios in cashcows. Remember rare ?
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Almost all tom Scott's videos are.
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It's always strangely worded because no-one wants to talk about selection. But mutations happen all the time. It's when they are selected, and provide the virus with a more reliable way to infect us, that we are concerned. But it's too late : we failed to react in time. So it's "mutation"...
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It's mutating when it's copied. When the immune response is in full swing you have a selection over those mutations, any virus capable of evading being destroyed and being copied once more will take over.
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Whales are commonly found all around oceans. They literally go everywhere they can.
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Whales could adapt and follow their food. If plankton and krill got scarce in the northern Atlantic, they'll probably stop going there. No more whales in the saint Laurent estuary.
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Well ... Better find another source of income and food.
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More hurricanes and more tornadoes around the gulf of Mexico. Rising temperatures, monsoon like season. A decrease in temperature in Europe, to be more like Canada and Northern USA.
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Le parquet a fait appel. Il est donc innocent jusqu'à preuve du contraire.
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T'a pas bien compris le principe d'un taux directeur... C'est l'inverse : c'est le taux auquel les banques empruntent a la BCE.
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ONI being my favorite game, i'm eager to see those really soon!
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Perso pour compenser j'ai aussi la collection entière des casques starwars. C'est moins long, mais y'en a beaucoup plus
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J'étais plutôt parti pour arrêter, c'est mal de tentater les gens comme ça ;)
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Faut pousser les murs lol
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Si on ajoute l'ISS, le Lem et la navette, je confirme ça commence à faire lol
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Je pensais la SLS plus grande. J'ai déjà la Saturn V depuis le confinement et je ne pensais pas avoir la place... Mais finalement peut-être.
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We would need to find someone completely impervious to cancer first. Then suck up their bone marrow.
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In this instance yes. It's not undetectable but we know it's still here. With CCR5 mutation the virus cannot enter your white blood cells. It literally has nowhere to hide. It just dies out. Flip side : you need to undergo chem and radio therapy to... Well kill your bone marrow
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It's always CCR5 BMT. It is amazing, but sadly will never be a widespread solution due to scarcity (even with umbilical cord stem cells and half matches) We'll need gene therapy for that.
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That's one of the most invasive procedures known in medicine. Bone marrow transplant is hard, tedious, high risk. No need to repress anything, less than a percent of the population have the right mutation. Chances to find matching donors for everyone are low. And gene therapy is still decades away.
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Du coup pour les quelques dizaines de millions qui restent, peut-on vraiment parler de "beaucoup "? Si considère que les us c'est 50% du non français (ce qui est optimiste vu qu'en majorité les américains sont protestants, et qu'il y a des dons de 150 pays) ça fait 15-20m€ sur 846.
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Le potassium c'est important !
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Sur 846 millions d'euros, 500 millions viennent de Betancourt, Arnault et Pinault. 50 millions viennent de la région IDF Le reste (moins de 300 millions) vient de dons anonymes, issus de France a 91%
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Marine est présidente en exercise?
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Le même scoop, mais beaucoup plus récemment. Fois 5