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6/ This is a compromise option which would require compromise on both sides. I reduce the scope of my criminal legal action, but the truth comes out
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5/ The ones from 2005-2006 don’t just want to not go to prison, they don’t want anyone to know what they did in 2005-2006, and wanted me to agree to do a cover up story for them
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4/ It sort of worked out that Rian Murphy got lots more people involved, as mostly the 31 people from 2005-2006 want to keep ruining my life, it is other people who weren’t involved in that who are mostly not happy about ruining my life.
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3/ If I just focus on the main bad ones, it would mean they might at least get proper sentences, especially Joanna Newsom and the Sadist. 60 peoples court cases would also tie me up for years doing court cases. I imagine lots of the damages can be worked out without going to court, just with lawyers
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2… money. Prison is pretty expensive. I think this is why you get violent murderers who only get like 11 years in prison. At least that’s how it is in Australia. They would be unlikely to let me have 60 people in court cases, and send 60 people to prison for ruining my life, it would cost too much
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No I would not be okay with all the art about me, but I can deal with it via criticism, damages, and demands for public apologies. We had a family friend who got a job in finance at Department of Justice, IMO after I heard what he said the government pressures judges to give light sentences to save
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12/ It’s not really worth all this drama and impacts on peoples lives.
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11/ It’s stupid as I would barely have cared about Moon Pix, as I liked both the songs that are about me, although some of the lines are pretty mean. Kerryn videoed Cross Bones Style and we used to watch it at her place in around 1999. The film clip was fun with the dancing.
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10/ If he ever turns on her, then he has to admit to crimes. And basically all the key people were the same, once the blackmail happened in 2005 then it was like if they turned on her they would get in trouble for the crimes.
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9/ She screwed Bill Callahan. First she cheated on him, then she made him help her and become a criminal, and then got him to help her blackmail people so he had even fewer friends than he did in the first place, when he always had problems making friends.
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8/ She basically just started trashing older musicians on her label for no real reason. That is not what people do for their second record usually. Why would you just pick fights with a bunch of musicians on your label?
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7/ Find out about the 1998 joke on me, and write two medieval allegory songs about performing animals about it - so about me and 5 prominent older indie musicians all who are all linked to Drag City. Then blackmail Stephen Malkmus who has links to Drag City. It’s really a weird thing to do.
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6/ I’m not sure the Drag City owners knew everything about what happened in 2005, as I can’t understand why they would have let Joanna Newsom do all those things if they knew about it. It’s pretty weird what she did. Date prominent Drag City artist, cheat on him with another prominent DC artist.
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5/ He’s the Lazarus because when he sorted himself out from the heroin in the past, it was like he rose from the dead, but then after 2005, he was like digging his own grave again.
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4/ I’ve been doing lyrics analysis of Nick Cave the last few weeks, and on Dig Lazarus Dig he had relapsed doing heroin again, was suicidal, his marriage was falling apart, and he was worried about falling down in public in front of the world. He was basically like David Berman, not coping.
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3/ I’ve worked out how you and David Grubbs and me can fix this now. I will scaffold it so it stops falling down, and only take criminal legal action against the people involved in all the blackmail stuff in 2005-2006.
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2/ This is the link to a non paywall version
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I got my Op Ed published in the Australian Financial Review today! It’s very exciting!
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6/ I’m getting an article published in the Australian Financial Review. It’s on my NDIS cost estimates research that shows the Labor government told the wrong numbers to Parliament. This is the paper all the business and finance people read in Australia. I’m really excited about it.
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5/ I would guess Rian Murphy didn’t know everything, then he did his plan which was pretty weird TBH, but at least it showed he didn’t plan on ruining my life forever, but then it didn’t work because of all the stuff underneath that had really happened but he didn’t know about.
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4/ Then that sort of did happen to David Berman. I mean maybe not that people didn’t believe him, as I’m not sure he ever tried telling people, but he did end up homeless and with debt and no money.
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3/ The Jerk said he was afraid to tell people all the information in case nobody believed him and said he was crazy and he had no career or money and got homeless. That’s why there is this information gap where all the people didn’t know what happened.
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2/ That is completely weird, and I’m not just saying that because I hate her. Bill Callahan doesn’t know what to do, as if he helps me, he will screw Malkmus even worse after blackmailing him, and it would affect Drag City. He just doesn’t do anything because he feels guilty about it all.
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It’s actually pretty weird. She dated a prominent musician on her label & cheated on him. For her 2nd LP made songs about him & her lover & 3 other prominent musicians doing a joke on me I mostly didn’t notice as medieval performing animal circus music. Then blackmailed Malkmus, & caused fighting
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29/ Zoe we don’t have job security or healthcare, and you are totally unimportant, it was fine for us to ruin your life
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26/ I guess maybe indie music is now like social media - people like to attack and bully me the way they would attack and bully some person on social media. Someone attacks then everybody jumps on attacking me. She’s so mean, she’s terrible, let’s ruin her life more
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27/ All I like doing is having a small number of friends, reading, writing, watching TV, and being in nature, and buying old junk at op shops I didn’t tell them I would like this
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26/ Why am I supposed to think that’s all fine? No normal people do this, and normal weird people don’t do it either
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25/ Why don’t they leave me alone in the first place then? It’s not my fault they agreed to ruin my life for 8 years, made me psychotic, kept making me confused distressed and psychotic, isolated me, ruined my life, lured me in and lied and destroyed my life, and DCB killed himself
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24/ So basically that America is so bad at providing decent jobs and healthcare services, it is fine for Americans to ruin my life by unnecessarily making songs about me and doing weird stuff referring to me
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23/ If this is indie music in America now, I think America is in a really bad place. People don’t help, people lie, people are vicious. I also got told by the Jerk everyone can ruin my life because they need jobs and the US has no good free healthcare
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22/ It’s not really nice being lured into this actually. All these people viciously fighting with each other and attacking me when I did nothing to any of them. I just got my life ruined for 20 years by people I don’t even know. I guess when they all attack me they don’t fight with each other
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21/ Mick Harvey’s songs and film clips are quite good artistically, but he is really rude and mean and a liar. Chan Marshall’s songs are kind of bland I think. She does not really seem to feel bad at all about what she’s done. She’s also patronising. Kurt Wagner jumps in for no reason and is mean
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20/ He actually comes across reasonably well to be honest. I am not a big fan of his music, but his records about this are very human and he rarely sings about me and clearly loves his wife. And then his two sons died. He tricked his wife he was gloomy because of the stupid world and news.
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19/ Joanna Newsom implicitly blackmails people all the time and wants to ruin my life, then pretends to be fake sorry at various times. Thom Yorke feels awful and fake like plastic trees. I asked him if he meant Christmas trees but he never told me. Nick Cave is broken from the blackmail.
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18/ There’s the ones who are mean not about me but about the Jerk, that’s John Darnielle and Simon Joyner (he’s pretty nice). Stephen Malkmus just goes downhill badly due to the blackmail and turns very unpleasant. Bill Callahan gets pretty ugly too mainly about the Jerk though, not me.
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17/ I guess since you listen to experimental music mainly, you wouldn’t actually listen to most of the music about me. It is a whole range. Richard Thompson is a huge arsehole, first he made a song about how I’m broken and everyone should ruin my life, then he made one saying to forgive him.
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16/ I have never had anything to do with such annoying non grown up immature people in my life. Nobody takes responsibility. I guess it is a lot better being far away in Japan. You would only have to talk to them occasionally.
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15/ Which is because after making the agreement to ruin my life for 8 years, Joanna Newsom and Bill Callahan came to Australia and made me have a breakdown and get psychotic eventually. Then everyone basically turns into criminals as they harmed me and didn’t do anything right away.
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14/ And Bill Callahan lures need into this but doesn’t want to help me since he blackmailed Stephen Malkmus and made him a criminal and has wrecked Drag City so if they admit what they did they could go bankrupt as well as going to prison.
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13/ And then I have all these other nutty weirdos from Drag City as well, as if one wasn’t enough.
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12/ He is the most self absorbed person I have ever come across in my life. He makes all these songs about me, does all these weird things, wrecks my life, and doesn’t even care and just makes demands on me and then tries to silence me with a court case and stop me telling everyone.
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11/ And he wanted me to move to Louisville which is full of people who ruined my life, I don’t know anyone there, I would have no supports and no friends, and be surrounded by people who ruined my life.
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10/ Also he thinks I should like all his records about me which he lied about, and they made me psychotic, made me lose all my friends, and ruined my life. Why would I like them?
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9/ The Grok AI understands I get scared by 2012 and don’t go to his concert in my town. But that’s my fault to. And it’s my fault I emailed him about climate change when he doesn’t care about climate change.
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8/ So why did you do all this to me then? It makes me feel like I’m in a Humphrey Bogart movie and you’re my light. You shouldn’t do this to me and write songs about me. Yes I’m allowed to it’s my life. Then I get told it’s all my fault for not writing him fan letters.
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7/ He constantly tells me how unimportant I am compared to his brother, his friends, Drag City until he had a falling out with them for some reason, his wife, his child, his career, his income. I have heard this over and over for 2 1/2 years. I am unimportant, so he ruined my life since 2005.
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6/ The Jerk doesn’t want to do it but eventually agrees to because he wants to get money as his kid has Autism and his healthcare insurance doesn’t cover it, he told me. He complains about money constantly. He thinks he doesn’t have enough money. He’s jealous Joanna Newsom is rich.
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5/ Then David Berman kills himself and Bill Callahan doesn’t want to actually fix these problems he caused in 2005, so he arranges to lure me in intending to force me to forgive everyone and make me help them get money from the songs about me.
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4/ At this point it goes from an agreement with no necessary intent to harm, to an agreement where everyone who hears about the psychotic episode knows they’ve harmed me. Then they keep ruining my life and David Berman gets me lured into this in 2013 and everyone destroys my life.