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Sorry, it’s called paying the consequences for your voluntary decision. They knew what 45 promised to do & didn’t care. Why should people feel sorry for them now?
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I see nothing wrong with any of the other messages - especially Jeffries’. I’m not going to knock anyone for calling out the other side simply because they’re not dumbing down their language enough.
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I know you hate words, but they do have meaning. You used a picture of a gravesite to prove a point. So when I say you “used” them, I’m USING the term correctly.
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Good. Part of the reason many came to BlueSky is to get away from the toxic discourse on Twitter. If you can’t debate people nicely, maybe don’t do it at all.
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I asked why you’re following someone you clearly despise. That’s not policing who you can follow, but asking a question. What promises did she break that she had any power to grant? Maybe don’t post on a public forum if your knickers get so easily twisted over questions.
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I love that you’re like ‘what names did I call her’? Then in the very next sentence point out you called her a grifter. And you referred to her as a joke. Truth to power? What power does she have?
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Feel free to make that list. I’m just fine not being bloodthirsty or thinking I can look down my nose at those who aren’t. And, of course, you ignore my point that those veterans you like to use as an example also believed in lawful means.
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If you’re talking about war veterans pretty sure they believed in law and order, too. *gasp* I don’t think bloody violence is the answer to all the world problems. Silly me.
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I don’t think she has anything to do with alleged empty promises. You can see posts from people you disagree without following them. It seems like you’re just following her so you can harass her and call her names for thinking differently than you.
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Just because words are involved does not mean that all it involves is words. That’s such a myopic, weird way to look at it. What is your brilliant solution? Violence - though I guess that’s just words too if someone opens their mouth to speak while doing it.
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Okay Mr. Condescending. Your nasty attitude isn’t necessary. Perhaps you haven’t seen even one of the hundreds of Law & Order episodes. You know that part that comes after Law? Arresting someone, trying them in a court of a law is more than just words.
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Those who are “preaching” law and order are not saying words are the solution.
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How are you “up against” this person?
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Why are you still following her then?
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LOL sure. Most people who live in reality know he tried backwards and forwards to forgive student loans and was always overruled. And he committed no genocide. The people who served up the country to 45 are people who wanted to punish Biden by either voting for 45 or a stupid protest vote.
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My festive Dexter
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Exactly. And her parents just let her run around in the city hoping to get lucky & score VMA tickets. Then adults think that getting a teenager to sign a legal document will somehow be binding. She’s trapped with 3 adults & somehow got away to run to a gas station. It sounds sketchy as hell.
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I’m sorry the word “alleged” broke your brain. LOL. That was a lot of words to say “I don’t have an actual point I can defend.” I don’t have a crush on Jay-Z. I’m just not rushing to judgment with no evidence like you.
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LOL you’re hilarious. You posted a picture of Beyoncé in jail but somehow have an issue with me not liking “beautiful” Beyoncé? I don’t really care if you think my reason is stupid. I said I didn’t like her, not that I loathed the woman.
And you do know what the word “alleged” means, right?
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Oh fuck off. Normally, I wouldn’t stoop down to the level of an idiot like you, but don’t you dare accuse me of defending child rape simply because I have a brain & you don’t. He did scream his innocence. Your brain is too thick to process it without simple words.
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Aw, you think saying “bless your heart” is some kind of burn. How simple-minded of you. It’s not my job to educate you on how to read. See people don’t have to say “I’m innocent” to express their innocence. Saying the idea he’d do something so repellant sickens him sounds like I didn’t do it to me.
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LOL because I don’t watch “all the awards shows” that means I’m living under rock. And, no, it was not jokes about at all the awards shows. Pretty sure child rape is not joked about at awards shows. His whole statement was screaming he’s innocent. He was dragging the lawyer not the alleged “victim.”
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Aww, you think you’re making a point. You said “clearly he’s not a good guy”. That’s why I asked if you know him. I’m not saying Beyoncé’s clearly a bad person. Hell, most of the reason I don’t like her is because of her crazy fans.
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Thanks for the advice. I really needed it. 🙄 What exactly are you referring to them when you say “this isn’t new” ?
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I don’t even like Beyoncé so I’m not sure what point you’re trying to get across with that lovely never gonna happen manip.
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Who’s Frances? This isn’t new? I’m sorry he’s been accused of child abuse before?
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What huge leaps with no evidence. How do you know who knew what about Diddy? & him not suing his accuser (which we don’t know that he won’t) doesn’t mean he’s guilty. In fact, when people accused sue their accusers they’re accused of trying to intimidate the “victim.”
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Isn’t that what he said? He said they should be trying to charge him criminally instead of just going for the money. And, if he’s a child abuser why was her attorney willing to make this all go away if he paid them?
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You can’t? You know him personally?
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All of their reasons are asinine but that last one is just….I’m not even sure fantasy land covers it accurately. What could possess someone to think Mr. ‘I’ve had 10 years to think of ways to make healthcare more affordable and all I have is a concept of a plan’ is going to take on corporations?
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On Christmas Day - Home Alone 1&2, A Christmas Story, Scrooged, Muppets Christmas Carol
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All pillowcases
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What world are you living in? You do realize the election is over now & a mad man has now won the election? If that hadn’t happened the pardon probably wouldn’t have happened. Which gets back to my point that I applaud Biden’s decision & have no issue with it.
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Okay. Ending a war is super easy. Thanks for your expertise and knowledge. Can’t wait for you to get into government and implement this super easy plan of yours.
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It’s pretty obvious that this is a complex situation & time. When Biden said he was going to partially stopping sending weapons he was strung up in the media as being anti-Semitic. It’s also pretty obvious Netanyahu had no interest in negotiating so he can help himself & 45.
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Do I seem like an expert? Because I live in reality and know that ending a war & a conflict that’s been going on for decades isn’t easy peasy? You really think I need to work in the State Department to know that?
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You being a corporate solicitor doesn’t mean you have any idea how a negotiation like this works or what’s been happening BTS. & thank you so much for your dripping condescension
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And the reason why they haven’t stopped is complex.
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I’m not the one pretending I have all the answers. Saying it’s complex is living in reality.
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He’s not supporting genocide. I can defend Biden as much as I want. If you don’t care then stop trying to force your opinion down my throat.
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Yes, he is the man I think he is. And, I’m not taking the word of someone who probably doesn’t have the first clue how negotiations like this work. It’s certainly not as simple as you’re making it sound.
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Why do you seem to have an inability to respect other people’s boundaries? I’ve told you repeatedly I’m not debating the genocide claim. But you’ve some weird insistence on being righteous. Call me a genocide denier all you want. Your OPINION means nothing to me & you don’t get to define what I am.
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The lack of a ceasefire in Gaza is not for lack of trying on the Biden administration. Great, now you have a problem because this ceasefire is “shaky.” Have you ever been involved in negotiations over a war? I’m not sure where you’re getting the idea any ceasefire is a “simple” solution.
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LOL sorry you don’t like the tit for tat.
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Golly, Gee, Jay I’m so sorry. I should learn my place & not dare question your vast knowledge & expertise. If you declare something is a genocide, people should shut up and just agree.
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Now I’m a monster because I don’t agree with your simple-minded stance. Okay.
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Right because only your opinion and evaluation of a situation is valid. Please keep telling yourself that.