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Theoretical Physicist
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For those who missed it, here is a splendid image of the spiral galaxy NGC 2566, captured by #JWST using the Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI). Reference➡️ Credit: ESA/Webb, NASA & CSA, A. Leroy MIRI allows scientists to observe details invisible 🔭 🧪 #extragalactic 🧵

Our devastation of nature is so extreme that reversing even a small part of it requires painstaking efforts. A scientist’s attempt to try to save one endangered ibis species demonstrates how dire the situation has become.

At the moment, mansion-sized Asteroid 2024-YR4 has a one-in-fifty chance of hitting Earth in the next eight years. Now might be a bad time to reduce spending on Science. Just sayin’.

🔭 🧪 #sciart Are there stars in your eyes? No! This is a 27-frame mosaic taken from Ojas de Salar, Atacama Desert. The eye is actually a small lagoon captured reflecting the night sky as the Milky Way arched overhead. ➡️ Author: Miguel Claro➡️

Of all the boulders pushed & polished into pebbles In this ancient desert wash By water & weathering In a moment, over a millennia I spy a ladybird beetle Change your focus, change your life.

In troubling times, people experiencing high stress or crippling anxiety deal with it in different ways. Some have a therapist, some have a deep breathing exercise & some even have a personal mantra. I have a Mabel.

Nature research paper: Global engineering effects of soil invertebrates on ecosystem functions

🔭 🧪 #cosmology 🧵 1/ A team of astronomers, by using the #JWST, has investigated the highly reddened explosive transient AT 2019abn to better understand the nature of luminous intermediate red events (ILRTs), a poorly understood class of transients that fall between novae and classical supernovae

On Being Wrong [Video; 24 min]

Poor descendants of dinosaurs.

Operation Paperclip was a secret United States intelligence program in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians were taken from former Nazi Germany to the US for government employment after the end of World War II in Europe, between 1945 and 1959. (cr. Wikipedia)

Morning Moon Slightly out of focus It is me — a poor attempt at a haiku but an honest effort of my being right now

Book review: How a boy from the Bronx unearthed the workings of the Universe

These two pictures are of the same thing – just arranged differently. — The Beehive Cluster (with nearby, nearly Full Moon moonbeams). Six-hundred-ten light years away. A Longhorn Bee ~ Melissodes genus (sleeping in a sunflower). Four inches away. — Both always live in my heart. And you do, too.

Did butterflies invent the solar panel? A few springs ago, I saw this marble butterfly (Euchloe sp.) land on the desert floor, then tilt its wings at an angle exactly perpendicular to the sun - like a motorized solar array - to efficiently warm up on a chilly morning (Mojave Desert, California). 🐙🌿

An estimated 1.5 billion people—roughly one in every five human beings—speak English, making it the most widely used language in the history of humanity. Some researchers worry about what we’re losing with its expansion.

sometime last summer sometime next summer

Hi friends, Many of you know me, some it’s the first time meeting. Here’s an introduction from last month when BlueSky has a multitude of new accounts. It’s a decent overview of my social media interactions & goals. TL;DR: daily natural wonders, always punch a nazi, good faith engagement.

🔭🧪🧵 Did you know? Millions of years in the future total solar eclipses will occur no more. In fact, due to tidal acceleration, Moon's orbit around the Earth becomes about 3.8 cm further away every year, until our natural satellite will be too far away to completely ➡️

1/N. Why antiparticles exist (a thread)

This circuit board made from leaves could help reduce the tons of electronic waste humanity produces every year. Learn more:

On Wednesday, an unprecedented memo from the International Asteroid Warning Network reached government officials. The memo said “Asteroid 2024 YR4,” first detected in late December, might hit our planet on Dec. 22, 2032.

Sunrise at the shore of the sagebrush sea and Sierran slopes. ~•~ Say it again: every act of joy is an act of resistance.

Early Sunday morning, before a cheering crowd in western Pennsylvania’s Gobbler’s Knob, the famed prognosticating groundhog emerged from his den and saw his shadow, his handlers proclaimed. That means Punxsutawney Phil has declared six more weeks of winter.

Another MastCam from Sol 4439 of a rather gnarly rock. Via Mars Curiosity Rover.

🧵 🧪 🔭 1/ This fantastic image features the Ring Nebula (M57), a planetary nebula, that is the glowing remains of a sun-like star appearing as a giant cosmic flower. Source➡️ Approximately 2,500 ly away toward the constellation Lyra, M57 is illuminated by

#classicalmusic #opera #math #physics 🎵👍

#classicalmusic #opera #math #physics I had never heard of Falco before - he looks like he could have starred in a James Bond film - but this is wonderful. 🎵😂

STUNNING new results frm OSIRIS-Rex on Asteroid Bennu!! 2 new Nature papers report: ...Among other molecules, 14 of the 20 amino acids needed by Earthly life & all 5 nucleobases for DNA & RNA! ...Salts like we've seen in the Enceladus ocean! 🔭🧪🛰️🚀📰 #planetsci Wow!

Implementing a linear collider at CERN. By Michael Peskin.

This is definitely one of the best jwst images ever... This is Uranus...💫👏💫✨💫✨💫 NASA

#math #physics #classicalmusic #opera For years I've used this placemat showing interactions among the fundamental particles of nature. But, I've never seen anything as complex as Anthony's music theory poster below. 😬

🧵 🔭 🧪 1/ This splendid shot by Jordi L. Coy (at Morón de la Frontera, a Spanish town in Seville province) shows our Moon meeting Jupiter, visually speaking of course, in mid-June 2023. Source and info ➡️ In the image, you can see Jupiter's four Galileian moons,

Did you know? A (micro) chip is called une puce, a flea, in french.

1/ 🔭 🧪 It looks like someone painted the sky with a mix of chaos & beauty in this breathtaking image released 12 July 2023 on Webb's first anniversary of the first images revealed. Source➡️ The image displays only a tiny region of the Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex,

Science George is finally here.

1/ Lightning is occurring somewhere on Earth, usually over 40 times each second, but why does a volcanic eruption sometimes create lightning? In this pic by Martin Rietze, the Sakurajima volcano, caught erupting in early Jan 2013, shows this phenomenon. Source➡️ 🔭 🧪 ⚛️

Ystrday was the 20th anniv of Cassini's 1st major flyby of Saturn's yin/yang moon Iapetus. Here's the story of Iapetus: its discovery, what Voyager saw in the early 1980s & how we on Cassini solved its 350yr old mystery. 🧪🔭🛰️🚀📰🪐 Happy New Year to you all!

Today is the 20th anniversary of our first landfall in the outer solar system. Here is my commemoration of that very special day, when the Cassini-deployed Huygens Probe descended thru the atmosphere of Titan & landed on its surface. 🔭🛰️🚀📰🧪 Enjoy!

1/ This Uranus' view was recorded by Voyager 2 on 25 Jan. 1986, as the spacecraft left the planet & set forth to Neptune. Voyager 2 was 1 million km from Uranus when it acquired this wide-angle view. Source➡️ Image Credit: NASA/JPL 🔭 🧪 #histsci #planetsci