Things COVID has proven:
1) The job you were told couldn’t be done remotely, can be done remotely.
2) Many disabled workers could have been working from home, but corporations just didn’t want them to.
3) Internet is a utility and not a luxury.
4) Universal healthcare is a necessity.
1) The job you were told couldn’t be done remotely, can be done remotely.
2) Many disabled workers could have been working from home, but corporations just didn’t want them to.
3) Internet is a utility and not a luxury.
4) Universal healthcare is a necessity.
Unless we want every single person to live urban and expand our cities to huge populations, we need to find ways to make high speed reliable internet affordable where people live. Even 6 years ago, communities within 15 kms of Calgary had no reliable email.
Malcolm x never gets old.
Farce on Washington. Plymouth rock. Liberal fox.
This is his political football speech. Now Bernie sanders&AOC are on tour. Trying to sucker 18 million people who left the party to come back. Or sucker real leftists or potential leftists.
2) Bingo, this could solve some issues.
3) And should be taken over by the public sector, same with renewables.
4) Has been for decades. Neither party in US is willing to face this fact.
6) the most ignored and put upon people in America are integral to EVERYTHING
7) GOP views everyone as 100% disposable fodder 2 b thrown into the wood chipper, not even 2 save the economy, just 2 maintain current power structures.
At the very least
6) When community is encouraged, people support each other. Inverse true when individuality is pushed
7) Chronic illness/disability community=canaries in the coal mine & worth paying heed to.
9) we cannot trust any government or health resource
10) wear masks and get vaccinated
12) we saw we only needed 20% of the workforce to keep the society going meaning we all could live at peace wo bs jobs (on a UBI)
I was a delivery driver during. No pandemic pay. Bringing people food & groceries 4 min wage
The rise of the need of hospitals, nurses and doctors were certainly needed
Yes there was plenty of loss. (Shakes fist at character limit)
and be H E A R D.
Thank you,
(please ignore in feed)
So they want to cripple the remote work possibility.
Trump works mostly from home in Florida and plays Golf.
Funny that the clueless maga sheep couldn't see this coming..
2.Critical thinking 🤔
it's time we start acting like it 💻