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I'm in rural Sask and we don't have guns. People around us ask what we have and when we say "none" they get kinda squeamish and don't know what to say. It feels like saying we don't drink when we are parties haha.
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As a rural disabled person, I get it! My husband has to take full days off work for my doctor's appointments, etc. because I can't drive right now. It would be nice to at least have a shuttle service to get from my small town to the hospitals that isn't the overworked ambulances...
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Doing Harm by Maya Dusenbury covers the truth behind why we, as women, have never been studied. This is just a cycle of the patriarchy.... I hate this time line...
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You are not alone #endowarrior. If you have friends or family with this disease, know they have symptoms that are often ignored by #medicalprofessionals. It takes.years for a diagnosis. If you can attend an appt with a friend, esp. if you are #male, DO IT! It could change their life!
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Shoot. I missed that Ontario actually had their government info going through SL! Saw another thing today about him cancelling the contract and realized I missed the mark on this post! I think Sask is through SaskTel and Alberta is through Telus.
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I just rolled credits on Fae Farm. Highly recommend. Currently playing Palia, Slime Rancher and some cat Sudoku game. Looking forward to HK Island. There are so many cozy games out there! Hubby plays Nightengale, Destiny, Final Fantasy etc. Indy game Potions: A Witches Tale is worth a playthrough!
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I was diagnosed ADHD in 2020, my son diagnosed autistic in 2022, daughter screed autistic in 2024, my brother is diagnosed "Aspergers" since 2008ish. Yet we all behave similarly and all have different needs and diagnoses. Seems like it's really dependent on the diagnoser not the diagnosee.
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It is definitely a part somehow! Realizing that the symptoms are so close that many of us identify as AuDHD and that self diagnosis is valid, welcome to the club! A space where we all do weird things that are individual to us and we are all welcome anyways! It's a pretty fun club!
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Agreed. And they are SHOCKED when our disability disables us. Everyone is an ally, until you make them uncomfortable with one of your autistic traits. They will accommodate, unless it inconveniences them.
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We need to worry less about what pp is doing and focus on how we keep him from a majority. We must learn from the states and we don't have much time to learn the lessons! Watch The Handmaid's Tale first 10 episodes or any other dystopian tv show/movie, hell read the Bible. This doesn't end well.
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We need NDP and the Libs to work together to avoid vote splitting. Pull your candidates from the places you know the Libs will win. This will up the chances of a minority govt if pp wins. Libs need to do the same in NDP territory. If we can't win, we can at least work together to fight fascism!
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I look forward to reading your paper or whatever format you put it out in. This is something my husband and I are working through from our pasts. There is pain from assault in my past as well and it can be haunting. You are so brave! Thank you for keeping going even when it can be hard!
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Maybe even listing your possible causes as well. I'm going very prepared. I'll have these that apply written on paper and the fact that it impedes my daily life, my husband's life and my children.
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I'm using the Human App to track everything and then also bringing my hand written symptoms. This app lets you print full reports for pretty much everything.
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I don't know exactly because I'm hoping for this Friday. I have been told to track my symptoms and bring a MALE (husband seems to be best...), symptom list and medications you need to take to the appointment. It's a sad world we live in. Also having a doc that cares about you helps.
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I'm certain you are right. Hopefully no important people use it without a firewall. But for now, it is the only solution for people out in the country. I don't support trump/musk, but we can't cut off communications for our country until we provide an alternative. Hopefully xplor or another can grow
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We personally use Xplor at our rural home. But many of my rural neighbors don't qualify for that service and SL is the only provider that can reach their homes. SL is the only satellite provider like its kind, we could maybe force them to allow a smaller business to run off their satellites?
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So no, it's not "the government" per-say. It's the CRTC.
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My understanding is allowing SL in was in the law that forced Internet providers to allow space for smaller Internet companies to be able to take hold and the requirement for all rural spaces to have a min. 50mb internet speed by the end of '22.
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I have been given fentanyl numerous times in hospital. When morphine, toradol, lidocaine, etc. don't work and there are no more options and you are screaming in the ER bed, they want you to be okay, it helps! It shows you do rest even if only for a small amount of time. Also during surgeries.
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If she confirms my suspicion, I will have to add the chunk since mid November as well. Meaning I have to open it and keep working while being unable to think or get out of bed. It feels impossible. And who is going to read 7 pages!? Ugh.
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I have to lodge a complaint. It's 7 pages long already and causes me a panic attack to write more or edit in any way. It's been an ongoing thing since Aug 18th. I'm now thinking I have CFS as well. This could be the rest of my life now. GP appt on Friday to bring it up and hopefully get a diagnosis.
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You can also get it in BC and Alberta. Just to clarify.
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Oh my gosh! YES!! The rush and inspiration!! Thank you for sharing!! I'm going to be putting this on my sound system next for the full experience! 🎙️🎚️
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Okay! Giving it a try as we speak! I'll get back to you at the end of the song!
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This is the area I am from and you can still buy that slogan as a point of pride at many local stores. "Preserving History" they call it.
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I just posted about Tisdale, Sask! Look up their old town slogan 🫣
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I'm from the #Tisdale, SK area. Their town saying used to be "The Land of R*pe and Honey". Many still proudly wear that on their clothing/hats. The land of canola and honey just doesn't have the same ring. We are now Bee Land. We also have a VERY high #suiciderate. Sad facts. #Farmers are at risk.