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“Trump and Musk’s actions amount to throwing a grenade into the center of the national security apparatus; eventually that grenade will go off, and there will be nowhere for the United States to dive for cover.”

Wenn die großen Krisen der Gegenwart bewältigt werden sollen, dann braucht es auch einen Journalismus, der sich leidenschaftlich, wachsam und unpopulistisch an den Themen der komplexen Wirklichkeit orientiert. Die pure Lust am Schüren von Zwist oder am Bloßstellen von Personen reicht mir da nicht.

Wie konnte es soweit kommen, dass die AfD mit ihren rassistischen, autoritären Positionen solchen Zuspruch bekommt? Alle befragen sich, was die eigenen Fehler waren. Nur in den Redaktionen der Medien gibt es anscheinend null Zweifel, null Selbstkritik. Alles weiter so. Das geht nicht.

Die Dämonisierung von zivilem Engagement nimmt wirklich gespenstische Züge an. Mir macht es Angst, wie Einspruch gegen rechtsradikale, autoritäre Positionen angefeindet wird. Einspruch gegen Menschenverachtung ist nicht nur ein grundgesetzliches Recht - es ist unsere demokratische Pflicht.

The grim truth is that Vladimir Putin and Trump are united by their scorn for the European democracies. Inefficient, slow, incapable of action. Antiquated? As for China, Trump has expressed his admiration for Xi Jinping almost as often as he has fawned over Putin. Tactical deception?

“The world must be made safe for democracy. Its peace must be planted upon the tested foundations of political liberty.” President Woodrow Wilson in April 1917 on the eve of America’s entry into the first world war. Today, Rachman argues, the US president is making the world safe for autocracy.

Instead of chasing scale for scale’s sake, EU tech funding must prioritise efficiency, interoperability, and industry-specific solutions that create real economic value.

Europe can’t match the dizzying heights of Silicon Valley’s spending . But it can compete with the US by leaning on its talent, research capabilities and industrial foundations .


EU must grow up, adapt, change to be capable to act, to live up for its fundamental values, and for its survival

More acceleration is possible. After all, if Ukraine was able to build a drone production from zero to 4mn-plus — while fighting a war — it should not be beyond Europe’s stalwarts to start plugging gaps and readying themselves for a rush of orders.

“Europe’s mindset has to change,” Sauli Niinistö, Finland’s former president, said. “You cannot avoid war by being weak.”

Withdrawing US troops from Europe, withdrawing Europe’s security guarantor—it forces Europe to get its act together — then this could be the proverbial kick in the unmentionables that we need #trump #EU

Zelenskyy calls for European army

The Path to #American #Authoritarianism What Comes After #Democratic #Breakdown ? #ForeignAffairs

#Thucydides argued that #Sparta’s real motivation was #fear —its leaders believed they had to act before #Athens became too powerful to challenge.

#China’s unprecedented economic and military growth is perceived as a threat to American primacy that result in geopolitical rivalry, trade wars, and a technological race. Can this #Great #Power #Competition be managed peacefully towards a multipolar world or will it escalate into open #war?

The #Thucydides Trap describes the dynamic in which a rising power ( #China) challenges an established hegemon (the #USA), often leading to conflict. Thucydides analyzed this phenomenon through the Peloponnesian War, where Athens (the rising power) threatened Sparta (the dominant power).

America’s #Thucydides moment? And #Europe? It’s #defending #democracy attempts seem to rather weaken democracy. How to overcome its #moral #lethargy to switch to #emergency mode? Europe must respond to #Trump ‘electroshock’, says #Macron

“The Problem with Strategy as Problem-Solving” critiques ‘problem-solving approach’, instead suggesting ‘problem-framing’, a flexible, context-driven method #Clausewitz, emphasising adaptability and deeper understanding to address the unpredictability of conflicts effectively.

"Only the strong can be free" Our Director on #EUdefence at the French National Assembly. Watch for insights on Ukraine, handling Trump, financing defence & more 👉

Europe’s risks irrelevance in the #Indo-Pacific With key economic & security interests at stake, the EU must adapt or be left behind. The region is a global hub for trade & tech, and pivotal for security. A strong, sustained partnership is essential. More 👉

#Trump and the New Age of #Nationalism —The age of #great-power #competition is an #age of nation-states consolidating elite economic power through nationalist policies. #ForeignAffairs #USA #Trump #GrandStrategy

Pentagon Warns #China Developing Love, The Greatest Weapon Of All Does Rome still have what it takes? #Onion

“The struggle for AI primacy between the United States, China, middle powers, and Big Tech is fundamentally a competition over whose vision of the world order will reign supreme.”

2024 Tech Policy Press podcast book list, fresh insights how technology interacts with people, politics, and power. Feeling curious, looking for inspiration? Eg Invisible Rulers: The People Who Turn Lies Into Reality High Wire: How China Regulates Big Tech & Governs Its Economy

Emerging threats require vigilant monitoring. This report uses 11 indicators to assess whether #China will invade #Taiwan in the next six to 12 months. #Janes assesses a 75% likelihood of continued intimidation tactics without military action.

#WSJ about #Russian #intelligence "illegal" officers by Drew Hinshaw and Joe Parkinson telling the stories of #Moscow's various deep-cover officers and explaining #counterintelligence & #security #investigations that led to their arrests (and swap back to #Russia).

#Humble #ai Re-view of Shneiderman's advocacy for a "humble" approach to AI design, emphasizing human control, transparency, and explainability, calling for AI systems that are trustworthy, reliable, and respect human values. #humility #notknowing #learn #connect #review

Oldies but Goldies: reviewing #Deep #mediatization : #Social #Order in the Age of #Datafication #BKCHarvard

Time to redesign #OSINT? #Janes Podcast with #Gioe #Hatfield beyond the SCIF

The Origin of #Reinforcement Learning — How #AI Learned to Feel #TheArtoftheProblem

#Autonomousweapons of pleasure. Media archaeology of automated killing in military and gaming technologies: Culture, Theory and Critique: Vol 64 , No 1-2 #Żmuda

#Drones and the #Annihilation-Image in Contemporary #Warfare #Caetano “by framing bodies and objects in the terrain, a state of superpositional violence is created in which one is alive, but virtually dead.”

Complexity science as folk theory in NATO’s future warfighting concept of multi-domain operations “a strong performative master narrative for a variety of orientations, yet one whose practical relevance for the organization of security can be questioned” #Klimøller #NATO

Via Keegan McBride: Sen Cruz letter to the U.S. Attorney General arguing that European governments & AI Safety organizations are engaged in illegal political activity in the US & that Europe will put the US at a disadvantage in its competition with China.

Banning social media ≠ solving youth mental health issues. It's time for better, evidence-based policies rather than scapegoating social media. Teens need digital skills to thrive. Read more: Drawing on work with Craig Sewall and's call. More reasons to abandon X.

A starter pack of people commenting, analyzing & reporting on: * democratic backsliding * rule of law * threats to democracy Mostly EU/euro-focus. You know how this works: self-recommendations welcome. Bonus points if you post actively and recommend another account.

Got five media requests yesterday on what a second Trump term would do, which is great I guess, but its like "guys, where were you for the last four years?" I posted an op-ed in the Times a year ago. Most of subsequent interview requests came from non-US media.

“Trump isn’t interested in the challenge or reward of Abraham Lincoln’s disputatious team of rivals. He wants a team of outlaws: likeminded pals who ignore laws, boundaries, ethics, norms, civility, respect, and plain manners.”

Ah but you who philosophize disgrace And criticize all fears … Now is the time for your tears

U.S.-China Relations for the 2030s: Toward a Realistic Scenario for Coexistence #Carnegie #US-China #Coexistence

#Elon #Musk post on #X “Department of Government Efficiency The merch will be 🔥🔥🔥” 2:08 am · 13 Nov 2024 72.6M Views

A discussion of Journalism and Democratic Backsliding with (NYU Prof Jay Rosen) (Cardiff Prof Richard Sambrook, former BBC) and former Gates Scholar Ayala Panievsky (former

Electronic Warfare: A Cheap Way to Disable the Most Expensive Weapons FASI's Duncan McCrory comments on how NATO military leaders should learn lessons from Russia's electronic warfare in Ukraine. Read here*👇 *available in French / English auto-translate

How cute—undermining democratic institutions 24: towards a libertarian authoritarian dystopia? Or genius vital yet dangerous short-term intermezzo to be capable to act, modernize what’s needed to counter successfully today’s global power struggles? What world do we want to live in, seriously? #DOGE

Big Ass Data Broker Opt-Out List #BADBOOL on how to opt out from the global data brokerage madness

Rebooting Social Media—Combating Misinformation Through Digital Markets, #Alstyne novel mechanism to create a meta-layer of platform governance that would limit the production of mis- and disinformation, and increase the likelihood of sharing credible information. #BKCHarvard