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Researcher in psychiatric genetics, endometriosis, and chronic pain at the University of Barcelona. Mom of a one year old girl.
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El proper dimarts el #PCBakers dedicat a la recerca per l'Endometriosi. Totes les contribucions aniran per a l' #Endofest i per a la recerca que es fa a l'Hospital Clínic. Gràcies Bet per organitzar-ho!!!!

Women with endometriosis are more likely to experience childhood and adulthood traumas, independently of genetic predisposition. by Koller D, Løkhammer S (...) Polimanti R et 8 al. in JAMA Psychiatry #MedSky 📖 read the article:


#PCBCommunity |🔬Una #recerca amb l' aporta noves evidències sobre la relació entre l’ #endometriosi i l’impacte del #trauma. ♀️ Els resultats podrien servir per a millorar la detecció precoç d'una malaltia que afecta 190 milions de dones en el món 💜 ➕ info 👉

I am from Hungary, I have seen this before. This is Orbán’s playbook on a larger scale. He has been in power for 15 years, and among many other things, his government has taken over academic institutions. Now science is in crisis, and researchers can’t receive EU funds. Terrifying times for the US.

So happy to see this article out now and have gotten to contribute to it! Please go give it a read!

📢 Un estudi internacional en què hi participen les investigadores Dora Koller i Marina Mitjans ha trobat noves proves que vinculen les experiències traumàtiques i els esdeveniments estressants amb l’endometriosi. 🔗 Més info:

#RecercaUB | 🙍 La #UniBarcelona ha participat en un estudi que mostra noves evidències sobre la relació entre l’endometriosi i experiències traumàtiques i estressants Hi han participat Dora Koller i Marina Mitjans, de i 👉

New findings indicate a significant link between traumatic experiences and endometriosis, suggesting trauma may influence the disease's development independently of genetic predisposition.

I am so excited to share our new study published in Psychiatry! Including >240,000 women (>8,000 patients with endometriosis), we found that patients reported more childhood and adulthood traumatic experiences.

Ah, the millennial experience of “every time you get some measure of financial and career stability, the world decides to do something extraordinarily stupid again”

The NIH Office of Research on Women’s Health was created in 1990. Women’s health issues didn’t exist before then. (actually most people just didn’t care) I’m sure the website is down because we’ve solved all those problems. /s

📣 Two ERC-funded positions are available in the lab! If you are interested in exploring the mechanisms underlying mutation, we’d love to hear from you. PhD: Postdoc: RPs and shares would be greatly appreciated! 🧪🧬🖥️ #ScienceJobs #PostdocJobs

After over a week here in 🦋 it is worth making this my first post! Wonderful screening of the film + fantastic talks by #endometriosis experts at Thanks for organizing it and providing such a crucial space for so many women!

So thrilled to share that we’ve received a grant from Fundació La Marató de TV3 to advance precision therapy for endometriosis using PGx! Our aim is to move beyond the "one-size-fits-all" approach, cutting delays in finding effective treatments and reducing side effects for patients. #endometriosis

#AgendaBiologiaUB | Projecció del documental «Below the belt» i taula rodona sobre #endometriosi amb el Dr. Francisco Carmona, la Dra. i Anna Bassols. 📆 AVUI divendres 22/11 🕕 18:00 📌 Aula Magna Ramon Parés Apunta-t’hi! 👉

Our new study led by Eleni Friligkou is out on Molecular Psychiatry! Leveraging #AllofUsResearchProgram #fitbit data, we investigated how #anxiety polygenic risk and #antidepressants independently affect pulse rate variability, also when accounting for comorbidities.

HEY PARENTS IN ACADEMIA!!! What do you wish people knew about your experience and how parenting impacts you/your career/your science/etc???

Just added the 106th amazing statistical/psychiatric geneticist! Even if you have seen this starter pack before have a look, find the new people filtering in!

Come work with us to improve molecular diagnostics of miscarriage using unique data! 🧬🧬🧪2 weeks left to apply to our postdoc position in Gothenburg (2 + 1 years). Do you have a background in bioinformatics/ computational biology? Good communication skills, creative and collaborative? Apply!

A sobering empirical piece in JAMA. Homicide has long been THE LEADING CAUSE of maternal/peripartum death. Here they show: * restrictions on divorce * restrictions on abortion… both correlate with pregnancy homicide (albeit differently, depending on age/race) 🛟🩺

New here? or logged back in recently? Find your old friends in statistical and psychiatric genetics in this starter pack, ill try to update frequently, let me know if you want to be added:

Hello! I have this profile since several months, but this is my first post. I work in the intersection of women’s health, chronic pain, and psychiatric genomics. I am also interested in pharmacogenomics-guided precision medicine. I hope to find a community here!