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Attorney, gamer, and drummer. I'm here for conversation. If you ever need ammunition for countering "we're a republic, not a democracy," I'm your guy :) EricR42 on the former bird app
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I fear more that just shameful. We are watching the dimming of the shining light on a hill. Trump and Vance are killing the very soul of our nation.
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I've now gone through your myriad posts and none of them answered my question. But even your evasions are an answer. You won't or can't answer it. Yet, you hypocritically hold us to a standard you won't or can't apply to the Welsh.
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That you don't means that you really don't care about the children. For you, Palestinian "resistance" is more important. So own up.
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So while the suffering is tragic, I lay the blame squarely on Hamas for attacking Israel so barbarically. You, however, don't view this as a war. You think it's just a slaughter. If you truly cared for the children, your only consideration would be making it stop, even if it meant Hamas's surrender.
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1) I do care. I think the Palestinian people are suffering terribly because of the actions of their leadership. 2) Lol! You just don't want to even consider facts that don't fit your narrative. You have it backwards. I do want the war to end, but I recognize it as a war that must be won like WWII
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A war is still a war even if the attacker is suicidal and doesn't care about the lives of their people. And how many of those casualties are combatants? Since you lap up Palestinian propaganda, Israel somehow manages to kill only women and children. So naive.
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And now you don't believe the autopsy that showed they were strangled to death. As I said, your problem is with war in general. Yet you clearly only focus on Israel. Antisemite much?
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Really. Forgive me if I don't accept the opinions of an internet rando over the Chair of Urban Warfare Studies at West Point:
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Israel's existence is not the problem, you say? Then you're a Zionist. Welcome. Unfortunately, it is a problem for Hamas. They are dedicated to the destruction of Israel and genocide of the Jews.
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Israel left Gaza completely. Was there peace? No. The PA agreed to Oslo. Was there peace? No. They were offered all of Gaza and over 95% of Judea/Samaria (with land swaps to compensate for the difference) for a state and they said no. They demanded a right to return to Israel (a non-starter).
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Said by someone that really doesn't understand and refuses to do unbiased research. If you can point to Israeli land appropriation in Area A, I'll agree that it's wrong. Or even Area B, though that is more problematic because it's under PA civil jurisdiction, but Israeli security jurisdiction.
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Ahhh- narrative. Because feelz Trumps facts. Go research it yourself and you'll see that ALL the settlements in Judea and Samaria are in Area C. Btw, "West Bank" is a colonial occupier term coined by Jordan after they conquered Judea and Samaria in 1948 and ethnically cleansed out every single Jew.
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So I ask a second question (going through the list you still haven't answered mine): Do you vilify every war combatant in every war as you vilify Israel? Because children are killed in all wars.
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Lol- Hannibal Directive- more Antizionist 101 disinformation. But this is indeed simple- I do care- I want the war to end, and it can only truly end with the end of Hamas as viable governing entity of Gaza. Your own words damn you- you don't want the war to end if it doesn't end on terms you want.
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I've answered this question already. I see a boatload of responses from you. Do any of them ever answer my question to you? I guess we shall see...
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As for the settlements, Israel uprooted all the Jewish settlements in Gaza 2005 and withdrew, hoping for peace. Was there? No. They elected Hamas, whose very Covenant calls for the genocide of Jews and destruction of Israel, and they fired 1000s of missiles over the years. So Israel embargoed.
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And if they wanted to live in peace, there would've been peace long ago. Did you know that in 1972, Palestinian residents of Gaza, Judea/Samaria, E Jerusalem, and Israel could travel freely. Despite Munich. The Yom Kippur War. Terrorism. Until 1991, after the 1st intifada. Israel had had enough.
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Lol! You say I'm making stuff up, and then in the next sentence, you prove my point. Why should they surrender you ask? To save lives! The war would end instantly. Like it or not, Israel will not allow Hamas to endanger its people. So to end the war, Hamas has to surrender. But you don't want that.
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This is a war. The U.S. engaged in total war against Germany and Japan, ending with atomic bombs after Japan attacked a military installation and killed military personnel. Did the Allies "murder" all those German and Japanese civilians? If you think so, then your problem is war in general.
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And… he blocked me. I guess his cognitive bias couldn’t handle the conversation.
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You don't have any interest in learning actual history. I can more than match you with the atrocities committed by the Arabs against the Jews both prior to and after 1948. But I won't waste my time because your cognitive bias won't allow you to consider them.
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So then you would be happy if Hamas surrendered?
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You have such a skewed view of history. Have you even read The Meaning of Disaster by Constantin Zureiq? Antizionists love to scream "Nakba" but I have yet to find one that actually read where it came from. I have. He didn't blame the Nakba on the Jews- he blamed Arab leadership.
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The Allies killed many German and Japanese children, redrew maps, and destroyed homes. Yet I wouldn't have wanted us to prematurely end the war and allow Hitler or Tojo to rebuild their militaries. I hate that innocents pay the price for the evil of their leaders, but that's the nature of war.
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You really don't know anything. So in your mind, a bunch of Jews decided, "Hey, let's go to a place that will REALLY oppress us. How about Poland?" Our scattering was not by choice. But in any event, where did those Jews come from?
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Did you miss "starting with"? If you cared to learn Jewish history, you'd know how the Diaspora was forced on us over the millennia. How we were ethnically cleansed from our home, prevented from returning, and persecuted wherever we landed (with occasional exceptions).
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No, that would be you. I am horrified at the toll this war has taken and want it to end. But you would rather Hamas fight to the last Palestinian child than advocate that they surrender to save their people.
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The overwhelming majority of Jews are Zionists. It’s fundamental to both our religion and heritage as a people. So saying you hate Zionists means you hate the overwhelming majority of Jews. Except for the token self-hating ones, because you can’t divorce Eretz Yisrael from what binds us as a people.
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lol! So in your mind, one day, they magically appeared? A completely genetically distinct ethnic group? Who were then oppressed and ghetoized for being “other”? That’s what you are going with? You know nothing about us.
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And he blocked me. This is the fact of social media. Instead of being a great marketplace of ideas where truth would be distilled, it’s just a place where people can find like minds and entrench behind their cognitive biases.
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Maybe you’re talking about the word Palestine? If so, what about it? Palestine is the Anglicization of Palaestina (Roman). The region used to be the Roman province of Judea, but after our Bar Kochba revolt, they changed it to Syria Palaestina in an attempt to erase its Jewish identity.
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lol. You are really off the deep end. I’m not avoiding any words (except profanity). I really don’t know what you are trying to say. If I am not using a word you want, it’s likely because I disagree with you about it.
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I see a picture of a person holding a tree. It is intended to convey a message. Hence, it’s the definition of narrative.
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If you believe that (and maybe it’s true, but I doubt it) then you should blame them for starting this war. The Nazis and Japanese dictatorship started WWII, but the German and Japanese people paid terribly for it. Yet I don’t blame the Allies for fighting it.
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I’m not sure what you’re trying to say, or how it is relevant to my post. I will say that Palestinians themselves didn’t identify as “Palestinians” until the 1960s. They identified as Arabs. That’s because prior to 1948, Palestinians meant Jews.
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That’s narrative, not history. We’ve always been present, despite massacres and ethnic cleansing. And we purchased the land. Even the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem admitted to the British Peel Commission that we didn’t steal any land. But the Arab response to increased Jewish immigration was massacre.
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Most definitely. You can’t spin your way out of the fact that Israel is stronger than ever. Even had positive GDP since the war. The Arab war of annihilation and massacre promised by the Arab League Secretary General in 1947 failed, and now they are making peace. So yeah, you live in a fantasy.
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lol! You can’t even keep your own narratives consistent. So now you’re saying Hamas is defending a death camp. The truth is, you’re perfectly happy for Hamas to fight to the last Palestinian child. Hamas’s surrender would’ve saved so many lives, but you’re happy to sacrifice them in a futile war.
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And now you’ve demonstrated your utter irrelevancy. Keep living in your fantasy world. The rest of us in the real world don’t care about your nonsense.
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So much wrong with that comment. Let’s start with the fact that most Palestinians don’t consider Gaza their country. They’re registered as refugees. Even Gaza City is a registered refugee camp. They don’t want Gaza, they want Israel. If they thought Gaza their country, there’d been peace long ago.
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You don’t understand us. We will make deals with the devil to save Jewish lives. Just like Israel is doing now with Hamas for our hostages. That’s what Havaara was- a hostage deal to get Jews out of Germany.
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Where do you think the Jews from Poland came from? They didn't just magically appear one day. The ancestors of Diaspora Jews were forcibly exiled by various colonial occupiers, starting with the Babylonians.
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No, Israel will keep fighting a war and children will tragically die, just like children die in all wars. But you are perfectly willing for Hamas to fight to the last Palestinian child so long as you get to vilify Israel. Loathsome.
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Hamas killed many children in Israel. They killed the Bibas children. No Jews are allowed in Gaza, except for hostages. Their very Covenant calls for the genocide of Jews. How many posts have you devoted to calling out the genocide and apartheid of Hamas? Or is it just Israel, the one Jewish state?
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The real evil is you. It's you that wants to see more Palestinian children die. You claim that Israel is evil and genocidal. So why aren't you advocating for Hamas to surrender? The war would've ended immediately. No, you want Hamas to keep "resisting," knowing Israel will keep fighting.
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Area A was agreed to be under PA civil and security jurisdiction. Area B was PA civil and Israeli security jurisdiction, and Area C was Israeli security and civil jurisdiction. The lands used for settlements are in Area C. The PA complains, but that's what was agreed to.
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And I have yet to see any actual legal justification for claiming the land "occupied territories" when Israel never formally renounced it. It was conquered by Jordan, who never had a legal right to it and recovered by Israel in 1967. Regardless, both Israel and the PA agreed to 3 Areas, A, B, and C.
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And firing missiles into Israel isn't a recipe for peace. It's a recipe for embargo to prevent weapons imports that are used to attack Israel. As for Judea & Samaria, most land is public land. Palestinians never had sovereignty over it. It was within the Mandate borders of the Jewish national home.
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Israel had completely withdrawn from Gaza in 2005 and removed Jewish settlements. When there was optimism for peace, Israel even invested in an international airport in Gaza. But the people elected Hamas as their gov't, who is literally sworn to Israel's destruction. It's right in their Covenant.
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If 1 Hamas terrorist is in a building hiding a cache of multiple missiles, Israel is warranted in bombing that building even if there are a dozen civilians present, because those missiles could potentially kill hundreds of Israelis. The IDF has no obligation to put its soldiers in harm's way.