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Free thinker, retired soldier, adherent of real and meaningful democracy. MBE (UK, 2020), M.S.M. (Canada, 2022).
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Mark Rutte, how low can you go. If you would have been even slightly concerned about your credibility, you could at least have directed your appeal to the two presidents. Shame over you!

Schande, Marc Rutte! Hoe ver kan iemand zijn broek afsteken?

Craig Unger, an American journalist and writer who has written two books on Trump’s connections to Russia’s security services and the Russian mafia, says he is "absolutely certain" that the U.S. president is a Russian asset. The Kyiv Independent sat down with Unger to hear what makes him so certain.

❗️🇩🇪Rheinmetall plans to convert two of its car plants in Germany into military production — Reuters

JFYI #UkrainianView

President Krasnov!

Please share this fact sheet on Ukraine with anyone who needs it

The Russians are increasing their aggression because they know that their Main Enemy, the United States, is about to surrender. Russia is in the process of defeating the United States: Moscow will have successfully imposed its will on America. A huge triumph for Putin. Endless shame for America.


"Gerolf Annemans (Vlaams Belang) snapt "hysterie" rond Trumps uitspraken niet: "Dit was gewoon een openingszet" Uiterst rechts wil ons wel radicaal ontvoogden van België gaat, maar organiseert tegelijkertijd steeds heel enthousiast de uitverkoop van Vlaanderen en Europa aan Rusland, China en de US.

Eindelijk een Stafchef die durft zeggen waar het op staat!

Interesting read - 'Conspiracists are about to get a dose of reality'

I hope America is as lucky as the delta jet - everyone survives but the right wing explodes

A critical moment for Europe — will it stay “relevant” on the world stage, or will it sink further into division and passivity?

Caricature on recent events

‘The US Is Doing Russia’s Work’ Say Ecstatic Propagandists | "Putin’s mouthpieces are in a lather of excitement over the US administration’s willingness to make a deal to their liking."


As the US are no longer an ally anymore, maybe Europe could make a fair deal with China: we will not agree with the reunification of China with Taiwan, and China supports us in Ukraine becoming member of the EU and of a future Western Defense Alliance, which excludes the US.

Signed! Let's help Denmark to buy California

In addition: Ukraine is Europe, not Russia, nor America! #StandwithUkraine

US has proved to be no trusthworthy ally at all. EUR + CAN should create a strong independent, non-imperialist pillar in NATO or a parallel defense organisation outside NATO, with own nuclear deterrent and excluding the despicable US bullies. If we have the guts, we can stand on our own in 10 years.

Wanneer België ooit zal beslissen dat het ook behoorlijk materiaal zal aankopen, staat het wis en zeker achteraan de wachtlijst.

Straf toch, geen plaats voor West-Vlamingen in de federale regering, ondanks de 9 te verdelen Vlaamse topjobs (zeven ministers, Kamervoorzitter, Eerste Minister). West- Vlaanderen tweede klasse- provincie?

If the Belgian Army really wants to be taken serious, it needs this, in stead of the French Dinky Toys it recently bought. 100 years of mismanagement of our Land Forces and counting ... How depressing.

Defensie heeft haast geen rijdend gepantserd materieel meer. Gevolg van teveel politieke stiefmoederlijke behandeling en foute operationele keuzes door teveel te willen doen met te weinig materieel.

Sarah C. Paine hits the nail. The strongest asset of the Chinese is their almost endless patience. Putin is the rabbit, obsessed by the Ukrainian light box. Meanwhile, he can't nor want to see the poker-faced hunter behind the box.