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Gay, demisexual, top/vers, disabled, autistic, ADHD. Looking for meaningful connections.
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To be disabled is to have to spend ridiculous amounts of money on things we need to survive when stuck in a system that keeps us in poverty. Being forced into poverty and pushed out of Medicaid will make it so that many of us will die. The system isn’t broken, it’s working as designed.

To be disabled is almost always to be traumatized. It’s living in a body that can’t keep you safe. It’s doctors dismissing you. It’s family and friends abandoning you. It’s living in a society that doesn’t see your value. It’s constantly having to prove your life is worth living.

They love disabled people in “inspirational” stories, until we ask for healthcare, jobs, and rights.

People vehemently believe that there are safety nets in place if you become disabled. That no matter what, you have all of your needs met. If you believe this, you’re in for a rude awakening if you ever become disabled.

The horrors persist and my awareness of them falters this day.

It Wasn't A Problem Until It Happened To Me bites y'all in the ass every fucking time. When are y'all going to get it? Wouldn't you rather NOT learn the hard way for once?

Who do people think the “who” is in “Vote Blue No Matter Who?”

Mask bans kill disabled people. It’s a eugenics tool. By others not masking in solidarity, you’re saying your comfort and convenience is more important than our lives. Abled comfort and convenience do not outweigh disabled lives and safety. Does your “we keep us safe” include disabled people?

“Saving democracy” is not the same thing as saving people.

I am begging ya'll please stop volunteering advice to disabled people when they didn't ask!

No one is immune from disability. It can happen to anyone at anytime, regardless of how 'young and healthy' you are. Stop believing you will be the exception, and start engaging in disability justice. It's far easier to fight for better support and treatment while you still have your health.

Please keep in mind that many of your disabled friends likely need more accommodations now and in the coming days. AND many of your neighbors will BECOME disabled in the coming days. Don’t wait to educate yourself on how to not be useless.

Disabled people are worthy of relationships. We’re worthy of sex. We’re worthy of being romanticized. Disabled people are worthy of love. Happy Valentine’s Day to all disabled people. 🥰

There is something very particular about having resonance with another person’s way of thinking and experiencing the world that is nearly intoxicating. I wish I could bottle the feeling because it’s like a blend of feelings that I would happily keep as my drug of choice.

I find it interesting, to say the least, that many people who love Star Wars and The Hunger Games and all of the movies and books that talk about revolution and not obeying, are also many of the same people who won’t mask. Refusing to wear a mask is the opposite of revolution.

The silence regarding disabled people and the current political situation in the US speaks volumes to me. Speak up for disabled people, we need it.

Being disabled is like having a full time job where you have to pay other people.

Lol. Liberals think the bad stuff is just starting

the way disabled people are treated by a swath of liberals is actually abhorrent like a lot of you are not making the big brained takes you think you are and i have no idea how you think you care about “community” if disabled people are not included in it

Ableism is blaming disabled people on how their needs are a burden on the system rather than blaming the system on how inaccessible things are for disabled people.

I just found out that someone I was close to who had the same disease as I do, just passed away today. One thing that isn’t talked about enough is how often the disability community grieves from those who pass away too soon due to our diagnosis. It’s a kind of grief that most don’t understand.

once you become disabled, it is wild how fast you find out how much of your value to others rests in how useful you are to them. friendships you thought you had, fans of your work, family- everyone can be disappointed and treat you like garbage once they can't extract anything from you!

#maskup #yallmasking #H5N1

“I would punch a N*zi.” Um, you won’t even wear a mask.

Wish people understood that autistic special interests are about loving deeply, caring deeply and feeling passion that consumes your entire soul, and that is a wonderful thing.

Don't forget to include disabled people in your resistance. The more revolutionary you become, the more likely you'll join the disability community. To fight back and get out alive is almost always to become disabled in some way. Disabled people know how to adapt and fight continuously. You need us.

"You're autistic and so quiet and distant" Thanks, I would like to be distant from you.

When people keep asking, “What can I do?” when referring to improving the state of the world, you can wear a mask. It’s one of the easiest ways to protect minorities and create community care. It also shows noncompliance. You want to be a revolutionary? Wear a mask!

Tiktok might as well have been banned. My feed's worse than it's ever been: sexualized women dancing, sports, Trump-humping, Jeebus praisin', and every once and a while some of the content I used to watch. Every swipe is a block or "not interested".

Hey, white disabled people, you can still be racist even though you’re disabled. Let’s celebrate Black people and not forget that if it weren’t for the Black Panthers, we wouldn’t have the ADA. Minorities who stick together, thrive together.

I am under the delusion that finding people with one interest/belief I share means they'll share all of the ones that matter to me. And it routinely baffles me that this isn't the case. I thought so many groups were "my people" only to be disappointed. Especially leftists. I thought about you when I saw this.