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She/Her. Cis. Wearer of many hats! Lives in undisclosed location after leaving U.S. in 2017ish. Not my professional account! Opinions expressed here do not always reflect the opinion of any government office, organisation, or company that I represent.
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I'm beyond expecting the U.S. to honour any agreements, ever. Can y'all at least stop your POTUS from going on TV to demand that Zelenskyy thank him personally for aid that Biden provided? Even a decorated war hero who served on Ukraine's front lines wouldn't act so entitled—but he's a draft dodger!
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I am still way oversimplifying, but I'm attempting to condense a topic that's 120+ course hours into 300 characters. Since everyone is sexless at conception, this order makes heterosexual sex impossible! But is all sex now lesbian sex? Well, as a professional lesbian, I approve this interpretation!
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Embryos start with "bipotential gonads" which usually become Müllerian structures "by default" unless the SRY gene is present with sufficient testosterone. The presence or lack of a Müllerian structure alone does not make someone female—even when trying to force people to conform to a strict binary.
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At conception, all fetuses aren't even fetuses. They are zygotes. We've got two whole stages of development before we can talk about fetuses! Zygotes are sexless. The idea that everyone technically starts off as female is a simplification of a complicated biological topic. I'll try and elaborate: 🧵
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You can also mute words from any post using the "…" dropdown menu. Bonus reminder: to anyone who talks about mute-prone topics, please say the actual topic somewhere in your post! I shouldn't have to add 'Turnip' to my muted words list. I might want to talk about a literal turnip, someday!
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The problem is the former have large media platforms where they spout garbage with no nuance. "Don't enter burning buildings" is BAD advice for firefighters. "Ivermectin is not a cure, idiot!" is great advice to someone self-medicating cancer, but don't bring that attitude into scientific discourse.
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Some people use the word 'research' to mean 'Google these keywords'. Others—like me—use the word to mean 'scientifically-rigorous study published in peer-reviewed journals.' The phrase 'new Ivermectin research' is dangerous when misused by the former. That's how I interpreted the original post!🧵
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If that's blasphemy, I'm the devil. "Hey Dan~! Ever try OpenMW? With Tamriel Rebuilt?" *Waves mods like 'Honey I Shrank the Nerevarine' and 'Devilish Shrink Spell' around as if they're Dan-specific catnip* My fear is that a MW remake won't ever become as good as what the community did already.
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My cult is quite reasonably priced, I'll have you know! First two months tithing is free! Who can put a price on eternal happiness? I can. It'll cost $9 a month. Money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with your afterlife! Pricing is for new members and may change. Terms and conditions apply.
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"And what happened to Phill? Of course he's important! Read the author commentary! Foreshadowing! My string-laden cork board explains everything! My convoluted fan theories are NEVER wrong! The author(s) just don't want to spoil the reveal! Phill and Mark are secretly behind every plot, I tell you!"
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So there will always be comments like: "what do you mean you don't remember this specific detail from 23 years ago?" or "why didn't Hope just cast the 'modern knowledge' spell Abraham used?" or "Not canon! Posted: Apr 1st!" or "when's Nioi, Kaoli, Lord/Beta Tedd, or the demonic duck coming back?"
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The 1st curse of being an artist: staying up at night thinking "Matt and Rat are canon, but the Get Sarah to Wear a Bikini Fund has as much panel time!" The 2nd: someone will make up a bizarre allegory for your work—even if it's already allegorical. The 3rd: you will never outnerd your own fandom.
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And yes, I know this comic has more LGBTQ couples than some *actual lesbian bars* I've been to. I'd still ship Jay/Susan—she deserves happiness, dang it! So, is it Susjay or Jaysan? I only have 200 characters here. I need to know! Jay's sus enough as she is, but "Jaysan" sounds like an honorific….
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So, I clicked the pinned comment before hope-145 was pinned here…. The "then, they had babies" and "they're soulmates" replies still kinda work; even if a bit premature. The Susan/Jay ship is still incomplete in the dry docks. I only became confused after reading the one about the King liking feet!
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I am now retroactively disappointed in everyone whose profile picture doesn't have an 18-page comic strip origin story. Slackers! Uh—pay no attention to the present state of my own pfp right now. I'll get around to it!
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It's crazy here! I follow someone; I can see the posts they make in an easy-to-access feed. My Discover tab shows me interesting stuff! No need to like, comment, sub, ring the bell, fix notifications, toot the horn, and SET THE BEACONS ABLAZE to train an algorithm—which will still screw it all up.
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The MAGAs I've seen spread negativity anywhere they post. Or they post one of three images—which can be described in one word each: map, votes, wave. Spam won't broaden horizons. I don't want to hear from anyone who behaves like a mosquito that rubbed a genie's lamp and wished to become a real boy.
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"If you wear a noise-cancelling headset, you'll miss out on the vuvuzela orchestra!" No, we can listen to what we want without hearing noise. Turns out, a willingness to pay more money to a billionaire isn't a good indicator of who should be promoted. Want to be heard? Be someone worth hearing.
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This is actually Peacemaker by the French artist Goin ( The original is at the Maison de la Paix in Geneva, Switzerland. #NotEveryStreetArtistIsBanksy
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Bluesky isn’t an echo chamber; it just has better tools to cut out noise. In not-Twitter, the noise is promoted by the algorithm. It's so prevalent that people became desensitized. A flamebait post on a cat photo isn't there to reach a mutual understanding or have a debate. It's spam. Block 'em.
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I was nerd sniped by this post! I wrote a script to simulate a million attempts with your method. Should reroll both dice on duplicates to avoid a very slight bias. Simulated percentage to grab a cursed arrow, rerolling both: 77.8574% ..rerolling one: 77.8803% Actual/xkcd comic probability: 77.77%
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I've learned to enjoy being told this. I just ask politely if they'll fund it or help with grant applications. Real research is scientifically rigorous, repeatable, and published in a reputable journal. Their 'research' aggrandizes the act of watching YouTube or reading a blog. #WeAreNotTheSame
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刂 is indeed 刀. However, the odd X thing is 乂 (がい), meaning to manage or regulate. It's not used as a standalone kanji much—if at all—in Japanese, compared to Chinese. At least, I've never encountered it! It is a radical! Some radicals are just more radical than others.
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So, the blade splits (析), like an axe (斤) chopping a tree (木). Together, they form 分析—meaning analysis, or the act of breaking things into bits to understand them! Also, 自分 etymologically looks like it would mean 'nose surgery'. It means 'myself', notwithstanding a Kansai accent or certain contexts.
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Japanese etymology is Chinese etymology with extra steps! 八 started as two lines diverging, symbolizing separation. It became 'eight' due to symmetry and cultural importance—think compass directions, Feng Shui, or The Eightfold Path in Buddhism. It's a very "whole-y" number, ideal for being split.